So sad about Netflix sound quality. No one can hear it

It’s really strange situation when Netflix creates good stuff on their side and they probably record it at a really high-quality level. Yet no one on the planet can hear it because streaming doesn’t allow people to hear it due to compression crap. Isn’t that the strangest thing ??

And further this sadly applies to all other streamers too. What a strange world we live in




Are you saying the Stream available from Netflix is uncompressed? I think that would be news to a lot of people.  The signal is not a full band width Signal otherwise bluray and kaleidoscope sources,etc would not be necessary.

Unfortunately kaleidoscope doesn't offer streaming services.

So I am a little confused why you believe otherwise.


Are you saying the Stream available from Netflix is uncompressed?

No, where have I said this? I’ve merely questioned your own original assumption.

The signal is not a full band width Signal otherwise bluray and kaleidoscope sources,etc would not be necessary.

If it’s not full bandwidth, how bad is it?

Your inference, that Bluray would not be necessary if Netflix was of high quality is a difficult leap of logic. Convenience and cost are also relevant factors int he success of a medium.


One thing I notice is on the majority of movies on Netflix or pretty much any other platform, Prime etc. there seems to very very little content from the rear surround channels. It’s not my system. 

I streamed a movie from Netflix and then the next day I was in my local library and saw that they had the Blu Ray.  The latter sounded so much better that it was startling.  I listened to a bit on Netflix again to make sure that I hadn’t imagined it.