Understanding ohms

I love music but I don’t understand tech and specs. My receiver is rated at 270 watts at 8 ohms and has a limit power circuit that allows 300 watts at 4ohms. I’ve read that my Montis speakers can go down into the 2 ohm range. Does that mean that a receiver rated at 150 watts that doubles at 4 ohms is equal or preferable to my SX 1980


Old gear is really hard to quantify today. Often using high levels of negative feedback to get low distortion numbers, the sound of these older receivers is not always that great. Personally I would not run vintage equipment very hard, I have done that in the past and blown up irreplaceable parts. ML Montis can be a difficult load, use caution.  

If your Pioneer SX1980 has pre out jacks buy a good power amp and use that instead of the receiver's amp. A Crown XLS 1502 is a good recommendation (~$400).

Really depends on a few things.  In terms of ideal, yeah, sure, an ideal amplifier with no limits on current would be ideal, but dropping impedance in the right places may drop output and be euphonic.


In the case of ESL's though, they tend to drop in the top end, so it may mean you have a lot less treble than you could have otherwise.  Worth listening to alternatives.