Soundsmith having Issues because of COVID

Don't know if there's any way to help but he posted this on AudioAsylum:

 I WISH I have the luxury of time, but with this virus and its effect on my many employees and my business surviving this, I unfortunately do not. I look forward as I have done for 50 years to help all my customers, no matter what level of cartridge they have bought - many times not even my designs. But time right now is the final frontier for me and my company. Sales are at ZERO and overhead/payroll continues as everyone is sheltered at home. We are in the epicenter. I sent everyone home 8 weeks ago.  

Post removed 
(addendum) Names and identity. Names assume some bearer
of the name. Names have no meaning but only refer. Knowing
an name does not mean to know anything about the person.
That why names are called ''not  predicative'' . 
Now what does the statement ''Peter has retiped my cart'' or
''Van den Hul has repaired  my cart mean? They obviously don't
mean that someone else deed this work because we would then
say Herman deed or simple '' I have no idea who fixed my cart''. 
Is this so difficult to grasp?
I for one will be glad if Peter is the skipper, and others are sailing the ship. So many legendary Japanese cart artisans have retired or died, and taken their secrets w them...if Peter has trained successors to carry the flame, thank the Lord. I never wanna have to consider another brand.

Interesting that you chose to ignore the point that your behavior is rude. Also that your point that you bring up has no relevance to the PURPOSE of this thread. Rather that you choose to denigrate a company that others value.

Kick a good company and man while they are down. That is how you do things? Valuable insight into your character I would say.
Close enough. Now back to Soundsmith.

I've been mulling over (dreaming about) a Hyperion for a while now. The more I learned about Ledermann and his whole design approach the more convinced I got that this is the way to go. Only no rush, my Koetsu is fresh enough. 

But now with the sale and all I am having another look. Once again this has me looking at the Strain Gauge. Not sure if I saw it before but this time I noticed this review by Uwe Kirbach with incredible high-res photos.

When I look at the Strain Gauge, it sure looks to me like he has ribbed it for vibration control. The cartridge pins are mounted in a block of some milky translucent material, and there looks to be another layer of it between the cartridge body and top mounting plate, leading me to believe its some special vibration control magic going on. 

The SG is designed with screws that enable both VTA and azimuth adjustment. Both are probably better done on the arm but not all arms are set up for this and its just really cool he's engineered these right into the cartridge!

The stylus is user-replaceable. Loosen one tiny little hex bolt and out it comes. The SG doesn't have the glamour of a Koetsu. It has to my eyes something better: the look of a purpose-made lab instrument.

The SG strikes me as another technology that by rights should be front-page news all over the audio world. Like DBA. Like Tekton. What they all have in common, the technology is a little hard for the average audiophile to understand. Uwe explains it quite well. Short and sweet. Read the review.

Amazingly, the SG would actually cost less than if I was to upgrade to the Hyperion. Because the SG doesn't require a phono stage I would sell my Herron. And they're 25% off right now. Dang. This just might be doable....

Miller, I'll resist the urge to tell you to get the SG...but get the SG! lol
The only thing I'd advise is, leave a little budget for a LPS. This really transforms the cart's fortunes.

Put it this way, I'm a Rush/Black Sabbath/Genesis guy at heart. And my LPSd SG w 6 stylus absolutely compels. 

But in the last 5 years, critically because the SG is such an honest uncoloured (but naturally colourful) transducer, it's allowed me to fully sate my love for Miles and Trane, and any amount of classical.

I've just polished off an 11-lp DG boxset of Beethoven string qts...the time just flew by.

Straingauge, and Soundsmith generally, totally up there w the best...and in some ways unique at what they do best.
Soundsmith offer's a top-notch product with top-notch service and that Sound's Good to me!            Pun Intendrd.
I even love the name...suggests a hands-on manual trade utilising traditional, handed-down artisanal experience and skills
Don't let isolation by COVID-19 ruin your romantic relationship with Soundsmith.
Very English.
Covid-19 situation ruined business almost in every country for everyone, even for self employed like myself. I wish SoundSmith business quick recovery and with support from people like you guy he must be fine sooner or later, where else you can ship your cartridges? SoundSmith product discounted with 25% now, so buy and support if you like this brand so much. But don’t forget that almost every company in this world suffering from this horrible situation. People are dying, until nobody died at SoundSmith i think it’s not so bad. I hope they are safe, the news from NYC is horrible, indeed. But i hope US Economy is strong enough to support business when it’s over. In my country they do not support private individuals and do not support business, everything corrupted and our economy depends on oil prices only, we’re in 1992 again but without hope for a better life and democracy like it was in 1992. I got no penny from our government.

