Synergistic Research HFT's

I acquired a ten-pack of SR's HFT room treatments and installed them according to directions just prior to last night's listening session. Easy to install using the blue-tack type of material that was included in the package.

The listening room already sported two pairs of Shataki  Holograms ... one pair in the front corners of the room and a second pair in the rear corners of the room. In addition to the Holograms, there are tube traps along the rear of the listening position. I thought I had my room problems solved with the existing treatments and I was satisfied with those results.

Enter the SR HFT's ...

I had my friend Robert over last night to help evaluate the changes, if any. I was looking forward to maybe a small improvement at best. I mean, what can one expect from little metal devises that stick to your walls ... little devises so small that one wouldn't even notice them unless they were called attention to?

Long story short ... we were hit over the head with astounding disbelief at the ... I don't want to use the word "improvement," because that would be an understatement. I'll use the word trans-formative instead.  Because, that's exactly what this tweak has done; its transformed my listening environment, and consequently my entire system, into an unbelievable music machine. 

The first CD I played was a private recording of Rachmaninoff's third piano concerto, with the L.A. Philharmonic orchestra during a Rachmaninoff piano competition. The disc features the winner of the contest on piano.  This has always been one of the favorite recordings in my collection. It transports the listener into the venue in a very natural way. This CD was burned right from the master tape with no artificial reverb or compression.   A good test for any changes to the system. 

Uhhh .... what I thought was a great recording transported us into the live event. Astounding to say the least.  How can such a simple tweak as ten little dots spread around the room have such a huge effect?  My theory is ... the sound energy coming from the speakers causes certain resonances at certain frequencies, and those resonances  excite certain areas of the room and smears the sound. The HFT's take those resonances out of the equation. That's my  theory, anyway. 

Here's the noted improvements:

1. A much more solid presentation at higher volume levels. Everything just seems to hang together better. 

2. Bass control: The best bass from my system yet. Very defined. The lower registers of the piano are a delight. 

3. Size of the presentation:  What I thought was a big sound stage before has been expanded in a very focused way.

4. Transparency: I can "see" much further into the presentation now. The audience noises,coughs & sneezes, the orchestra tuning up, the members turning the pages of the music, the conductor walking on the platform ... all there where a lot of it wasn't before. 

5.  Musicality: The correct tones of the instruments, which I've paid particular attention to in the system, were much improved. Strings, timpani's and the presence of the piano were all dead-nutz on. Amazing. 

6. 3-D:  A much more holographic presentation.  Good Lord, how much better can this get? So much more "air" around the performers. It really adds to the suspension of disbelief in a big way.

I could go on and on with our positive impressions last night, but I will echo what Robert said:  "This is your greatest tweak ever!"  "It sounds like you've improved your entire system." 

After playing a number of CD's featuring piano, we switched to the analog rig and played a whole variety of music ... from straight ahead jazz to Hawaiian music.  The expansion of the sound space, and the realism from analog and tubes with the new room treatment? Unbelievable. 

The ten pack of HFT's gets you to "level two" ... one more pack of five would get it to "level three."  Based upon last  nights results, there is another five pack in my near future. 

Are any of you other A'goners using SR HFT's in your room?  If so, please post your results here. I'd like to know if your experiences with these devises are similar to mine. 

Happy listening, guys. 
Okay time to put money where the mouth is. Are these offered with a no-questions trial return period?
No OP is correct and you madavid0 are incorrect.  The little pieces of metal make a huge difference in the room acoustics.  By any chance, do you also believe fuse quality makes no sonic difference? How about vibration control devices, tube dampening rings, cables?
OP seems like an astroturffing shill. There is 0 chance these little pieces of metal changed anything significant in the accoustics of a room.
Pretty sure those Sugar Cubes are the brainchild of Franck Tchang, you know, the original designer of tiny little bowl acoustic resonators, the one of pure, silver and gold and platinum. The ones SR and others copied. Timely tip - The very best way to determine exact locations for almost all acoustic resonators is to map out the entire 3D space of the room using a SPL meter and one or more test tones.
Glory. I just read up on ASI sugar cubes.   Wow, their placement would really drive me crazy.  They maybe a very effective room treatment but I’ll stick to the easier SR HFT system despite the higher price.  I just lose patience after a while of tweaking my system and just want to listen to my music.  I was informed by SR that the Blackbox and Atmosphere are only to be used with an HFT system to be effective so it’s probably true that an FEQ would similarly require the same SR HFT setup.
hahahahaha,i m relaxed dude.
thks for the info, i will order 3/8" caps.
I will post here my thoughts>

@sasko    yo, chill man. Take a deep breath..  it seems you ordered them from a German seller. Here's the info with my translation: 

15 Stück. -  15 pieces

Ø 9,5mm! RIESIG!  -  Diameter 9.5mm! Giant!

