Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved

Unable to respond to, "Mach2Music and Amarra: Huge Disappointment"- Thread. Other Members take free pop-shots!
Apparently some have more Freedom Of Speech than others! I
don't know how many times I have said it, I want Computer
Audio to succeed! It will only succeed if Computers are designed from the ground up to reproduce Music (Same minimum standard applied for Equipment of ALL Audio Formats)! This is common sense Audio Engineering Design. Bandaid Modifications cannot be substituted for absence in design to produce Music! Design it right to EARN the right to become a New Audio Format- same as all other Audio Formats! No Freebee's, No Cutting Corners! Lack of design is what's causing such varied results in S.Q. between
listeners of Computer Audio. I see about 50% negative
responses here on these Threads. It will continue to happen unless you fix it! Blaming me won't help! I am an
Engineer, and I can read results! 50/50 success/ failure
rate- you have an inherit Engineering Design Flaw for the
reproduction of Music via Computers! Shock! Suprise- since
they were never designed for Music! So when is someone finally going to properly design the Equipment/Computer
(From the ground up) for Computer Audio? Do we continue
to treat any real criticism as "HERESY" in the lack of
design in Computer Audio for Music? You tell me what I am
allowed to talk about, and we will both know!
No problem, Chadeffect! I have the Sun on my side. You can try and hide from those Solar Flares- you do know that they carry intense Magnetic Fields? You have some Computer Fairie Dust for that? If you ever poke your head out of your lead lined hole, and look North, the sky will look real pretty. The Audio Noise, that used to be your Music Files, will be of the highest Audiophile Quality as well. Solar Flares have been around a long time before I was ever born. Life has never been dull as long as they have been around. "The Computer Audio Gospel According To Timlub". These are your claims according to your Gospel- that real World Physics can be ignored, World is flat, and
Microsoft is a vicious Audio God that denies Computer Audio Sound Quality to everyone. You want Audiophiles to worship this out of "CONVENIENCE"? What, pray tell, are we supposed to expect from this? Do we Audiophiles go Mayan, and do self-sacrifice to the great Computer Audio God Microsoft? We sacrifice ourselves for lower, and lower, and lower Sound Quality- in exchange for more Computer Videos/ Apps/ and Computer Games? Gonna give up your monthly paycheck for a "Few Beans" of Sound Quality? Gonna throw in the towel/your life to sweeten the deal for Microsoft? Isn't THAT Special??? Who could pass up a deal like that (I'll PASS)!!! Computer Audio is supposed to be my convenient "TROPHY WIFE"? What Contest "IN HELL" did I win? "TAPE INDEEED", Dr. Smith! Computer Audio Sound Quality/ Selection/ Service is INDEED "LOST IN SPACE". You find it (And The Missing Link) you let me know! Cassette on a Disk with 1's and 0's instead of Analog. With Technology accelerating like this, why Warp Drive is right around the corner! Who are you kidding??? You want advance warning- just watch for the pretty colors in the sky. This
IS an act of GOD, not MY FAULT by the way. Take it up with your MICROSOFT GOD. You two have alot to talk about- I will leave you two alone! Merry Christmas to the both of you.
Just when life was about to get dull here is Petty. I needed more practice in typing.

Well we survived the Mayan 5,125 year cycle. I wonder if Petty will continue his trip as long? I for one would not be surprised.

Tape indeed Pettyofficer! The only tape we need is one which can be used to tie your hands to stop you posting such nonsense.

I look forward to your buzz with magnet. My house is entombed in lead many feet below ground. Like batman. Please come. The bass is deep and crisp here so I doubt I would even hear you above the system. So make many passes. A man like you is unlikely to have modern device like a phone, so please send a pigeon advising me of your arrival in advance.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Now that the world has not ended (yet), Petty arises!

Computer audio?

