Speaker Cable Suggestions

I would appreciate any suggestions on speaker cable choices.  I will be using the following components:
Krell Chorus 5 channel amp
Krell Foundation processor
Oppo 205 Blue Ray
Sequerra Tuner
B&W 802's & Center Channel
My budget is $1500.00 Max, I am looking at used Kimber, Cardas, Audioquest or the new Silnote Orion-M2 Master
Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
@csmgolf ,
I think you should ignore what dynaquest4 posts. No point taking it further. His system is the best and he "knows" that there cannot be anything better. How does he know that, you say? Well he knows it all, don't argue. We all are biased, he is the sole authority :-))))))))))))))
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Do you know other members well enough to call them foolish, delusional, ignorant and all of the other things that you repeatedly call people? Have you personally experienced what they have with their systems in their rooms? When does the shoe you prescribe for others fit on your foot? It doesn't matter if it is directed at one person, or is a general comment thrown out at everyone. Me thinks that you need to develop thicker skin if you are going to go on insulting others. Personally, I take no offense to what you said for the reason you objected to in my last post. I could see where someone as sensitive as you could be offended by your postings. Look in the mirror.

To the OP, if 6 feet is long enough, there is a pair of Audioquest Oak in your price range that would work well. The Silnote cables are nice, but resale is not good if you decide to move on. Another really good cable is the Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme and are highly recommended. Good luck. 
What you say and how you post is classic trolling. Posting something provocative for the sole purpose of obtaining a reaction. Pretty much the definition to a T. I am sure your tender feeling will require that this post be deleted, but at least you will have seen it. Obviously, self awareness is not a strong suit for you. Buh-bye!
csmgolf: I have thick skin and offensive comments, while substantially lightweight, are directed personally at me, do not contribute to the topic and merely distract others from the discussion at hand. This particular thread is about cables...not me. Again...as we said in the Navy: "Stay focused, stay on target."

This discussion is not about me. It is about cables and whether it is ethical to encourage others to waste money.
"whether it is ethical to encourage others to waste money"

That kind of begs the question, no?  Isn't it fair for people to disagree about whether cables are a worthwhile investment?  Can you accept that there is *some* room for disagreement?  Precious little in this hobby (or elsewhere!) is black and white.
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Cables make a difference, I used to own the Clear day cables for a SET Amplifier and Horn Speaker. IT sounded Magical but left me with fatique.

They work on some systems and not others.

I ended up with Liquid Damped Cabled from Purist Audio Design, These sounded less noisy and cleaner overall.

The Silver is so transparent that all forms of noise would show up on playback. They are not shielded or Damped.

In any case I think they are good value cables and can beat many high end stuff as long as it matches with your system.
I served almost 10 years in the Navy so there is no need for you to lecture me. You took the thread off target by claiming to be offended. You made it about you by commenting on my post.  If any comment, such as those you routinely make, is directed to the forum in general, (i.e. is nameless), it is somehow not offensive? Really? I gave my opinion. If you don't like it, tough. Move on. Why should I care about your feelings when that same courtesy is not extended to anyone else here by you?  Apparently you did not notice that I did make a couple of recommendations based on the OPs question. Right on target. As long as you keep putting the target on your back, the torpedoes will continue coming. 

Now back to regular programming, I still recommend Oak and the Graphene Extreme speaker cables to the OP. Either would work well for you. 
Cables cannot "change" (for better) the audio program...merely fix external issues.  

dragon_vibe says:

1.  "(the cables)....sounded magical but left me with fatigue."  I found it strange that cables that sound magical (a positive) can also tire you out. Was that comment thought through?
2.  "These (cables) sounded less noisy and cleaner overall.  Cables do not "sound" or actively do anything to the media. How can they be less noisy when they make no noise?  Not sure what "cleaner means?"  Same as less noisy?
3. "Silver is so transparent that all forms of noise would show up on playback."  So now "transparency" is a bad thing.  Where is this "all sorts of noise" coming from?

Though possibly well intended, these are essentially made up claims (very prevalent coming from those who have sucked up the exotic cable kool-aide) with no sort of standardization of definition.  I believe these claims are what the listener wants to hear and entirely lack substance.  Hard to define what cannot exist.

