VTA for a Dynavector 20X2L

Anyone have recommendations for the optimum VTA for the Dynavector 20x2? It's not that easy to adjust my tonearm so I want to start with a base of experience. Thanks.
Here'a an inexpensive method of finding out whether everything's on the level: (http://www.ebay.com/itm/complete-set-of-spirit-levels-for-vinyl-playback-/161864630246?hash=item25afe23fe6)
SME arm is a good place to start. And then you'll forget about most if not all Dynavectors.
Sorry, couldn't help it.
Sometimes its very difficult to find what horizontal is. The SME V prints a horizontal line on the arm...very useful. The are arms that are not all that easy. Horizontal is a good place to start if it can be found.
Rodman99999, that's a great link you provided to the Jon Risch article. It really cuts through a lot of the mumbo-jumbo often associated with cartridge alignment.

And you are right, of course, that our hobby should be fun. Otherwise, what's the point of it all?

I think Risch's real pièce de résistance on phono cartridge alignment is the article "More than one VTA" (also a shared credit with Maier) which was published in the March, 1981 edition of Audio magazine. It's worth seeking out in a library. It's a more detailed article than the one you linked, and includes drawings that make the geometry explicitly clear.
You might find this article informative/instructive: (http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/vinyl/messages/1240.html) This hobby SHOULD be fun!
@Austinbob- Not to be contentious, but- while having the tonearm parallel with the record is always THE place to start, VTF(too much or too little) can take VTA/SRA out of optimal angle easily. The Dyna's compliance of 12x10-6cm/dyn, isn't terrible low(not stiff). By all means- start with the tonearm parallel, but also take a close look at your stylus, and attempt to adjust it perpendicular to the record groove, assuming you're not trying to achieve the(purportedly) optimum 92 degree SRA(which can be much more involving). Of course- the last step should be spinning vinyl, making adjustments and letting your ears be the final arbiters. Happy listening!
The OP requested an optimal starting point for VTA. M18764ag's response was spot-on and I (who adjust VTA/SRA for every LP that I play) second it wholeheartedly. Wise guidance adapts to the situation and needs of the audience.

Cleeds' response was a non-sequitar and its haranguing, lecturing tone unproductive. One can wax enthusiastic and demonstrate one's knowledge without insulting other posters.
The difference between being almost right, and being right is enormous. Be mindful of every parameter of tonearm setup to fully appreciate what it can do. It might take a month of tinkering with all the adjustments, but to get it right should be your objective.
Cleeds: instead of being passive aggressive�you could have expounded upon my comment. He asked about vta�am I to assume he has no other knowledge of tuntables? Should I also tell him how to counterbalance an arm. He asked about vta, not azimuth etc. If he has a rega or one of dozens of otherarms, he has no control over azimuth. With all else being equal�all he needs to do is get the arm parallel to the record. End of story.

It's guys like you that make so much out of minutiae�that unnecessarily scare people away from analog.
10-24-15: Ml8764ag
Just get tonearm as close to parallel (with stylus on record) and you've nothing to worry about.

Really? So azimuth and overhang aren't at all important? Correct VTA/SRA even when using a narrow profile stylus simply requires a pickup arm to be parallel - more or less - with the record?

You don't think use of an alignment gauge is required?

Do you not suggest users employ a tool such as the Feickert protractor ... or better?
Just get tonearm as close to parallel (with stylus on record) and you've nothing to worry about.