Or maybe it has and we are now all really in hell?
SUNANDMUSIC.... Why did you wake this guy up?
Now the bible says the world is flat and Microsoft is the Audio God.
...and be sure to keep the magnets far away from that Hard Drive. Be sure to hope against that next Solar Flare!
I talk Physics, Fragmentation, Magnetic Fields, and Round World (Real World) logic- Chadeffect. You are STILL stuck on Old Testament Flat Earth logic, and reason (Lazarus- are you kidding?). Tell me where you live, and I swear I will buzz your house with a Helicopter carrying the LARGEST Magnet available. You can hold your Computer Music Files up to it if you want. They don't call it the "Blue Screen Of Death" for nothing! What goes for your Hard Drive goes the same for your Back-up Hard Drive. Like trying to stop a bullet with a piece of aluminum foil. We
have already done the the magnetic particle Audio Format before, it was called a Cassette! We got rid of them because of unreliability, and they didn't last. As if a magnetic Hard Disk Drive would be more reliable than Tape. Oh, but its incoded with 1's and 0's this time! Well, that will certainly make it invulnerable. The INCONVENIENCE in Music Files is in their VULNERABILITY. FRAGILE!!! FRAGILE!!! FRAGILE!!! A fragmenting excuse for an Audio Format! It only appears to be Convenient only hiding its Vulnerable Fragility. Smoke, and Mirrors (Premium Price for that Smoke and Mirrors). I smell rip-off. All Rip-offs are sold as being Convenient; because, in reality they are anything but! Microsoft doesn't care about development of Computer Audio. I don't think a small group of enthusiasts are going to change that. You have no Research, and Development- you have no Audio Format. It is out of gas! What are you going to run it on- FUMES? Talk to Microsoft about helping your Format take over the World. I think that they are just jealous; because, they already own it. Why should they help you, or Computer Audio? Take your War to them. Me... I'm just passing through! You (And Microsoft) have alot to talk about- so...I will just be on my way! It ain't me you have to worry about, threatening your Format! Microsoft is your Audio God now. You chose them (For All Of Us). Thank-you kindly! YOU can put the money in the Till. I pass!
Like Lazarus this thread now rises...

Sunandmusic, no matter how much you spent on a VHS recorder, a blue ray player would be much better. The ability to transfer & decode data is best left to the computer.

This with all things considered (see the many above posts) is where CD transports vs correctly set up HD&DAC is as a source. Things just moved on. Just make sure the ripping of the original data is done correctly.
Don't meam to be rude, Sunandmusic. This Thread was ended way back in August 2012. No one is paying attention, or responding since then. I wanted the "LUXURY" of playing Optical Disks as well as Downloads. I lost that arguement in a really big way. This Thread is R.I.P.- so are the Optical Disks. "Abandon All Hope All Ye Who Enter Here"!
S-O-O-O...S-A-D !!! No turning back now, we have burned that Bridge. I don't even know where to get ANY Music from anymore. Most of it is just hopelessly splintered across many sources across the Internet. You have to really pull teeth to dig out your desired selection from many sources. Then there is always "I-Tunes". Sounds like "Looney Toones"."Budda-Budda-Budda....That's All Folks"! I can just picture Porky Pig welcoming Lost Souls across the Gates of Hell...."That's All Folks"!
Hey guys
Are we all wasting our time here? This computer based music streaming, does it actually and within 2k US for the complete Mac MIni or PC + Software + USB converter, really provide a fantastically high quality signal into a DAC of your choice??

Because, if it doesn't, and I mean right now, not later with future mods and software etc. 2K US will buy a REALLY good CDP that kinda shoots all this in the foot somewhat!