Cables cannot "change" (for better) the audio program

At least you are right about one thing. However, they can, and all do, take away from the signal that is being sent. That is without exception. The best cables take away the least or inject their own voice the least. The I know science kool aid is so strong that some can’t accept that we don’t know everything or that it is entirely possible that we don’t yet know how to measure everything that matters in respect to human hearing. That kool aid is very strong.

I've said it before. JW Audio.

Found it because of other people on this site. Stuff is so inexpensive people probably think it's not great. It's really worth auditioning against cables that cost $1,500 to 2k. I've found it just as good. When you see them you'll think what the heck is this rinky dink stuff yet it is wonderful. As I've upgraded components it has allowed them to shine.

Is it as good as 5k or more cables? I don't know but I'd rather put that money towards components.

Speaker Cables cannot "change" (for better) the audio program, but they can certainly alter a highly complex load (impedance) so that a listener might like the resulting sound better.

No need to spend a lot of $$ to get that however.

Unlike the woo-woo with interconnects, the alteration of sound from speakers with complex impedances by speaker cables is well understood in electronics.
Wow another useless cable debate. I am sure the bulk of this was no help at all to the OP.
the only help for the OP is to try different (inexpensive) cables from one of the 'rental'/return places until he finds something he likes

no way to predict what sound alteration will be most pleasing

There is always a lot of opinions on speaker cable. Lately in our audio club we have had some members experimenting with different cables including Clear Day, Grover, Western Electric 16ga, Acoustic Zen and many other brands.  A couple of us are using the Duelund 12ga wire.  I think it sounds excellent and it is very inexpensive as cable goes.  Just get some and try it and if your don't like it sell it.  In my opinion your room acoustics will make a bigger difference than any speaker cable.     
The goose says: "In my opinion your room acoustics will make a bigger difference than any speaker cable."

Bingo!  Clarity in a sea of confusion!   
I simply wanted to echo the one previous poster about anticables.com. I have their Level 3 and am pleased as punch. I think it's unbelievable value for the dollar. (I'm on Thiel 3.6, Bryston 4B SST, and Tom Evans Vibe pre-amp, with OPPO media server.) I bought, as a gift, a single Level 1 RCA interconnect for my brother, who is the one who got me into stereo, and he was amazed at what this did, in change, for his system. Simply one Level 1 IC from preamp to amp. 
**Purist Dealer**
Dragon_Vibe is right.  The noise level is so low with Purist cables that dynamics jump out more than other cables.  There is also a focus and percussive focus to every note that I don't hear with other cables, the blarey/smear goes away with Purist Audio Design.  They are just cleaner, and routinely win cable shootouts.  Good luck with your cable search.  
Love the name calling. Y'all need to drink less coffee!

As for DIY, @williewonka and I just finished an epic DIY cable journey. Mine are still settling in, but the sound so far it's superb in my system. Clean, clear, lots of space, great dynamics, solid bass.. 

Mine cost me ~$200 to make a 6'  biwire pair. Obviously a single run would be cheaper and using no connecters even more so..


See Post above. It seems Purist Audio Design cables lower noise, bump up dynamics, eliminate all the blarey smear and increase focus…even percussive focus to every note….EVERY note! I just hafta go to these “cable shootouts” these Purist cables win. I’m sure it would be jaw dropping and eye popping.

You couldn’t make this stuff up. No…wait, yes you could.

It never ceases to amaze me that someone’s system could have so much noise, such stifled dynamics, so little percussive focus and so much of that blarey smear (whatever that is) that a simple pair of speaker cables could make it all go away.

Ahh.....the power of expectation bias.

Randy - if you're interested, @williewonka proposed a mechanism for noise induction into the neutral.. check out his blog or the 'help me build speaker cables' thread here.

I'm in agreement on most super expensive commercial cables.. so much hype to differentiate each brand. Having gone the DIY route, I understand why cables can be hundreds of dollars: high quality, high purity wire isn't cheap. Once we get into cables costing thousands, I don't get it..