Technics SL 1200 GR

Hi everyone,

I know that a lot of you might think I am crazy but it is what it is.  I heard a Rega Planar 6 play a few days ago and was totally mesmerized with the sound. This will be my first TT and I am the type that prefers to buy the best I can instead of starting small, selling and upgrading. I have to admit, I do enjoy fiddling with upgrades but the idea is to get a future proof turntable and upgrade stuff like cartridges, etc along the way.  

Before you recommend that I get the P6, its simply out of my budget. I could consider the P3 if you believe its better than the SL 1210 GR (not the latest model 2 but the original one). 

Anyway, here are some questions I was hoping you'd be able to help me with:

  • What will a good starter Cartridge?
  • Should I go for MM or MC? Is one more complicated to install than the other? prefer something simple as its my first time.  Also, I read stuff like LO and HO.. For what ts worth, I will be using my Marantz PM Ki Ruby's built in phono (I believe it can handle both MM and MC, I could be wrong).
  • Anything else I should keep in mind?  Basic products for maintenance? 

Thanks in advance for your help. I appreciate it!


@lalitk thank you so much for your advise and suggestions. When I said future proof, I meant something that will allow an upgrade path for a few years to come.  Also, best as in best my money can buy at the moment.  I know what you mean and how I wish I had $5k to splurge.  But that's just not my reality right now.. lol

Just curious, what do you think are the shortcomings of the SL 1210 GR? Are there alternatives you'd rather I buy in the same price range?  Again, I am not trying to buy the best, simply the best that I can afford.  

I will definitely look into the Hana ML but prefer something in the range of $500-$750 at the most for cartridge.  Idea is to upgrade down the road. Thanks again for your help.  Cheers!

If it’s P3 vs GR, go with GR. You’ll be satisfied for years to come. Or even vs P6.

That Technics with this 300 dollar Grado Opus 3 MI cartridge would make a fine setup! You don’t need to spend more than that!


 I moved from a Clearaudio Concept to a SL1200GR because of it's removable headshell. I thought it would be a lateral move sound quality wise, but it wasn't, the direct drive Technics sound floor is more quiet and the speed is always dead on.

Other pluses for the SL1200 is the included cartridge alignment tool makes set up easy, you can change the anti-skate on the fly, the VTA (Vertical Tracking Angle) is also easy to change and accessible. 

I started with an AT VM540ml on mine, it's an excellent lower cost MM cartridge.

“what do you think are the shortcomings of the SL 1210 GR?”

Nothing major other than being limited on upgrade path. Other than cartridge, there isn’t much you can do in terms of upgrading the SL. If you own a good turntable, you can always get a meaningful upgrade from upgrading the tonearm and isolation feet or platforms. But that’s getting into deep $$$$ territory which can be explored later when you have a bigger budget. 

Check out the Hana S MC Cart -$750.