Lets forget the convienience here, and stick to QUALITY. If you don't, you may as well go onto the Walmart Audio Forum....
Don't want to spend my entire life exchanging barbs. If you
can't agree to disagree- that's O-kay. My ears can hear a
difference between a 24/96 High Res. Optical Disk, and a
24/96 Downloaded Music File (Same Release). Different
Releases, different Sound Quality. Sometimes the Disk
Sounds better, sometimes the Download. How is this possible if both are made from same Music File? I want
whatever version sounds the best for all releases. Blue-Ray
Audio Version, SACD Version, High Res. Multi-Channel MLP
Version, High Res. Download Version. You say they all sound
the same comming from same Music File. I hear a difference.
I believe that they are Remastered differently, and that is
why I can hear a difference. I will keep on appreciating
that difference untill all of the Optical Disks run out. I
will keep on using Downloading as well. I don't hear one
sounding consistently better than the other over many Releases. I get a mixed bag of results. I will pursue whichever Release sounds the best in its respected Format.
I will pursue this so long as limited Optical Disks will allow. I can burn disks; but, I don't believe that I can
Remaster, and produce Optical Disks as well as Professional
Recording Studio's. Concidering that they have the Master
Analog Tape to work with. I have only the Music File.
Inevitable that Downloading will eventually take over.
Will eventually just have to deal with it. Sorry for the
insults. Passions over Music can carry one away. I think
that everyone will survive, including me. No one has lost
any skin here, no one is entitled to any in retribution.
No first blood has ever been drawn. I'm out of your hair
permanently. Computer Audio will be the only thing left in
dealing with Sound Quality. Hope that it is dealt with well. LAST RESPONSE, LAST THREAD (This time I hope that I
mean it!).
Thanks for the reply Hfisher, just don't want to spend my wheels pushing to get a prototype made if there is really no interest... I'll probably give another thread a try.
Thanks Timlub - and regarding your query on a "made-for-audio pc", personally I am a very happy Mac user so it probably wouldn't be of any interest to me. Perhaps a new thread would give you more idea - I think many have already tuned out of this one!

What we really need to hear is if something like this would be of any interest to a nihilist like pettyofficer - after all he was the one who suggested it in the first place. Wouldn't it be priceless if it was Petty himself who spurned the idea for a venture like that...?! ;)
Hfisher, agree 100%..... of course
Mapman, I don't speak yiddish, but I think he is crazy too
Petty, I'm really not sure why I'm still responding to you - but I intend to say this one last time. I don't expect you to listen to me because you haven't shown any inclination to listen over the first 266 posts, but you continue to accuse me of ridiculous things so I will defend myself one last time.

At no point did I ever say I would like to wipe out any other formats. In fact, my number one format remains vinyl. I still have a large collection of CDs. I have given up on SACD but harbour it no ill will. Just because I have chosen to adopt computer audio does not mean I want to wipe out other formats. And even it I did, it wouldn't matter - I am just one consumer.

That's why when I ask for you to supply proof of you accusations you are unable - because there is none. I have absolutely zero intention of any format being wiped out - and why would I?

Your repeated baseless accusations give you precisely zero credibility. Somewhere buried in your ridiculous tirades there may be legitimate points but they are completely lost because you have zero credibility at this point.

I'm sure you will continue your crusade or whatever it is. No matter what we say you will continue to accuse us of all sorts of crimes. In the end we are audiophiles and music lovers who happen to use computers to help us enjoy music - that's it.

