Unplugging preamp, amp and cable while music is playing

I’m wondering what typically happens if you turn off the 1) preamp, 2) the amp, or 3) speaker cable while music is playing, say you accidentally stripped on the power cable of your preamp, amp or the speaker cable and they broke. Does any of these condition will cause any damage to any component for modern equipments? 


Why would anyone do this? It clearly states In most user manuals not to do so, plus it's common sense. 

Yup MC. If I wouldn't have seen it with my own EYE, I would have said it was straight out of Charly Chaplin flick. Except they didn't have cell phones. :-)

If I were you, I'd make sure this doesn't happen ever, could be expensive. The amount of damage is dependent on the amount of rms power you have and which equipment is turned off or cable unplugged first.

Extra big pooper. I like kicking the wall plugs out too. I like when people jump start a car leave the battery charger hooked up and back up until they drag everything across the shop AS they talk on their cell phone, paying attention to NOTHING, including the little harpy on the phone screaming for their child support.


Party pooper, just do it and see for your self a couple of time. Scare the heck out of the cat, leave a big ol pile of hair behind. POOF, gone.. Dog starts barking.. Blow the main fuse standing in the dark as the house catches on fire. Where is your sense of OF being a little crazy. Grab the mail lady and dance a little bit.. 

That's right, HAT on the floor, as I slowly walk around the hat to the beat of the music and my stinky smelly faithful dog follows me to the beat of the music. THEN I stop stomp my foot (twice) and back slowly to the beat as the dog (that got skunked AGAIN last night) watches me..

Olay Amigo, In my best Texas Draw with a slight inflection of my grandmothers wonderful Gaelic accent. Joy to the World a GOOD SEASON and REASON to be alive... AY???

Merry Christmas


MC trying to be funny as TB posts can be of a sexual nature. 

I Robot.

MC mentions tube buffer, yet I don’t see anything from that person in this thread.  What am I missing?

Not a good idea to mess with cables if the power amp is powered up. You can easily ground the input and put a high volume BLAAAT through your speakers.  

Usually the worst that will happen is you hear a disturbingly loud awful thump or pop or other scary sound. But usually no harm but to your pride. The big exception being tube amps, where if you were to disconnect a speaker cable while playing and not notice and shut the thing down right away has the potential to literally smoke your amp. 

"say you accidentally stripped on the power cable"

In this case I would say good one, tubebuffer.