The best CD Player for the money

There are so many "best for the money" listed - it seems that a lot of players sound real good. On the topic, you might want to check out Richard Hardesty's Journal on some of the top players today.
The Pass Labs DAC 1 is very fine. The Linn players, even the cheaper ones, have tremendous bounce, pace and rhythm. Friends tell me the EMC-1-etc. is very fine. I recently bought the MUSE Model 10 after much searching. It is simply stunning and the best I have ever heard.
NAD 522 NAD C 520
NAD 524
Well, Best CD Player for the money. If i had the cabbage I'd go for the Tri Vista SACD but 6.5K runs it steep. Gamut CD1, I'm listening to now is nice but still 4K less step but still...Audio Note CD2.1x tube nice sound runs at1.5K and the winner is Musical Fidelity A3.2cr at 1595.00.
I am using an Arcam FMJ-23T and I think you would have to spend over 4,000 to beat it. Sometimes used they are around 1100.00. I love it, has awesome reviews in stereophile and TAS.
I can't believe timeless as this question is that this thread goes back to 12-28-00.Amazing.At some point there will be some technology that replaces CD and digital the way LP and analogue got replaced.Of course those in the know know they were never replaced and that's why we spend $300 for those Hank Mobley Lp's.
The AA digital gear is no longer competitive. Even at their current used price points.
Rotel RCD-1070 CD/HDCD player with a modded Audio Alchemy DTI pro32/DDE V3.0 can compete with CD players costing thousands more.
The best CD player that I've heard is the Modified Denon from Exemplar Audio. It retails for $3500.
This was an interesting discussion forum for the moment. I had to replace my CD player a year and a half ago because it was ailing and my dealer took great care of me and made it possible for me to purchase another CD player to which they recommended the Linn Genki. When I picked up the player, I almost threw it through the roof because it does not have all that Heavy Duty stuff that many of the other "High-End" players have these days. They create their great sound and performance with "High-technology" (and Nano-Technologies but they don't like to talk about that in public). It was an easy winner. Now the variable outputs on it are totally worthless unless you are going to direct them to some self powered patio speakers or something and you want an easy way to do it. But all of those issues are being done away with due to all the multi-room enhancements on the AV-receivers as of late.
But as for Hi-fi, the variables are out. The sound on the fixed outputs and the rest of the player is fantastic.
I am now selling my Genki because I have moved to SACD and I needed another player that was good on all Red Book and SACD discs so I purchased the Music Hall Maverick and I am going to sell the Linn Genki starting this week. I was just searching the possibilities when I noticed this forum entry. You can look for it under the user MCNE if you are in the market. I just hope that the Maverick is up to the task to replace the Genki.
I own a Modified Jolida JD-100, and an Audio Analogue Paganini, each one used right around $1000 each, highly recommend either one, however especially the Jolida, I don't think it can be beat for the price, even by considerably higher priced models.
the audiologic model 24 is one of the best DAC's on the planet you can get them used for under 2k . all you need to do then is use any cd player as a transport and you will have world call cd sound.
ps the new audiologic up dated 24 lists new for only 4k.and i am sure you can get them for less.
Hi, just a quick update. In May of last year I asked for opinions on what cd player to buy. I found the advice to be both valuable and entertaining. I auditioned a Linn Genki, Musical Fidelity 3.2 and the Arcam Cd 92.
The Linn was the best followed by the Arcam. I was surprised by the Musical Fidelity. It sounded "soft" as though everything was in pudding compared to the other two.
I wound up buying the Arcam. I got a great deal buying the stores demo player. All things being equal I would have bought the Linn but with the discount the Arcam moved to the head of the class. So far I have no complaints.
Lastly my apologies for not being courteous enough to thank everyone in a timely manner.
Sony SCD-777ES. Compared to Teac DV-50 in the same system, Teac beats the Sony by a small margin. The margin is so small I don't think anyone can justify the price difference. You can upgrade the power cord and interconnect to achieve near DV-50 quality for far less money. And rumor has it modded 777ES is not that much better than stock form.
I've just purchased a Mark Levinson 390S and am absolutely blown away by the change in sound from my previous cd player, the venerable Sony XA7ES. The Sony player is wonderful but the 390S makes beautiful music. I can't stop smiling putting in disc after disc.
Having recently picked up a used Arcam FMJ CD23T, I must say that even at its new price, it is an impressive piece of gear. On the used market, it a bargain, for sure. The mechanism is the smoothest I have seen, the chassis is very well dampended, and the sound is very detailed and musical.

I am using a 47 lab Flatfish and Progression Dac that is being powered by the Pure Power. Its truly amazing.
Another vote for the Toshiba SD 3950 DVDP. The sound isn't just good for a cheap player, it is good and it costs less than $60 w/ rebate.
By far the best FOR THE MONEY is the Technics DVD A10.
It was a former 900-1000 dollar player and sounds incredible.I found one cheap on ebay.It is built like
a tank and is very smooth and relaxed sounding.
No way you can beat this player for the money.
Definitely check out Decware's modified Sony DVP-685. There are no opamps or electrolytics in the signal path, no negative feedback and a class A SET tube output with it's own power supply. Price is under $700. Lots of info on the site describing mods and a couple of reviews on their forum, including mine. It's worth a look, I love mine and I don't believe there is another tubed SACD/cd/dvd/mp3 player on the market at that price.
I own the Sony XA7ES and its still one of the best players I have heard. Built like a tank too.
SD3950 $59.95.I can hardly believe how good thay are.I have owend thata data basicII & pro basic & pro primIIa & naim 3.5/Flatcap & more........
A lot of good responses but you should deffinatly look at the Ah! Noje Tjoeb. look around on the internet is is about as highly acclaimed as it gets. It isa modified Marantz cdp with a tube output stage for that sweet warm tube sound. it is an amazing cdp so long as you dont mind the crap build quality of the basic marantz cdp. but come on that is like sacrificing looks for sound. it is about $700 new and about $500 used with all the mods. it is amazing