I don't intend to address this any further because I've grown weary of your nonsense. You obviously came on here looking for a pissing match and a pissing match you found - but I will indulge you no longer.
Devilboy- Computer Audio is like going via Pluto to get to
Earth's Moon! Can you spell R-E-D-U-N-D-A-N-T to an Nth
degree? What is next? Requiring me to perform human sacrifices to the Computer Gods whenever I want to listen
to my Music? Ever smaller, and higher hoops (Heavier
Computer Tasking) to jump through to get to my Music? Maybe
you can tease me like a Dog, and make me jump higher for
my food (Music)? Sorry Captain Ahab. You can travel through
"Perditions Flames" to get to your Music, if you want! I
can travel through a Quantum Universe instantly with
"Plug-n-Play". I don't have to worry about chasing White
Whales, or "Impending Doom"! I guess every Captain Ahab
thinks his crew is a "Little Bit Strange", or "Way Out
There"! I certainly disagree with what you say Captain
(Devilboy), and I am certainly more than just a "Little
Scared" over your small obsession in harpooning all
opposing Formats (Including Optical Disks). Were you
attacked by a Silver Disk? Did one cut your leg off, or
something? Well, "THAT" would explain alot! You have...
my simpathy. No offense Captain; but, I will wait for the next boat. Still not getting on the same boat as you.
I don't care how much of a "Nice Guy" you really
are once someone gets to know you. You are Sociopathically
Obsessed against all things non-Computer Audio. I have no
qualms with using Computer Audio with other Formats. I am
just not going to play my Guitar with Wasapi, Kernel Streaming, Defragmentation Software, Back-up Hard Drive,
Anti-Virus Program, Anti-Malware...etc...etc...etc. There
are easier ways to play a Guitar, and a whole hell of alot more fun! Of course you would obsess over using these things on anything that produces Music. You just can't make me do the same, and "THAT" is why you disagree.
Hi Guys,
I posted earlier about trying to get a manufactured to do a dedicated music server, Desktop and Notebook, HP blew me off, but Acer had mild interest. Acer thought a model S5 would be a good basis to work off of. The S5 retail is dropping in about a month from $1399 to $999.
Until Win 8 is officially introduced, they can't ship it, but I have an eval piece coming in a few weeks.
Is a pc version an interest to our community or am I wasting my time. Maybe starting another thread would be appropriate?
omg. Lmao! I want this thread to stay alive as badly as comedians want four more years of George W. Bush. PO: I honestly believe you are out there....way out Pluto out there. Not because I disagree with what you say, but because your rants are hilarious, and quite frankly, a little scary.
Common Sense means that you put Music over Format. Common
Sense means if you want to increase High Res. Market
MANY Formats are the necessary vehicle for this. You want
to use one vehicle to deliver all of the goods sold in
America. You think that might slow down delivery, and
production a little bit? You think that this will
E-X-P-A-N-D the High Res. Market- single vehicle/Format
delivery? Atleast I speak volumes, you speak vacuum in
High Res. Selection. You are NOT in charge of choosing
my Music for me! Not the Format, not the type of Music,
nor the method of how I listen to it!
"Soon all New Music will only be available as Downloads".
This is "YOU" trying to establish BOUNDARIES, and
LIMITATIONS on how I will be ALLOWED to listen to my
MUSIC! Maybe in a Universe where you are "GOD", you are
"NOT" him! I am not impressed as to how you are running
the Universe so far. One "GOD" is enough. Stick to your
day job. If you are "GOD", where is the High Res. Download
Selection to replace the growing "VOID" in Optical Disk
Selection? For playing "GOD", you are not very good at it.
KEEP WORKING ON IT (High Res. Download Selection). I am
NOT impressed so far- GET BUSY!!! That is my "Volume Speak"
of the day. You must be the most "LAZIEST DEITY" I have
ever known. You want to play the part, washing your hands of all respondsibility just wont cut it. I AIN'T BUYING IT!
You want me to worship your Format, I expect SELECTION for
my prayers. You are not getting me on my knees for anything
less! Certainly not for I.O.U.s, or Empty Promises of
future High Res. Downloads. Got burned worshiping SACD/DVD-
Audio GOD. Prayed for greater Selection (Rain). Ended up
eating dirt. I don't think that your dirt is any different,
or any better. The gall of you demanding that I eat your
Formats dirt exclusively- THAT IS WHAT ANGERS ME THE MOST!
You argue incessantly because I wont swallow it. I will
spit it out in your face; because, THAT IS WHO I AM! Get
over yourself, or end up with allot of dirt on yourself.
"You discount Common Sense as "Proof"?".

Just the fact that you seem to think you have displayed even a shred of common sense speaks volumes.
as I said in my last post to condense the surround mix to stereo is no big deal really. They just fold down the rears change the panningn a little. Depending on the recording, one could pose more of a problem than another, but if it doesn't sound distant/too reverby/echoy then they have done a good job.

Don't worry PO, the future will be fine. The technology is here, and it is backwards compatible. One just has to be a little savy and keep up to date. Ask any teenage if you get confused.

