The Baloney Detection Kit. Thank you Carl Sagan.

Perhaps there are too many magical thinkers on this website for this to get much traction.
We shall see.
@tooblue ,
No worries. My response was more boilerplate considering past performances around these parts.

All the best,
Ooo good stuff but sounds hard especially for the unfortunate 49% with below average intelligence. 😱
Post removed 
  • Ooo good stuff but sounds hard especially for the unfortunate 49% with below-average intelligence.

A wise man once said ... "Of course I don't know everything. I'm not young enough to know everything." :-)

I grew up reading Sagan. Read all his books. Watched- and read- Cosmos. Read his biography. Followed his career, from at least the time of the first Venus landers. Did you know the only reason Voyager is still in contact is a valve Carl Sagan suggested? Actually met the man and shook his hand when he was here in Seattle. All this little article tells me is ps equates being able to hear differences in components with meeting relatives in the afterlife.

ps you are no Carl Sagan.

But hey, I tell you what. Here's your big chance. Tell me which one of his 9 Tools, or 20 Logical Fallacies you think applies. Because when it comes to cables are snake oil I can show how you guys fall into every single one of them. 

Carl Sagan is pretty good but his idea to use a black hole to transport Jodie Foster to Vega in his novel Contact wouldn’t have worked out too well for anybody. Good thing Kip Thorne straightened him out.