Gewicht 2 Gramm | Stück.  - Weight. 2 grams/piece

Bohrung Ø 3mm. - Hole diameter 3mm

Höhe 7mm - Height 7mm

The diameter, 9.5mm, is 3/8". If you're making the diy resonators, you'll need 3/8" copper caps to put these cones in. The copper caps are sized based on their inside diameter. So it should be a perfect fit, assuming accurate manufacturing specs.
These are my ordered cones, it shows 3/8"???????? Is it their lenght or their diameter? I m lost please help
Hi ozzy,
I ordered the brass hareline large cones to try the hfts diy.
I m straggeling finding the proper copper caps.
is it 1/8" lenght and 1/4" diameter?


Your welcome.

I have had the Stillpoints ERS paper on my breaker door for several years now. Very effective there.


Thanks Ozzy I will try those.  I see them on Amazon.

One more thing to add on circuit breaker panels - a bit off topic though.  I have found that a sheet of Stillpoints ERS paper over my panel is very effective in improving sound for the whole system.  I have an ERS sheet taped to the inside of the steel swing door that covers my panel.  

Buy the permanent glue dots. That's what SR uses and you can still remove them.


Thank you David, I will try more HFTs in the circuit box.  

The trouble with using superglue for me is that I rent and will move eventually.  So I should perhaps try some removable glue.

Yes ECT"s and HFT's will effect the sound when placed on a circuit breaker or on the Black wire (hot wire) exiting the circuit breaker.
Two to perhaps 5 inside a breaker box can have a nice effect.
After deciding where I want my devices placed I switch from blu- tac to a drop of super glue to affix  the devices. They effect is amplified .
Have fun and experiment with location!

David Pritchard
Sorry , in my first sentence, I meant has anyone tried using HFTs on circuit breakers?
Has anyone tried using circuit breakers on apartment or home circuit breakers?  I just did and was pleasantly surprised, so I am checking on others' experiences.  I tried two grey ones there and liked what I heard. 

Also, has anyone found that one can use too much blu-tac when affixing an HFT or ECT to some surface?  I am beginning to wonder whether HFTs should also be placed directly on the surface that produces bad resonance?  And perhaps one should use the least amount of blu-tac as it might make sense for the back of the HFT to make contact with it.  Or does the HFT work by absorbing resonating waves from the air through its open, concave side as opposed to its flat rear flat side?   Does anyone have any knowledge or experience of this?  I have certainly found that ECTs are most effective when placed directly on the noisiest computer chips rather than just near them on a computer or DAC PCB.  I just started today to remove some of the generous amounts of blu-tac that I have on the back of some of my HFTs, so I guess I should know eventually if it makes a difference.  But perhaps there someone knows something about how HFTs work or has some ideas?


Why not get creative? Mine cost about $1 each to make. The effect is stunning.

I make my own. You can use Blu-Tack instead of glue when inserting the cones into the caps.
For you people that are experimenting with crystals, what kind of crystal would you buy?
Will do.  I'm trying to not re-invent the wheel here so hopefully I'll get a little direction.  Oh, I also have to get back home from Mexico.  

toolbox ...

If they work for you, please post info on the parts supplier and specifically what you bought. Thanks ...

Post removed 
The original creator of the home built HFTs (Ozzy) said he glued the cones into the caps and mounted the finished product with Blue Tack.
i'll be buying the parts this week in trying to make a few of my own.

I ordered 10 sets of each as well from a random site. Did you put a nail through the cone into the cup into the wall?
I replaced HFTs with AudioMagic Bells.   They have a crystal inside the bell and found them more effective in my room.
Hmm ... copper beading cones inserted in copper caps?  Thanks for clearing that up. :-)

I use copper beading cones inserted in copper caps. No pics available at the moment. Crystals coming soon.
^^^  Hi, sabai ...

