step-down transformer

Is there such a thing as a step-down transformer for phono cartridges? I have two MM cartridges, but my preamp has only one MM input and one MC input.

Can I simply connect to a step-up transformer backwards, ie, cartridge output to the normal transformer output and feed the normal transformer input to the preamp?

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You could in theory do that, but be mindful of the impedance transformation.  If you used a 1:10 SUT, then you want your MC inputs to have ideally 470 ohms impedance, so that with the SUT hooked up backwards, the MM cartridge sees 47K ohms. I don't know anyone who ever tried it.

With an extra component and an extra pair of interconnects, you might as well just use a switch and have both connected to the MM input. Something like a Rek-O-Kut two way switch would be fine.


Theoretically, yes a backwards step-up xformer should do the trick. I've never tried it.