What’s the point of this topic, i did not get it ?

Who is not suffering from covid-19 situation ?
It's not inexpensive. Chuck, you buy that SG, I'll be damn impressed with you!
Chakster, where are you from?
Commiserations if you are doing worse than most. The collapse of the oil price is crippling Iran and Nigeria especially, adding insult to the injury of Covid.

Yes, you could say this thread is a First World what if an audio company goes bust, noone will starve, there are thousands of other carts you can buy.

It was that Peter Lederman posted publically of his woes, and it's chimed with a lot of people.

I run two small self employed therapy clinics, have had to shut and let two associates go. If I fold for good, I won't starve (just), and therapy will always exist.

For me, I absolutely value the small, customer-centered business, in everyday life as well as audio. I view Peter as that rare combination...dedicated, traditional, value-minded, and approachable.

The world of audio is mortally wounded if Peter folds. Yes, the price gougers and bling merchants will survive, charging their $200k for tts, $50k for arms, $25k for carts...they'll thrive in the post Covid, Asian-centered hyperinflationary priced ephemera non reality.

But Peter, bringing a taste of the upper class to the middle class, will be a huge loss. And thus this thread was born.

Genuinely good luck to you and yr compatriots. 
Chakster, where are you from?
Commiserations if you are doing worse than most. The collapse of the oil price is crippling Iran and Nigeria especially, adding insult to the injury of Covid.

I’m in St.Petersburg, Russia @spiritofmusic 
Covid-19 and oil prices together killing our economy and this must be the hardest time ever in 20 years (disaster for small business).

I hear you Chakster.
Bought my redesigned tonearm from a compatriot of yours in Moscow. Top class product.
What can one say...other than we have to survive, there's no alternative.
As they say, see everyone the other side of the Covid Curve.

I can 'only' speak of  my 1st hand 'actual' experience, and assuming you are as knowledgeable as you present - in the world of QA - consider this Objective Quality Evidence (OQE).  The rebuild of my Soundsmith Paua was delayed because of a work backup that Pete had, and that Peter rebuilds every top-tier Soundsmith cartridge.  Retips are unlikely to be performed by Peter (unless there is a particularly difficult cartridge) and the lower cost Soundsmith cartridges such as the Carmen which rebuilds at only $199, are done by his staff.  I bought a Carmen as  a 2nd cartridge for that very reason, knowing that when it comes time to rebuild the turn-around will be faster.  But, for my Paua I am willing to wait for the "Master-Builder".
spiritofmusic, check out my system. It would not be the first Teres to sport a Strain Gauge.  Active Shielding power supply upgrades were huge. So I totally get what the power supply mod can do for SG. And I noticed the same thing with my system, where it had to hit a certain level and then out of nowhere classical, jazz, whole bunch of stuff suddenly becomes enjoyable. What can you tell me about the different stylus profiles?

You may really need to let this one go. You are getting deeper and deeper and further and further. Dmage control is in order. Yes, you are right, probably none of the designers have retipped some cartridge, but they are the face of the business and they get identified as that business. millercarbon nicely explained everything in one of the posts above.

Not to mention that there is a number of people on these threads who do not consider English their first language. Invoking that in an argument is really trying to hold on to a straw, man.
I wrote to ''Durob Audio'' an exclusive hifi shop in Holland owned
by Van den Dungen. Van den Dungen was the inventor of the
''Kiseki story''. I asked  advice for my Kiseki Agaat which had
some coils issue. To my surprise I got an answer from the master
him self. He told me that he is searching for someone whom he
can trust because he also had ''some Kisekis'' for repair. He is
in China the most of the time because he owns ''Prima Luna''
factory there .That , a.o. was the reason for my surprise. 
So I posted my Agaat to Durob. But after 3 or 4 months I asked
very polite about my Agaat and his answer was that he lacked
the time for this ''adventure''. So I asked my Agaat back because
I found someone else for the job. This job was done in Hungary.
Now is it not curious that he deed not ask Van den Hul for his
Kiseki's or some other known re-tipper? He made it clear that
he needed to know whom exactly he should trust his carts.

Hmmmm, nice story worth reading, but how is it related to Soundsmith story?

