VPI forum

 VPI Forum...I've tried to join more than once and I can't get an activation email. In the help section, it suggests contacting an administrator, but the admin mailbox is full and, as far as I can see, one has to log in to contact the admin within the forum...Catch 22. Can anyone help me muddle through this?

Dear Secret-vinyl, Since your question has nothing to do with this thread, it behooves you to start your own thread.  And that will benefit you as well, because more people will see your question.  If you do so, you might consider providing much more detail, like, to begin with what "machine" are you talking about? No harm done, and no worries.

HI - new to this website. I posted elsewhere, but repeat my post here in case any one can assist. 

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I purchased an unused machine secondhand (the guy died before using this, and his estate simply wanted to sell it on). Well, on getting this home, it worked fabulously for about ten LPs, then power failed. I'd treated the machine with the utmost care, drained the excess fluid etc.

I discovered that the onboard fuse had blown, since replaced. The main fuse in the plug was also replaced, though had not blown. But both switches (vacuum motor, and platter) still fail to switch on. What, I ask, could cause both to fail? 

Sounds like a phone call is the straightest line...I'll do that.
Thanks, everyone...
VPI does not have an Audiogon account.  They are responsive to phone calls more than emails.
Give them a call and convey the problem you're having. I've used their forum, plus called them a few times also. They've always answered the phone and have been responsive either way. The owner even will answer questions posted to him on the forum. Their number is on their site.

The facebook forum is quite active and Mat will respond there. There are a couple of exceptionally skilled non employees who are often more helpful than VPI is. 
@ Tablejockey...I understand and agree...Thanks...

@Stereo5...Thanks...I'll try that approach...

If you have a Facebook presence, direct yourself to VPI Facebook page, click on like and following and you can post a message in one of Matt's latest posts.  That was the way I had to get in 2 years ago because the mailbox was always full.  It should work as it worked for me.
I meant you can at least get an idea of your situation, by the many VPI owners here. Some, not all suggestions, are actually helpful.

I'm not sure I understand your answer...Are you saying that Audiogon would be a better place for VPI related comments and questions?