Happy listening. Now I'm off to the Olympics.
O-kay Hfisher3380, you got the last word. I thought that is
what Trolls do. Troll see, Troll do?
No need to apply the scientific method to the Nth
degree. Simple subtraction, and common sense works just fine. You have less of anything to buy you have less to select from. You want to shrink the High Res. Audio Market
by getting rid of the High Res. Disks. 4-2=2 The end
result of "2" is less than "4". My High Res. is currently at "4". You want to reduce it down to "2". I scream foul
because I am now down by "2" on my High Res. Selection.
You expect me to eat this for the sake of....what? Yet,
you think that you are the one who should be upset. I am
the one who is getting short changed on my Music. I am the
one who is taking the loss. You have nothing to lose- why
are you so unhappy? You discount Common Sense as "Proof"?
Computer Audio will not continue to succeed in the Audio
Market without some applied "Common Sense". Too bad, I
kind of liked the alternative. You want to eliminate ALL
alternatives. You want to put all Audiophiles on life
support having to solely rely on only one Audio Format for
High Res.! This makes "NO SENSE".
Petty...accusations without proof are not even worth the paper / web space they're printed on. See ya later, troll.
Chadeffect- I don't know how many times I have said it.
The best Digital that I have ever heard is the Dianna Krall, "The Look Of Love" Advanced Resolution 24/96 Multi-
Channel Meridian Lossless Packing Optical Disc. Does this
release even resemble a Home Theatre Release? I am strictly
two Channel, but I can Downmix 24/96 High Res. Multi-Channel MLP Optical Disk to two Channels. Still unsure how
to Downmix Two Channel 24/96 Download. What do I get, a
Mono Channel? Sure, I will give up my MLP for that one!
This is what you are demanding of me?
Speaking of demanding, how can you demand anything?
You cajoule, defend, argue, demand- and still you come up
empty of examples Hfisher3380! Did that mirror shatter when
you looked into it? Everytime you open your mouth you are an example! Not just an example; but, proof positive of your intent. You are the Charade! You have made your opinion quite clear, and still you want to play a silly game that you have stated "No Opinion". I don't need any
example. You are what you are- don't need any proof positive of that! You are self explanatory; because you are
transparent. Computer Audio remains an extremely redundant
self defeating exercise. I have no desire to entertain your reduntant exercise. Life is too short. You know, as
well as I do, as well as everyone does what your position is on this subject. We have to prove it to you? Hire
someone else to do it! It is certainly not my job, not my task, and I wont waste my time on it. Sorry- ask ten more times, and you will get the same answer! "Soon all New
Music will only be available as Music Downloads", is your
Commandment. It is your goal. Go ahead and blaspheme against your Computer God, and tell me different. Tell me
you are Judas- I don't care! I am not paying you any
Silver- nor any attention. Cry all you want to.
All of these things are simply distractions from the
fact that you "DO NOT" have High Res. Download Selections
enough to fill the void of High Res. Optical Disks. You are cutting out our Music by leaving this void, and leaving a High Res. Download I.O.U. in its place. I cannot listen to an I.O.U.; but, I can listen to a High Res. Optical Disk. A 32 Bit Download I.O.U., Multi-Channel 24/96 Download I.O.U., or a DXD Download I.O.U. wont cut it either. I am not taking an I.O.U. in lieu of a High Res. Disk that I can actually listen to. KEEP WORKING ON IT- or DON'T, and allow future High Res. anything die a miserable death. If R.I.P. is your specialty don't let me interfere with you. Just don't try to argue your doing this in the interest of Music instead of your egos. You expect me to believe otherwise...REALLY! K.O.A.- Keep Options Open on more than one Format. Your direct opposite of this is what, and what is the "NECESSARY" reason for it? Now there is the $64,000.00 question that cuts across High End Audio. Something a little more critical if you are into things maybe like...I don't know...MUSIC? If your not, then my bust for misunderstanding you. What are you into if not Music? Ruining it for everyone else? Narcistic powertrip? Sell shoes instead then- you will make more
money that way! LET IT BE- and just end this Thread. No
more responses. Let history be the judge, and let God sort out the dead Formats. THAT DOESN'T MEAN "YOU" PLAY GOD!!!
(Jeez! gotta spell out/ draw pictures on EVERYTHING-NUTS!)
hi guys, I am writing from my phone on the road .as I feared h p wanted nothing to do with a new audiophile computer.
Acer had mild interest, they asked me to look at a model s5. they believe that they can modify this machine to work as an audiophile server.
I do not know that machine, if a couple of you would take a look at it I'd appreciate it , I will be back friday night and check the thread then thanks,They were talking about a $999 retail.
Petty - I ask again for you to give me one example - not surprisingly you are unable - and I am not surprised - you are unable because you are full of it and in fact there is no example. You have no data, nothing. You are a fraud. You go on an on for pages about nothing but paranoid lies. I don't want to hear yet another explanation from you on this - I want one example...O-N-E. Enough of your charade!
the lack of availability of some recordings I guess is down to a lack of interest. The very reason SACD and the others failed to take off. It's a real shame. But if you know where to look you will find them.

