Suggestions for an Integrated Amp $400

I'm interested in any ideas or thoughts on an integrated stereo amp that can drive my 4 ohm, 94db speakers (ADS L710). I've researched several but am confused with all the options available. It would also be nice if it was a modern design as I'll be running the following into it. Tuner, DVD audio, SACD / CD, computer audio Outs, & Ipod. My budget tops out at $400 & used would be fine. No phono is fine as I have no vinyl.
If you can stretch your budget by $99, I don't think that you can beat the Peachtree Decco. Good amp - should work well w/ 94db speakers. Great DAC. I have one in my office at work and think that it sounds great, especially for $499. You might be able to find a used one here for $400 or so.

Decco Brochure PDF

Peachtree Audio Decco - Buy
Well I tried getting the Aracam Alpha 10, but I was a day late & a dollar short. I really like what I read on the older Creeks, but not sure if they can drive these speakers? Thanks for your insights gentlemen.
Gosh I didn't realize the Arcam Alpha 10 can be had for that kind of price these days. I have owned this integrated, and although I didn't have much high impressions on this unit at this price I would say go for it. Another alternative is a Rega Brio3. Equally stunning integrated but doesn't come with a remote.
The Onkyo A-9555 is an exceptionally nice amp for the money and is available refurbished at
accessories4less for $400. It's built in Japan and the build quality is better than anything I've seen at anywhere near the price.
Please buy the Arcam referenced above by Reubent before temptation overwhelms me. That is a super deal if in the stated condition.
I have no use for it or it would be gone already.
I echo the Arcam idea. I'd stay away from Rotel as I've not enjoyed my experiences with them.

I thought you wanted tubed amp ideas hence my earlier suggestions.

I saw this ad on A-goN yesterday. $345 for the Arcam Alpha 10 is a great deal. I owned one a few years ago and thought it was excellent.

No relationship with the seller. Just passing on what I thought was a great deal.


Check the classifieds for used NAD,Rotel,Cambridge Audio,Marantz,etc. Lots of good deals out there. Good luck and happy New Year.
Two low cost int amps I've seen and heard are the Glow audio tubed amp and the Jolida Fx-10. Both look distinctive and sound pretty good -- espec if using high sensitivity speakers.