Toe-in or NOT toe-in ??

Anyone have any feelings in general ? Is it more speaker-specific than anything ?

Showing 3 responses by opus88

Vandermeulen and McFarland make sense. Aside from achieving a wider soundstage when speakers are towed out, things will usually sound more spacious. Towing in seems to reduce spaciousness somewhat, while giving the psychoacoustic effect of more centerfill. I find the most rewarding and enjoyable position places the center of my speaker drivers directly in line with the outside of my ears. I also ensure the distance between the center of the left and right drivers is the same as the distance between those centerpoints and my ears, thereby producing an equilateral triangle(the so-called "rule of thirds"). Of course, if your speakers do not have drivers, you will have to modify your approach to achieve your "ideal" placement.
Chasis...You are correct. I mis-stated, confusing rule of thirds with a different term I had seen someone use to describe the equilateral triangle configuration.