Regarding knowing which release is which? I do understand if you are downloading illegally that this could be a problem. It is this behaviour which threatens your beloved disks. Not us.

If legitimate download sites are the vendors, they do tend to have the details of the recording. I have stumbled across some very anal sites mainly for classical music.

I have some Sony classical recordings which were cleaned up, and mastered from the original 1960s tapes. They go into great detail about what they are and the technology used to bring it to life.

I have an audio buddy (record collector) who has reference books and a rather frightening knowledge of these things. So I guess if you are interested you do some research. Like any other hobby. Read the right magazines.

Your love for surround sound disks is touching, but leads me to believe you should be saving up for a good HT set up and forget 2 ch sound. You would be happier as you could buy more disks.

A nice receiver with a blue ray player and HDMI cable and you will be happy. Those chip sets are 32bit too. 192k audio... The glass ceiling resolution. Oh Sony what have you done? Lol
Chadeffect- so I can Download the same "Multi-track", apply
the same software to get the same result? How do you know
which Releases "DO", "DO NOT" use a Surround Microphone?
So we will be stuck with "Two-Channel" High Res. Downloads,
limited to 24/192 glass ceiling? I suppose we wont be able
to use Surround Sound Microphones there either? Neither will we be able to use 32 Bit, or DXD. If you are not
Downloading the Multi-Track, then you are Downloading a
Two-Channel Remastered Copy. You claim that High Res. is
Remastered the same either on Disk, or Download. I ask:
So where are the Multi-Channel 24/96,24/192 Downloads to
replace the MLP Disks? So where are the Multi-Channel DSD
SACD Downloads to replace the SACD Disks? So where are the
Remastered Blue-Ray Audio Downloads to replace the Blue-ray
Audio Disks? Are we supposed to make these ourselves with
nothing more than a 24/192 Two-Channel High Res. Download
"FLAC" Music File? We have to "Remaster" our own Music on
our Computer, and pay for the priviledge? I have my collection of "Master Tapes" of all Music from all ages. I
will dig them out of the attic, and get right on that!
Hfisher3380- the fact that you still argue this point
belies your intent. You argue to death the benefit of going
all Downloading Format sans other Formats. Then go "Ponchous Pilate" washing your hands of all respondsibility. You act like you never seen "Soon all New Music will only be available as Music Downloads" on this
Thread, or any other. You act like you never have heard these words. Now First time you have "EVER" heard them? Then you argue, and defend them ad nauseum. Your numerous defenses of the intent behind these words, is a constantly
rotating door of endless examples! You want an example, look in the mirror. It will make you dizzy, it makes me
dizzy just looking at it. I might loose my hands trying to
grab just O-N-E example- PASS!
I am not willing to play at your level of pretend
ignorance. You wear your intent tattooed on your forehead.
I am supposed to play ignorant in treating you like the
"Emperor and his new clothes". I am not playing games!
I am fighting for my Music, you want to severely restrict my access to my Music. Magically I lose selection everyday
with optical disk. You say "It isn't us, give us an example". I open your holy Bible of promoting Computer
Audio Downloading. Your first Commandment says, "Soon all
New Music will only be available as Music Downloads". Your
Bible also describes this as "Inevitable", and "Unavoidable". Either you guys are promoting this belief, or it is being ordained by God. Don't see the God
connection, "DO" see alot of guys "PLAYING GOD". Must be a
special place for those whose ego is based on stealing
someone else's Music. Paranoid, sure- NOW GIVE ME THE CHOICE OF MY DAMN MUSIC BACK!!! Enough of trying to
manipulate everyone by Rook, or by Crook. You are not very good at know the rest! "PARANOID" because I
demand a "CHOICE", I can live with that! I cannot live with "COMPUTER BUREAUCRATS" running bureaucratic interference, rules, regulations, and technobabble between
me and my Music. Yours is a "JIHAD", or "HOLY CRUSADE"
against Optical Disks. You don't understand why some of us get upset with being swepted up in some of your "REFORMS"?
If you can't understand- I don't know what to tell you!
Are you going to demand that we all get "BAPTISED" in the
Holy Order of "Computer Audio"? Foresake all other beliefs-
(Formats)? I always hated "NECROMONGERS"! I think, therefore I am, and I can choose. I choose not to be caged
like an animal with the chain of a single Format hanging
around my neck. "I AM A FREE MAN"! I can see beyond the
boundaries of my Computer Screen, just like I can see beyond the end of my nose. How about you? You haven't got the Selection- WORK ON IT! GETTING TIRED OF SAYING THAT!

