Speakers under $3-4,000?

Have MC2500, need some speakers and don't have an unlimited budget. Used of course. Have a big sub I can use if necessary.
There is currently a pair of used Vandersteen Quatros on The 'Gon for just (as in $1) under $4000. I have no affiliation with the seller, but do know that those are some fine speakers for the money.

Have fun with your selection and happy listening!
You might consider the Von Schweikert VR-33 speakers which still sell for $3750.
I do not have the Studios I am just a fan. I am using a pair of Thiel CS2.4 I bought used off a local dealer. I like the CS2.4 a lot but I often think I should have bought the Studios used off Audiogon instead because the price difference is marginal...

Now I am just too lazy (hate the hassle) to sell my CS2.4 and grab the Studio.
James63, do you run the Studios? I have been looking at a pair recently. If you do now or in the past run/ran them, what amps did you use? I am not trying to hi-jack the thread since your comments on them would be worthwhile (hopefully) to both the OP and myself. Thanks
Try some NEW BOSE series 6 version 2's....one of the BEST and future CLASSIC that we will talk about for a long time! These new 901's have had over 650 improvements done to them! They don't even use the same speaker drivers as was in the 1988's 901 series 6 any more! Two pair of these NEW 901's STACKED sound DAMN GOOD!....
There are rebuilt Quad 57s, Quads 63s, or a good used pair of Quad 988s !!!!!!!!!!!!
Ckoffend makes good points. I did not recommend the Thiel 2.2 because I have not heard them. There are just so many good buys out there on the used market. You can get the Revel Studio for around $4500 ($12000ish when they came out) and make your first highend buy your last (assuming it is your first)...
I would buy either Legacy Focus 20/20's or Magnepan 3.7's. Both entirely different, but amazing.
My few cents worth based on your stated amplifier and budget:

Gemme Audio Katana's are great and will fall in the middle of your budget ($13,000 when new for the V2s). I have a pair of these and also a pair of Wilson Watt/Puppy 5s and after 6 months still can't determine which is a better speaker for my tastes and which ones to keep/sell.
The Thiel 2.4's were a good rec., but why not also consider the 2.2's which sound very, very similar and can be had for about $500 (a cheap way to determine if you like Thiels).
Dynaudios are another good recommendation.

I have a lot of respect for Elizabeth, but I am not so sure about the Mags unless you have already listened to them and know you like their sound. I know E will probably dispute this, but I think they are a higher maintenance speaker when buying older used ones than MOST people want to deal with. If you are going Mags, I would find a dealer and consider buying new or at least a later mfg. pair locally (which she suggests anyway).
Audiokinesis has a new design out in your price range its well thought out and a good deal.
Darkmoebius is right. Room size and placement constraints, etc., will generate more helpful suggestions. That said, with patience, the new Gallo 3.5 could be had at your pricepoint (used or otherwise discounted); it is excellent and (I'm guessing) adaptable to a range of applications, partly in virtue of it's small size. John
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James what about the following:

Monitors with Ribbon Tweeter combo
Mark & Daniel maximus
Volent Paragon VL-2
Dali Helicon 300 or 400

Monitors Soft Dome Tweeter
Vienna Acoustics Hadyn
Focal 1007 Be
Totem The One

Prefer ribbon tweeter speakers for
I would not buy used magnepans. The 3.6 has delamination issues that are atmosphere and age related. A new pair of Magnepans 1.7s would be a much better buy. They use foil instead of round wire for the "driver" and delamination will be minimized (or gone...).

Used Thiel CS2.4 would be a more traditional option (and my vote). They can be a touch bright but have very good bass to off set it.

Focal Electra 1027S:
Well balance, clear mids but a little light in the bass

Dynaudio C1:
Do a google search, countless good reviews.

Dynaudio Contour S1.4
Cheaper alternative to the C1

I have not heard the Usher Mini Dancer II but they are also getting very good reviews and look very nice.
05-04-11 - Climbmadone
Have MC2500, need some speakers and don't have an unlimited budget. Used of course. Have a big sub I can use if necessary.
If you want usable suggestions, please supply us with a description of the rest of your system, especially your amps(if you are keeping them). Also, the size of your room and how much distance from the front and side walls you have for placing them. How far will you sit from them?

Finally, what type of music you like to listen to, how loud you listen, and what are your musical priorities (bass, midrange, high frequencies, pace, soundstage, depth, etc)

Also, some other speakers you've heard and liked or disliked.
Elizabeth, Do you know if the 3.6s were upgraded and changed through the years, or is it simply a matter of age and use? Thanks
AS we're talking about recently discontinued fare so far, and yep usually those are great deal items....

Be this self serving or not... in many many years of various speaker sets, JBL, BW, Monitor Audio, Infinity, Bertagni, Phase Technologies, Canton, etc.

The recently discontinued Silverline Sonata IIIs are fine speakers! Especially if you find them in piano gloss. The piano gloss versions are less susceptable to humidity or heat and subsequent blistering or cracking in the finish.

Theuy'll play on just a few watts, tube or SS, or a bunch of watts, 250 - 500 - ?

containing one of the best tweeters Dyn Audio ever made, or anyone else arguably, the Esotar. Easy to set up, small footprint, and sound great!

Several versions of the Sonata were made... Alan finally got it right in the IIIs. IMHO. My pr were done by Alan hmself and are a matched pair.

Every speaker I've heard on par with them or better are in the $10K - 12K range.

I just heard a pr of JAMO R909's I think could best the Sonata IIIs with a bigger/better power amp than the 150 NAD multi they were attached too... but in all I feel they are a step up... the R909's new cost $15K + .
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