VPI Industries---Love the Company as Much as their Turntables

I'm starting this thread because I just purchased my 4th VPI turntable. I started with a Cliffwood base model and kept working my way up the ladder until I recently purchased a Signature DS with the Analog Drive System (ADS). Over the years I have owned at least a dozen turntables ranging from a Thorens (TD145 MKII) to Rega Planars 3 through 8, and as I was contemplating a Rega P10, I looked at my VPI Prime in its stealth black and the MNPC Tech chrome feet and decided to slap on an old Ortofon  Quintet Bronze Cartridge and began listening---WOW--I missed the VPI sound. I started tweaking the Prime and realized why I had moved on to Rega--great tables but lacked the raw power that a VPI table properly set-up can do.

After a few months ignoring the P8, I decided to contact Mat Weisfeld the current family audio guru at VPI, thinking I could upgrade my Prime with their new gimbal tonearm and signature base. Over the years I have met Mat ay several different vinyl and audio conventions--I have even been to the factory in Cliffwood, New Jersey on two occasions. Mat is a high energy brilliant man who understands the visceral power of quality music reproduction. he's also one of the most accessible CEO's I have ever encountered in any industry. Anyway, he e-mails me back and says forget upgrades, I'll take your Prime in trade and outfit you with a new Signature DS. Since the factory is just up the NJ Turnpike from Philly, I drove up to see him.

The fellow that built my table, Howie was just packing it up when I arrived. What a beautiful piece of art this is!! The Rosewood finish sandwiched between a shiny metal plate is amazing. The new gimbal tonearm has an amazing musical replay ability and the new HW-40 feet isolate any extraneous noise. Is a fully rigged turntable (cartridge, ADS controller, Signature TT) pushing $10K a great value?

I think it's a veritable bargain--if you properly adjust the VTA, align the cartridge, the Azimuth and add a 1 to 3 inch solid wood base as recommended, this TT sounds better than anything I have ever owned.and in my opinion, properly set up is 'As Good As it Gets"--Good times and noodle salad.

The TT is great, but the real value is VPI itself. A family owned business run by passionate audiophiles as well as employees who are proud of the products they produce. That is the real bargain.

I started this thread to see what experiences others have had--to me a great piece of kit entertains you for sure, but a company that is service and job 1 is priceless.. 


Perhaps you were in the wrong booth. The “VIP” booth at any show is bound to be manned by snooty people.

Very little experience with them, but when I went looking for something INCREDIBLY minor, they got right back to me and sent the part no charge. The mark of a great company...plus their products are great.

I have a VPI classic 1 which I bought used from a relative that has a Uni pivot arm, which I am pretty sure it came with the table. Also has a transfiguration Axia cartridge and I don’t know what the mileage is on it because I don’t know when it was purchased. I do know that transfiguration is out of business now. So I’m wondering how I can tweak this table reasonably and get better sound. It doesn’t sound bad, but I’m thinking it can sound better, I say this because my first foray back into this crazy music playing/building game A few years ago, I bought an old vintage technics quartz table and put a Grado Green cartridge on it. In someways I believe it sounds as good or better than the VPI. So as one with a lot of experience with VPI, what do you think? Any suggestions for better tone arm or cartridge? I’ve read somewhere where someone suggested getting rid of the unit-pivot tone arm.

Weak spot of VPI TTs is their tonearm wiring concept where tonearm cable is attached to the moving Female Bearing assembly and at other end the cable connected to unnecessary Lemo Connector with extra unnecessary contacts. Those complications make whole system weak.

I check that my VPI is in proper alignment and in years have not adjusted anything......what are you people adjusting??   Mine is rock solid   The arm has 2nd pivot attached....the speed is fine....etc......