Thanksgiving: ......

What are you thankful for in audio terms this season?

This may seem silly but since music reproduced well in my home is such an important part of my life, I decided to chance it.

The Beatles Mono box set. This kind of set a new precident on how great analog can be enjoyed. (Even, in my case, listening to it with a stereo cartridge). To that end, I'm thankful that I'm here to experience this labor of love from the technicians envolved and all who contributed to this release.
For the 10% over dealer cost sale at Audiolab. It was the real deal and now I am back into surround sound with a quality receiver for a relative small cost. My entire system which favors two channel is set. Movies or music smiles for miles.
Blessings to all.
"I give thanks for my Spendor 1/2Es, for they reproduce mids like no other speaker. I give thanks, too, for my Quicksilver pre, which is reliable, simple, and wonderful sounding. And last, I give thanks for my First Watt M2, a Nelson Pass creation that rivals all the creatures of the Earth in terms of natural beauty and allows McCoy Tyner to play before me in my den. For these things, I do give thanks. Amen."
So thankful that the enjoyment of music is such an integral part of my life. I could get along fine without movies or television ..... but please don't take away my music !
That there is passion for the musical arts; in the creation, performance and re-creation of it!
I'm thankful for everything and that I am able to enjoy listening to music as a pastime.
I'm thankful for my new Stax earspeakers setup (SR-009 and SR-007 Mk I headphones, KGSShv amp); it sounds amazing (better than Sennheiser Orpheus, HD800, Sony MDR-R10, AKG K-1000, etc) and has expanded my listening back into the digital world because it's hooked into my iMac. And also my NAD M51, which proves to me that sub-$2K DACs have *finally* started sounding like music.

I'm thankful that Apple's current EarPods sound 10x better than prior generation EarBuds. I use these for workouts and get great sound without having to risk expensive in-ears -- I used to own Shure SE 535, which I thought were hideously overpriced, not much better sounding than EarPods, and of course I lost them ($350 used price down the drain).

I'm thankful that my 2ch & vinyl setup is sounding just *so great* and has finally stabilized gear-wise over the last couple of years, notwithstanding a couple of hiccups for tube replacement and sorting out the phono stage choice this year.
Thanksgiving to my local audio dealer means: Thanks for Giving me all your money.