Could you be more specific?  How about posting a picture of your DIY project? 
I have cobbled together my own DIY version of HFTs -- a total of 70 of them in the system, so far. The sound improvement is spectacular. I have left all the other room treatments as is, including ART.
Ron ...

That's very interesting. I couldn't be happier with my HFTs in the room.  Its not subtle at all. It was a major improvement. Unlike you, I left all of the previous room treatments in the room when I added the HFTs' 

Well I received both the 10 pack of HFTs and the FEQ and did some serious listening with various genre.

First I removed the acoustic panels from the front and side reflection points and listened so there wouldn’t be any interference. I then installed the first 5 HFTs and couldn’t hear any or little difference. I proceeded by adding the next 5 and again nothing. Maybe my 59 year old ears are going but I did hear a big difference when I replaced the after market fuses on my tube amp, dac and music server. (I actually preferred AH fuses over the SR fuses)

Next I added the FEQ and now the sound improved. The music was more detailed with less smearing. The sibilance was reduced especially on vocals plus both front and backing vocals became clearer. The soundstage became a little larger.

I then removed the HFTs and kept the FEQ in the system. It sounded the same as when both were in the system. I experimented again and again with various genre with the same conclusion. The HFTs did nothing to improve the sound of my system. I added back my original acoustic panels and along with the FEQ I couldn’t be happier.

As we all know, not every tweak works with every system. As with the after market fuses, I would suggest trying any of these tweaks since they all come with 30 trial period.


Thanks for your response. How much did you change the original locations of the HFTs and what kind of sound difference did it make.


They work beautifully together. Plus I believe it will help you to optimize the HFT's locations with an FEQ in the system. 

David Pritchard
I just ordered a 10 pack of HFT and I'm wondering if I should order a FEQ also since both are on a 30 day trial basis. I've read the reviews and it seems both work well together. Has anyone tried both together and then removed either the FEQ or the HFT for a comparison?
I wish it was always easy making sonic improvements in a system but usually it takes a fair bit of time, fiddling, and hopefully products with a good return policy as not all will work. 
I have tried an ECT at the Honda's fuse box -sitting on top of the music system's 10 amp fuse. No improvement. The ECT's I put on the bottom of the radio-CD player in a star pattern as it was too tricky to further open the unit. I put one ECT where the bundle of wires enters and exits the unit.

I talked at the Newport Beach Audio Show with Rick Reus (of very high end car audio installation systems).  He did not get a benefit in sound putting HFT's on the front windshield of one of his cars. But he did get an improvement putting an FEQ unit in the car (they are 12 volt DC powered). The exact placement of the FEQ was not critical for improvement. 

Car fuses use a special blade type fuse so a Black fuses will not fit. Also remember the car system is all DC powered and not AC powered like most home systems.

I do try to approach the subject in a planned stepwise manner. Then if I get positive results, I report them. 

David Pritchard

David ...

I have to say, you are one fully dedicated audiophile for sure. Geeze, now I'm looking forward to upgrading the car with the SR products. Have you tried any ECT's on the battery terminals? How about putting an ECT on, or inside the fuse box. Or ... even upgrading the stock fuse that runs your car's audio system with an SR Black fuse? I mean ... ya never know, right? :-)
My system has benefitted tremendously with the HFT's and the HFT-2.0. However the HFT- X (high frequency resonator) did not add to my sonic enjoyment. And that is the beauty of this HFT "system". There are resonators that respond to three different frequency bands. By careful placement of a mixture, you can really optimize the listening room - speaker- listener interface. It is fabulous that these products come with a thirty day trial to allow you to tune the room and return what is not needed.

I drive a Honda Minivan. High frequency speakers on the front dash in each corner and low frequency drivers in the front doors. After adding HFT-2.0's to my room, I had too many original type HFT's on the walls and removed some.

I now have 9 original HFT's on the front windshield. I also have three mounted on the ceiling about two feet behind the front seats. The Tone controls are set to Left 3, Front 3, Trebble 4, Bass minus 1. I am the only one in the car 95% of the time. With the HFT and tone adjustment, I now have a fabulous soundstage with good instrument positioning, and nice decay of notes. I now often listen to solo piano and chamber music while driving to work! This music would have not have conveyed any emotion in my untreated car.

The HFT's were glued into place with windshield glass glue bought at Home Depot after final position was obtained. The HFT will fall off the windshield on a hot day when Blue Tack is used to afix the HFT to the car glass.

