VTA for a Dynavector 20X2L

Anyone have recommendations for the optimum VTA for the Dynavector 20x2? It's not that easy to adjust my tonearm so I want to start with a base of experience. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by cleeds

10-24-15: Ml8764ag
Just get tonearm as close to parallel (with stylus on record) and you've nothing to worry about.

Really? So azimuth and overhang aren't at all important? Correct VTA/SRA even when using a narrow profile stylus simply requires a pickup arm to be parallel - more or less - with the record?

You don't think use of an alignment gauge is required?

Do you not suggest users employ a tool such as the Feickert protractor ... or better?
Rodman99999, that's a great link you provided to the Jon Risch article. It really cuts through a lot of the mumbo-jumbo often associated with cartridge alignment.

And you are right, of course, that our hobby should be fun. Otherwise, what's the point of it all?

I think Risch's real pièce de résistance on phono cartridge alignment is the article "More than one VTA" (also a shared credit with Maier) which was published in the March, 1981 edition of Audio magazine. It's worth seeking out in a library. It's a more detailed article than the one you linked, and includes drawings that make the geometry explicitly clear.