Uneven sound comiing from my B&W DM630s


I recently noticed that the sound coming from my left speaker is more prevalent than the right.  I'm currently using the B&W's with a Mid 80's 50 watt Denon receiver and a new Technics 1500C Turntable.

So, I switched the cables going to the Denon and the sound is much more even.

Does this sound like a receiver issue?

I'd appreciate any suggestions/help.



The brush that came with the TT worked after trying one from the local record store which did not.

I figured it out.

It was a dirty stylus.  Had to get the magnifying glass.

Boy do I feel dumb.


Great call yogiboy. I didn’t know you could bypass the built in phono amp.

try all things till you get it right.

‘Joe Nies

"When I turn the nob to the balance on the left speaker"

if you switch cables to the speakers, does it switch the speaker's behaviour too? If so, your amp has a bad circuit, transistor, etc. the amp clearly is the issue


Also, 80s and Denon are not a good combination.

You should try the Denon phono section and see if you like that better than the Technics built in phono!


BTW - I cleaned the needle with the brush that came with the cartridge and it sounds MUCH better.


If you are using the phono on the Denon you have to switch the phono on the Technics to off. Is that how you are using it?

Yes old dirty worn out albums can be a problem. Please try and clean your albums. Look at your cartridge to see if you have gunk on the needle. Is the imbalance just on your old dirty albums?

I’m a fanatic about cleaning my albums. I have albums that are 50+ years old that sound very good, once cleaned.

 I still think you have a problem with your balance control.

Recheck your cartridge alignment, over hang, azimuth and anti skate.

‘Don’t give up. You will eventually get it corrected.

‘Joe Nies

BTW - Sketches Of Spain?  Night and Day.

Major difference with the TT vs. CD player.

I tried playing both cd and vinyl of Miles Davis Sketches of Spain.

Then just Kind of Blue


Rush's Fly By Night which was drastically different than it sounded before.

I'm guessing it's the needle. If not then something internal in the TT.

I've got a 90 day warranty on the Denon which I had serviced about a month ago.

They were supposed to fix the balance issue.



Sounds like you have more than one problem. When you hooked up your CD player did you use the cable that is coming from your TT or did you use a different cable ? If you used the cable from your TT then one of your issues is the TT. Does the imbalance happen with all albums? Not all albums are created equally. Sometimes you need to use the balance control to compensate for the imbalance. That’s what the balance control is for.

‘Per your description of your balance control, there seems to be a problem. The balance control should work the same in both directions. Turned all the way right you should only hear the right channel and turned all the way left you should only hear the left channel. You stated that turned one way you only have sound in one channel but when turned the other way you have sound in both channels. Seems like your balance control needs cleaning or replacing.

How much is the channel imbalance? Is it 1db or 6db?

Re-check your TT setup. Your TT should have come with a template for setting up your cartridge. 
Let us know a few more details and maybe we can figure out what the issue is.

‘Joe Nies

Maybe the stylus was not installed correctly?

Any help troubleshooting would be appreciated.

Hey, I tried switching from the Technics Turntable to the Marantz CD player and the speakers sounds perfect.

Sounds like it's the new turntable right?

I asked an audiophile store what I should do and they said to turn power off overnight.

I'll try it.


I tried it twice.  It sounds about the same.

It's subtle, but annoying.

Is it possible that it's the recording?

Thanks again for your help it's very much appreciated.

Also, I'm not sure that one of the cables that goes into the receiver is connected right!

Could it be that simple of a fix?


One thing I noticed:

When I turn the nob to the balance on the left speaker(the speaker that's more prevalent ) It only plays on the left speaker, but when I turn the balance to the right speaker both speakers play.



Power off the receiver and all components connected to it.

Wait 2 minutes.

Unplug the speaker cables from the receiver.

Check that both speaker cables are properly installed on the speakers.

If necessary, plug the speaker cables back in.

Then power on your receiver.

Wait 2 minutes.

Then try playing music.

At this point, you’ve power cycled the receiver and any residual electricity that has built up between the receiver and speakers.

If the problem still remains, One or both of the internal solder joints/ends of the cables inside the receiver for plus and (or) minus on the defective side is facing a loose connection or corrosion. This is an easy fix..just have a repair shop unsolder and resolder/clean the bad end(s).


I can’t say 100% that this will even help you, but in my experience working with a lot of amplifiers over the years, I’ve had the same issue numerous times (lots of 1980s gear as well)

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Dump the receiver (and get a Schiit Mani phono) and get a tube integrated. 

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