The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.

GR Research gave a breakdown of these & I was surprised..

Owner looking to make them sound better.



Isn't this a "review" by a competitor who mostly criticizes the design choices made by Wilson for the Watt/Puppy?  There is no such thing as a set of perfect design, so that any choice necessarily involves compromises.  If you optimize one thing, something else is not so good.  Is the choice of connecting the two woofers in parallel necessarily worse than connecting them in series?  One way lowers impedance and makes the woofers a more difficult load, but the other way reduces efficiency.  The bottom line is how something sounds with the gear owned by prospective buyers. 

While I am  not a big fan of this speaker, a lot of people like it and they voted for it with their wallet.  There are MANY other speakers, both cheaper and much more expensive that I like even less, and many that I like more.   That is how it goes and this is less a review than a personal discourse on one builder's preference on design.

I like this guy and GR Research but he has one oar in the water and one oar out. He sells kits that measure and sound better for less money than the products he trashes. So he is a salesman for his product….

Does anyone know if there has ever been a pair of speakers sent to him that he couldn't improve? Just says "nothing to be done here, it's perfect".

I'm not bashing Danny, I know he makes quality products. Just curious if he's ever sent anything back with no mods necessary.

Does anyone know if there has ever been a pair of speakers sent to him that he couldn't improve? Just says "nothing to be done here, it's perfect".

I've seen such videos, I think. But they're rare. They could be instances of honesty on his part or just a way of ensuring that the other criticisms seem more justified.

Bottom line, these videos are just his professional opinion, anyway. Others will disagree and then how does one decide between them?

In the end, I look for the economic incentives for these guys. How does it benefit them to say this or that? Are they selling more of their stuff with these views? Are they attracting viewers with their "bad boy" schtick (oh, Mikey...)? Are they building confidence in their objectivity as a reviewer? It's pretty hard to know how the bread gets buttered.