To reduce electronic glare- noise etc., I added seven ECT (Electronic Circuit Transducers) to the CD player. As a bonus I now know how to remove a CD + radio from a Honda!

To complete the sound system transformation , I installed an Acoustic Revive 777 unit to the ceiling about three feet benind the front seats. This gives better focus and less fatigue.

This was a very fun and rewarding project.
David Pritchard

^^^ No, not yet in the car. 

I drive a low mileage Lexus LS 430 with the Mark Levinson sound system. It sounds really good and its a pleasure to listen to on trips.  I like to burn record albums to cassette tape for use in the car. All analog, ya know. :-)

I was wondering what the car  would do with an SR Black fuse for the radio ... but I hadn't considered the HFT's.  Have you tried them in your car?
Great detail and focus.
A great compliment to the other versions.

Have you placed any HFTs in your car interior?
Thanks, sgordon1 ...

Each step I've taken with the SR tweaks has revealed so much more from my recordings. Quite unbelievable, actually. 

What was your experiences with the HFT-X's? 

When you are ready, treat yourself to a set of
HFT-Xs and place as suggested.  Listen as your speakers
are transformed!

The variety offered by the different HFT versions is special.
Welcome to the party.

I am sure Bach was a special event . In addition to the quality of the power often being better late at night, the decrease in solar disturbance of the electro-magnetic fields helps the sound. Listen to your system improve during the time interval of one half hour before and after sunset.

I bet you can hear as the sun sets the system's sound improves.

David Pritchard  

^^^ Thanks for the suggestions, David. I'll check into the 2.0's.  

I wish you could have heard that Air on a G String last night. the power must have been extra pure at that early hour (1am) ... it was glorious. 


I am glad the HRT"s are making a significant difference. The HFT- 2.0 placed on the speakers and front wall further improved what the original HFT's did for my system. They are tuned to a different frequency. By using a combination of the original HFT, HFT-2, and the HRT - X one is tuning the room at three frequency points and thereby having a speaker - room interaction that is harmonically richer and more complex that using a single type of HFT.

My room having a lot of glass windows did not benefit from HFT-X, but really improved with the HFT + HFT-2.0 combination. The Synergistic Research installation pictures at their web site are a good starting point of where to place these room tuning devices. One then needs to be ready to deviate from the pictures by listening to the effect in their own room.

After living with the final HFT combination for a while I used a glue gun to more firmly affix the HFTs to the ceiling, walls, and speakers. They can still be removed if needed after being glue gunned.

David Pritchard


Infection ...

Considering the results I'm getting with the 10-pack, If I had to do it over again, I'd go with 15 of these suckers right off the bat. That would take the HFT's to level 3. 

Tonight's listening session lasted until 1:45 in the morning.  Even my room mate, who is no audiophile by any  means, came out and listened for a couple of hours. We ended up with some of Bach's orchestral music ... with the final cut being Bach's Air on a G string.  Let me tell you ... I've listened to that recording at least a hundred times, and never have the strings been so defined, lovely and tonally correct. They just washed over us like pure ocean water. Heaven! 

So, yeah ... I have the 10 pack placed right where they need to be ... but if five more would enhance what we experienced tonight, bring 'em on.  :-)

So as a first time user & considering your experiences would you suggest beginning with 5 or 10 of the original HFT? 
bugredmachine ...

Yes, I did have to compromise a bit. 

First, let me say that I have no wife to deal with, so nothing in the sound system has to pass "the wife test."  *lol*

There is a window covered with vertical blinds about 8 feet behind the speakers, right where one of the HFT's is supposed to go. (you can see the blinds if you go to my system page). So, I keep the blinds shut and have one HFT stuck to one of the blinds. Its the same with the HFT on the left center ... its stuck to the closed blinds. All of the other HFT's were placed according to the directions. Actually, they are all in the proper locations, I just have to keep the vertical blinds shut. I always shut the blinds for listening sessions anyway, because I've found that the reflections off of the large windows negatively affect the sound. 

It is a trial and error thing though. Yesterday morning, I warmed up the system and it didn't sound quite as good as before. I checked around and found that the HFT on the ceiling had come loose  over night and fell on the floor. I got some Blue Tack and put it back into place and walla ... all was good again. Imagine that ... one little HFT made that much difference. Not really drastic, but I could tell the difference.