24” measured from the driver face is actually good for the bass, as bass is omni directional and the close boundary minimizes the 1/4 wave cancelation your get between 3.5’ and 6’ into the room. This is why you often see subs close to the front wall.
Towner speakers are rarely full range and some room gain helps them. The sound stage is what suffers with boundaries. The port is omni directional too. Rear ported just means it is closer to the wall than a front port.
If you get a speaker that has some bass roll off (99% do) a close wall boundary will flatten them out.
A used pair of Revel 226be are a good example of a speaker that could be placed close to a wall and not sound too bloated.
in the link below the last graph shows the same speaker in two different rooms. The home theater room has them out into the room (false wall) and the living room has them closer to the front wall. You can see how it effects the bass