As an irrelevant side note, during one of the of the recent audio shows, I met Mr. Soundsmith. Exchanged a few words, casual conversation, and he did not bite or kick. He seemed just like a regular guy who obviously knew much more than I did. I did not like the music he put on the turntable, though. but I will let that one pass and not take it against him.
You guys and gals are killing me here. Peer pressure to get another Soundsmith (Hyperion this time), while I was contemplating a Koetsu Onyx Platinum. I feel that Soundsmith is being awful generous to allow all of his distributors to reduce cost for sales. For some, this is a great opportunity, while others will have to sit and wait for the next opportunity, sadly. Based on my readings, I want to just pull the trigger for a Hyperion, but I always try and do mission analysis before such purchases. But, this is a great opportunity for anyone who can take advantage of it. I own the Sussaro MKII and love it. Is the Hyperion that much better? I am conflicted!! 
AQ4L, there is a fantastic in depth comparison/trial thread on Soundsmiths, esp Hyperion and Straingauge carts
Go to Whats Best Forum, and on the Vinyl Forum/Carts look for:-
Next Step On Soundsmith Fixed Coil Carts cut a long story short, the Hyperion and LPSd Straingauge come out very highly rated indeed. 
More evidence as to how underrated Peter's creations are.
Thank you for the SUT link.
I am using a SUT with 26dB gain, 1:20 into a 47 k ohm preamp 
Reflected primary would be around 120 ohms
This seems like an ok match for your low output carts?



Thank you. Been reading your posts with praise regarding the Soundsmiths. Yes, agree that Soundsmith is underrated. I hope they can weather the storm, as well as everyone else affected by this disease. 

“Go to Whats Best Forum, and on the Vinyl Forum/Carts look for:-
Next Step On Soundsmith Fixed Coil Carts“

AQ4L, there is a fantastic in depth comparison/trial thread on Soundsmiths, esp Hyperion and Straingauge carts
Go to Whats Best Forum, and on the Vinyl Forum/Carts look for:-
Next Step On Soundsmith Fixed Coil Carts cut a long story short, the Hyperion and LPSd Straingauge come out very highly rated indeed.
More evidence as to how underrated Peter's creations are.

On Or some other site? Because I'm not finding it there. Link?
Post removed 
Well, that bites. You just have to ignore Nandric when he goes off. Most everyone has been supportive, no?
In case you by chance look at this again Peter, it sounds to me like the Soundsmith fan club. Except for one person. Just ignore him, he’s an odd one. I’m in a similar position with my business, except completely closed and 0 revenue. I understand how you feel. I wish though that I had the fans and support that I hear here that you do. With the reputation of your company, Soundsmith will be one of the survivors.
Millercarbon, go to Whats Best Forum
Vinyl threads
Thread is "Next Steps Soundsmith Fixed Coil Cartridges"
Big comparison set up my member Shakti
Me as Spirit Of Music also contributes 
@millercarbon   If you do go over to 'Whats Best Forum', make sure you don't bring up anything that might upset one of the all knowing, all seeing gurus over there! They are very one sided and there is no moderation.
glubson,''nice story but how is it related to Soundsmth story?''
My first post dispute the ''believing''  part of the story.
Believing in Peter's  capability, integrity, ect. is not the same as
believing  in Soundsmith as company. There was an  French
king who stated: ''France that is I''. Besides Peter is not some
''collective being'' . He is as all of us an individual person not
by chance with his own name. Because he himself . stated to
have .''many employees'' there is, say chance, that someone
else retiped the cart. So ''Peter retiped my cart'' will not do.
The reason is simple: it is not true that Peter retiped my cart.
So if someone else deed it then one should use the quantifier
''some'' which is most easy to explain with: ''someone has stolen
my cart''. This is the same as I have no idea who retiped
my cart. Strange ''base'' for believiving. All the 'straw man'' 
constructions against me were actually based on assumption
that my intention was to hurt Peter. I used the other example, 
Van den Hul with the same problem. When people state
 ''Van den Hul retiped my cart'' what are they referring to? 
Van den Hul himself or his company? Companies are theso called 
''legal bodies'' . Invented by lawyers in order to reduce risk for the 
By separating comapies assets from his private assets. Such that
only company assets would be liable for their debts, But company
is not able to act. Only humans can act. So each legal body has
representatives who act in the name of the company. 
My point was that believes have nothing to do with the truth.
An statement is true or false irrespective  from what we believe.
@nandric, something is wrong with your Google Dutch to English translator, its spitting out gibberish.
testpilote , There is much wrong with your capability to learn. I just
explained  what ''someone'' or ''something'' means but you are
obviously not able to understand . My arguments are not based
on Dutch or other languages but on logic which is universal. Try
logic of quantification but I don't expect much from you. 
You are one of many who have no better arguments than ''straw
man'' kinds. That is avoiding arguments and instead ascribing
to the opponent ''bad character''. ''Colling names'' is, i think,
American expression for your ''arguments''. 
It's really quite rare to see a person doing such a damn fine job digging a hole for themselves.  Careful of the core on your way down nandric, I hear it's fairly hot.
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