Toe-in or NOT toe-in ??

Anyone have any feelings in general ? Is it more speaker-specific than anything ?
Best to not listen to dogma. Every room is unique. You will know instantly when you try it. Ears rule over here-say.
This is highly speaker dependent - well designed speakers (that do not beam like a flashlight at certain frequencies but flood the room evenly with all frequencies) will not really give two hoots for toe-in (except if the speaker is too close to a side wall).

The fact that toe-in has a huge impact for many speakers speaks volumes about the way they unevenly light up the room (to continue with the flashlight analogy).
If the speaker designer cannot be reached, try experimenting yourself. Only you can find out the results yourself. Bear in mind you may prefer the results when the speakers are toed-in while another might not like it and prefer them pointing straight ahead.
part of it depends on if you have a rear port then the angle the port faces can really change the bass. otherwise most of my speakers pointed just outside of the respective ears - the exception is my Audio Note speakers which have the tweeters aim about 3 feet in front of my ears...

the pink things, use em!

just kidding :^D

have fun
Hi Opus, all is well! There is also the Cardas way, using the golden triangle ratio. It's fairly easy to use masking tape on the floor and slide a speaker along the line to see how it sounds. It's an interesting experiment if nothing else.
My listening panel hates toe, even when their own manufacturer uses it. I know, each to their own.
I set my Harbeths up with a good spread and toed directly at me, where I can no longer see the inner sides. Perfect for my room and ears.
Trust your ears! Try it both ways (having a helper shift the speakers while you listen with eyes closed). Really depends, IMHO, on the speaker and the room. My Spendor 1/2s in nearfield are pointed right at me. Downstairs, my SP100s sound best straight ahead and sound "off" with any toe-in whatsoever!
Chasis...You are correct. I mis-stated, confusing rule of thirds with a different term I had seen someone use to describe the equilateral triangle configuration.
It all depends on the speaker.
Opus, equilateral triangle setup and rule of thirds are not the same. Rule of thirds is dividing the room in thirds starting off the back wall.
When you hit the right angle of toe-in, you'll know it. Imaging will still be very specific, but the tweeter won't beam at you. I have had 2 pair of Spendors,(SP100 and 9/1) and their manual tells you to face the speakers directly at the listening position so that you don't see the sides of the speakers, but in practice, that was never the way that sounded most natural. Trust your ears.
Vandermeulen and McFarland make sense. Aside from achieving a wider soundstage when speakers are towed out, things will usually sound more spacious. Towing in seems to reduce spaciousness somewhat, while giving the psychoacoustic effect of more centerfill. I find the most rewarding and enjoyable position places the center of my speaker drivers directly in line with the outside of my ears. I also ensure the distance between the center of the left and right drivers is the same as the distance between those centerpoints and my ears, thereby producing an equilateral triangle(the so-called "rule of thirds"). Of course, if your speakers do not have drivers, you will have to modify your approach to achieve your "ideal" placement.
I completely concure with the above. I have however, never owned or set up a pair of speakers that didn't benefit from some toe in and I've owned and set up ALOT of speakers. YMMV.
IMHO. . .you need to try for yourself and see what it is about each that you like. In general,and at least for my own observations on this matter, toe in will focus images more specifically at the cost of narrowing your sound stage. Toe out will widen the sound stage. See what your own preferences are. (FWIW. . . my own speakers are about 8 ft apart toed in slightly (about 1/2 in), and about 5 feet from the rear wall in depth. Using Atma-Sphere MP3 and M60's, the sound stage is large anyway, so I prefer the added image focus).
My feelings are that it is very easy to see which way sounds better. Try it and which ever way sounds the best...that's the way to leave it.