song title that is memorable

"Alligator, do not stop on tracks" from the Grateful Deads's 2nd lp has always been one of my favorite song titles. it always struck me as humourous (and unlikely), and represented a song on which they stretched musically.
anyone else have any titles that have proven memorable to them?
"She'd Rather Be Homeless Than Here at Home With Me" and "Ain't Too Old to Cut the Mustard, Jus' Too Tired to Spread it Around", a pair of Shel Silverstein tunes from the Old Dogs album. Sang these at our choir's pops concert last month, brought down the house. A lot of great titles in country music.
Unlikely phrase: "whistle thru your teeth & spit" (G-Dead). "My piano has been drinking (not me)" T. Waits
Eddaytona: That is a song by The Dickies aka "The Incredible Shrinking Dickies".

Since we are wandering down that lane, i'll add a few of the tamer ones that i can remember:

"You drive me ape, you big gorilla" by the Dickies

"Bring on the nubiles" and "Nice & Sleazy" by the Stranglers

"Love comes in spurts" by Richard Hell & the Voidoids

"Your love is like a nuclear waste" by Tuff Darts

"Jocko Homo" by Devo

"(I'm lookin thru) Gary Gilmore's Eyes" by the Adverts

And if you are wondering, yes, i was a very disturbed youth : ) Sean

"several species of small furry animals gathered together in a cave and grooving with a pict." Pink Floyd
See Jungle! See Jungle! Go Join Your Gang, Yeah, City All Over! Go Ape Crazy! by Bow Wow Wow. See my user name.
Stuck In A Pagoda With Trisha Toyota
Not sure if this is actually the title from the '80's song. If you lived in LA during that time you may remember that foxy Japanese news anchorwoman from Channel 4 news.
Two from "Forever Changes" by Love (I'm quoting from memory here):

"Alone Again Or"

"The Good Humor Man, He Sees Everything Like This"
If Wesley Willis is the guy that i think he is, i can understand why his stuff comes across as being a "doozy". Sean
I'm not sure if it's the title, but Albert Collin's, while singing the blues, reminds his woman that 'a good fool is hard to find.'
One that comes to mind is from the Kansas "Leftoverture" LP from the mid-70's... Part of a big instrumental number called:

"Father Padilla Meets the Perfect Gnat"

Interesting, to say the least.
I have Wesley Willis' Shake Your Piggy Bank in my car's CD player right now. About a third of the tracks have memorable titles. For the song list, go to:

Amazon got the title of the first song wrong. It should read: "I WHUPPED Mighty Thor's Ass."
Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict, Let's Take The Skinheads Bowling, Careful With That Axe Eugene, Burning Airlines Give You So Much More, Happiness Is A Warm Gun, The Paw Paw Negro Blowtorch, Meat Is Murder,
Boy, i could fill this thread up with a bunch of ripe trash from my youth, but i'll pass. Sean