Solar Panel and Inverter Recent Audio Lessons Learned

I am building a new home in California with a dedicated upstairs music room. California requires 2020 new home construction be equipped with solar panels to augment conventional electric power. The solar panels will be installed on the roof and located in the area directly above the music room ceiling. I am concerned about adverse impacts (such as RFI) on sound reproduction. Does anybody have current experience on whether they have experienced negative sound impacts attributable to solar panel inverters and battery storage devices, or implementation of effective mitigation measures? [NOTE: I am a novice in the area of residential solar energy and reluctant to rely on "canned" solar provider internet sources. I am looking for real experiences from true audio and music enthusiasts.] Thanks for your assistance.    

Thanks for the responses. I am going to use solar panels too, so I will need a lot of advice, hehe. It's great that useful eco-friendly things (for example, solar energy and batteries) are becoming even convenient and are being used more and more often not only in commercial enterprises but also in the private sector. I read a little about this at and found that going to solar power, at least partially, would be great. After all, this is both more economical and better for the environment and ecology.

While large single inverters might be efficient in the desert where you have the same light level to all panels, it does not work in the urban environment efficiently. The reason to have individual inverters for each panel is to maximize each panels efficiency. When the sun moves, not all panels receive the same light intensity, trees and other tall structures block the sun to different panels at different times of the day. When using a single inverter for the entire system, the lowest panel output limits the output of all panels in the system. This results in lower efficiency than using individual inverters for each panel.
Hi,I  will suggest you this grid-tie inverter from SMA is one of the most efficient and modern inverter units we’ve seen. It offers a flexible system design, with built-in power optimization. This inverter squeezes up to 97.6% of the available DC power into AC electricity when running close to its full 5,000-watt capacity.
Although this deals with a generator and transfer switch you may find it worthwhile to watch, the concepts are similar.

Michael Fremer posted this

Also have Enphase microinverters (IQ 7+) in a grid-tied system with no battery backup.

I haven't noticed any changes to how the system sounds whether the sun is shining or not.
I'm using Enphase micro inverters with Tesla power wall, no issues with noise. I'm also connected to the grid.
I'm pretty sure that solar panels will not affect the sound at all, I don't see the way they can do that at all. I recently installed a solar power system myself, and I don't see any changes in terms of sounds, to be honest. Also, if you're willing to get solar panels, don't forget about Inverter chargers because they are quite handy.
I have used my system without, and now with solar panels for a few years now. I don't notice any difference in sound quality and nothing noise inducing. I don't notice any problem with inverter noise either. Most solar panel systems don't have any battery storage devices that I am aware of. By law, in many areas, you also have to be hooked up to the electrical grid of your local power company along with your solar panels.
First, my thanks for reading and responding to my inquiry. The first 2 respondents indicate no solar noise to the powered equipment is detectable. Glennewdick addresses the concern flagged in some unhappy internet posts regarding inverter noise. My sound systems are equipped with power conditioners and run silently in my current home using straight AC power.  I just am anticipating that there may be some installation techniques available to reasonably assure the inverter (or other solar components) do not introduce noise to the electrical grid.   
solar panels output DC there should be no interference. I'd be more concerned with the inverter and if its adding noise or not to your electrical grid. 
I had solar panels installed above my listening room about a year ago and didn't notice anything different. But almost all of my listening is either before sunrise or after dark
Hi, I have sollar pannels installet right above and I;ve got no problems
I don't actually see how they can create any impact if they are on the roof and don't lay on the ceiling!