Upgrade Digital Cable Review

I always try and focus in on the weakest link in my overall system. Sometimes an upgrade at that point doesn't take a ton of cash. Knowing the weakest link is however can be an elusive assignment. This time I determined the digital interconnect between my DAC and CD transport got the attention. I had the 75 ohm Analyses Plus Black digital acquired on the cheap. So after having success with several down line tweaks from Mad Scientist in New Zealand, I decided to purchase their Black Magic ULTRA Digital cable. SUCCESS!! Big improvements...let me count the ways....first my wife from the kitchen says, "Hey there's more bass!" True enough but it was like also a half octave lower and more defined. But, before I bore you with audiophile superlatives, the entire presentation is impressively better. Do you ever make a change in your system and say, "WOW, now that helped everything?" Not 'clearer" but beyond that. The system has more depth, detail, more cohesiveness. Highly recommended! (Mad Scientist- New Zealand)


These guys  build superb digital products in the upper Audiophile quality range.


Digital cables is where to start upgrading, specially if you think cables don't make a difference. 

Would Audioquest Coffee digital cables make a difference over the Cinnamon variety I am using now/ What cable under $800 does anyone recommend?

any digital cable that is OCC single crystal will be far superior to anything OFC, I use the harmonic technology magic digital ll and it has copper and silver OCC in it very natural and musical.