So I´m thinking of adding a subwoofer to my audio setup. The problem is – and I´m not sure if it really is a problem – that my amp (Willsenton R-800i) is not designed for this. It has only three RCA and one XLR inputs and one set of speaker outputs.
Now I found this (here) which promises to solve that problem:

Double wire, ok. I think I also saw Steve Guttenberg showing this in a sub review.
While this is obviously possible, I´m wondering if this does in any way effect the sound quality. Being a complete amateur I´m thinking that somehow there´s less power going to the main speaker if the subs are wired like this.

The amp has 4, 8 and 16 ohms output. Currently I´m using the 4 ohms output plug. Would it make a difference if I plugged the sub into one of the others?
Currently I´m considering a SVS PB-1000 Pro, which has speaker level input. I´m open for other suggestions and solutions.