Since mine doesn't do it, I wouldn't recommend putting money into your. You can buy a LiteOn Lvd 2002 for $120 on the web that will sound as good if not better.
My goodness; if the original poster has not bought his Cd player by now, he may as well wait around for Steven Jobs to look in this direction, too.
My Pio 525 makes a slight high pitch noise as it spins/tracks CDs. Would the mod take that out?
Pioneer 525 DVD - you can find modifications on the web for it - sounds quite pleasant and affordable ($250).
Take any CD or DVD as transport. Add a Monarchy Audio DIP upsampler + DH Labs D-75 coaxial cables and any good external 24/96 DAC and you'll have outstanding Digital front end for few bucks.
Mural: Ill agree here. Ive got a computer drive that has a nice signal output, going into a great pair of headphones with a good quality headphone amp is an enjoyment to say the least.
I'm going to have to throw another curve. The best cd player FOR THE MONEY is the incredibly low priced Liteon 2001 ($153). It also happens to be the best for the money DVD, DVDA, DVDR, DVD anything, MP3, MP4 player.

Turn the page, it's a new era.
I tried to upgrade and switching CDP at the sub $2000 price range from Rega Planet, Jupiter, Alchemist, MArantz CD-12 mod, Rotel 981, Audio Analog but they all have a something good and something bad which make you feel like to upgrade when you owned them for a few months.... so I decide to move up the ladder to the $3000 or over CDP. Here I tried the Krell 300cd (the newer silver version), Wadia 301, Metronome CD-2V Signature but I settled with the NuVista. It is just so much more musical than the Wadia 301. The Wadia is my second favourite but once you have it compared side by side, all my three friends (have diff taste) agreed the NuVista should make music and better pace. Hard to tell in words, it is not faster or slower, but the pace is better and more like a Master playing live music and the Wadia is like the student playing the music...... For just about $3000 you can a used NuVista at a significant saving these days -- a MUST TRY!!! The NuVista is a very very heavy CDP and very well-built at this price.
I heard that the person jazze has changed his name and still is a member.I know he is from New York because I bought something from him a while back.Anyway I just thought that you may want to know this.
Markone: If you want to see the true potential of the 301, spend an extra $1600 through GNSC. Its performance will surpass a standard Wadia 861se. They perform alot of critical damping, rip out alot of unecessary circuits which actually degrade performance and add some critical components to maximise the design which is alot better than its $3650 price tag shows.
Have to agree with Ritten, my Wadia 301 is the best money
I spent on hi-fi gear. Through the whole musical scale, it's superb. Have to say, but, works better with a preamp.
Directly into an amp, you lose some weight in the music.
Go for balanced option to hear it at its best.
This thread which started 3years ago shows evolving flavour
of the season changes in best bang cd playback units.Would
be interesting to keep it going to see what future trends
crop up.I believe one trend is SACD camp sees they must make sacd playback a standard inclusion on all players for that format to survive in hopes that eventually all owners of such units will want to give the higher rez media a spin.
I imagine DVD-A will be standard as well.Much like most HT receivers have all decoding schemes on board.Makers are
covering thier respective bets.
I think there are alot of great CD players, and I mean dozens and dozens of them. Adcom,Arcam,CAL,Wadia,BAT,Meridian,Lynn etc etc. I have heard multiple units from alot of the listed companies and countless more. I personally love the Adcom GCD 750 for right around $1000. There are alot of small tweaks that can be done too to greatly improve this CD player. In fact I think the Adcom GCD and GFP 750 preamp makes a great front end combo, especially using the XLR input/outputs. You get true hi-fi products for minimal money invested.
Ritteri, I'm curious. What great souce components have you had in your system? What lower cost units work well w/ some tweaking and what higher cost units would you recommend?

I'm considering a CDP upgrade from an inexpensive Denon changer, and someone w/ mulitple unit experience I'd be interested in hearing some opinions from. Don't leave us hanging!

The question was, long ago, what player is best for the money, so, obviously, the original poster wanted recommendations as to the player with the best price/performance ratio. It seems that it goes without saying that all a person can get from discussions such as these is a biased, non-professional, purely subjective opinion, but wait, come to think of it that's exactly what people get from TAS et al...
Agreed, but a thread asking a question about "whats the best cd player" I just find kinda useless. Most of the threads are going to give very limited opinions(people are going to recommend what they have, and may do so without acutally having alot of experience with multiple components in the same class, under the same conditions with the same gear,same room condition etc etc, get the drift??).

The real question should have been "whats a good range of cd players for X amount of money, and can you honestly decribe their potential sonic characteristics"? Since there are MANY great players, all with their own positives and negatives. Ive had about 2 dozen great source units over the last few years and have found all to have benefits and downfalls to one extent or another. Ive found that some lower cost source units may not sound as good as more expenisve units out of the box, but with a few small tweaks and mods had performance that would be substantially improved where it rivals units costing more. All part of the hobby etc. But if you kind of agree with Im stating then you understand where Im coming from.
