Sonus Faber Grand Piano or Totem Forrest?

What are your thoughts on the Sonus and the Forrest?
Will one brand work better with Rotel 1080 amp and 1070 preamp?
What are advantages and disadvantages of each?
I mostly listen to classical but want the freedom to play rock, rap and anything else without sacrificing too much.
Thanks ahead for any helpful tips.

Uh, this post is 20 years old so may be a little late to chime in now unless the OP takes a looooooong time to make decisions. 

The Grand Piano was released over 25 years ago. How old are the ones you are looking at?

I saw a few Grand Pianos in the past and was never too impressed whereas I fell in love with every Totem I have heard.

I would read the stereophile reviews of both and figure out the strength and weaknesses. On paper, the SF looks a little meatier but nothing beats synergy.

I have owned Totem and they were great sounding on any type of music. I have only heard SF for demos, but I found them too 'polite' for rock or rap, sounded great with classical. So I agree with @marakanetz.  Just an opinion on what I've personally heard, not trying to start an argument.

I owed Rotel a while back, either amp would be fine, but most would say a little extra power never hurts. If you plan on getting a sub, then you can go with the 1070 (I'd recommend a sub with any speaker regardless), otherwise I'd go with the 1080.

Hope this helps.

The Forrest would be my recommendation as they are more versatile considering your repertoire. I generally like SF products but think that their Homage series far exceeds their other series. I heard the Grand Piano and was not that smitten. On the other hand, I heard the Forrest several times and each time was quite impressed by their enveloping sound.
Forrest has fuller range, deeper bass and harder slam. I'm not sure of pricing but probably Forrest is less expencive than Grand Piano.