Suggest your most desired MSRP $1,500-$3,000 Stand Mount for a Shootout.

We are gathering a list of eight speakers to compare in two live events in

June 2022. Post covid we hope!


Trying to gather models which are not readily available for audition.


Please submit your One suggestion here. 

I will begin with my One -KLH Model 5. MRSP $2,000.


Thanks for the help!


Reynaud Bliss Jubilee- $2500.  Would probably need to contact Bob Neill at Amherst Audio

Folks-Thanks so much! Love the responses. Pls give me the MSRP with any model you suggest. 

dj- Love the Philharmonic thought

JJss- Fritz is a bit above the pricing

jjss yes the Buchards seem to rate inclusion

DNGR- Yes site unheard I would take a speaker

from Steve at Decware. Re-write those qualifiers!!


Okay this is what I was really hoping for. Several suggestions

on companies I knew nothing about.


Also several respondents who are unable to decide what they

like best and hence sent multiple names and unidentified MRSPs

may be overlooked in deference to time.


Also, not looking for any "Baseline" speakers.


There are some good ones no one has suggested yet.


Just one please!! Sorry if that makes you really concentrate.