VTA for a Dynavector 20X2L

Anyone have recommendations for the optimum VTA for the Dynavector 20x2? It's not that easy to adjust my tonearm so I want to start with a base of experience. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by ml8764ag

Just get tonearm as close to parallel (with stylus on record) and you've nothing to worry about.
Cleeds: instead of being passive aggressive�you could have expounded upon my comment. He asked about vta�am I to assume he has no other knowledge of tuntables? Should I also tell him how to counterbalance an arm. He asked about vta, not azimuth etc. If he has a rega or one of dozens of otherarms, he has no control over azimuth. With all else being equal�all he needs to do is get the arm parallel to the record. End of story.

It's guys like you that make so much out of minutiae�that unnecessarily scare people away from analog.