You show your lack of understanding every time you post. Since you don't seem to read my posts I won't bother to correct you.

Concern over opposing formats? Haha. I worry about it every second of the day. Read the above posts. You show your ignorance.

Where do you think your high res comes from? More ignorance here.

As for your multichannel understanding haha! All the stereo version is is the same multitrack with the panning adjusted or consolidated. A lot of the stuff in the rears is reverb anyway depending on the recording. I suppose you think they have a surround microphone? No. It's a selection of mics which are panned to create the illusion of placement. Or a reverb unit which places the stereo in a surround setting... Oh and what resolution do you think that lexicon or Bricasti reverb unit is?
Um Petty - I asked for an example - O-N-E example - no surprise, you weren't able to come up with one - because you are living in your own paranoid fantasy land.

Your entire argument is based on lies and you know it.
Chadeffect- 32 Bit Remastered to CD is available. 32 Bit
as a High Res. Download- IS NOT! High Res. Downloads, and
High Res. Disks (Of the same release) do NOT sound the
same! Some of the Disks sound better, on other releases
some of the Downloads sound better. Shoot, even some of
the 24/96 Downloads sound different than same release in
24/192 Download. Even some of the 16/44.1 Downloads sound
better than both! Same Computer File- No! Try different
process of Remastering for each. Ditto for comparison
between Disk, and Download of same release. How was it
Remastered for the Disk? How was it Remastered for the
Download? Do you think that a "MULTI-CHANNEL" 24/96 MLP
Disk, and a "TWO CHANNEL" 24/96 Download of the same
come from the same Master? From the same Computer File?
Are there any Multi-Channel 24/96 Downloads available? Are
there any 32 Bit Downloads available (Compressed to 16/44.1
or not)? Any K2 HDCD Downloads available? Any XRCD24
Downloads available? Any Blue-Ray Audio Downloads available? WHY NOT??? All of these Formats involve a
different process of Remastering. Some of them involve the
same Sampling Rate, some don't, some don't even involve
the same number of channels. I understand that many HDTrack
Downloads are compressed FLAC Files, yet all of you profess
an ignorance of data compression for Disk! This is simply a laughable, clumsy, and pathetic attempt at distortion.
Everything off of the Disk is still 16/44.1, no matter if
it is compressed or not- THIS IS YOUR ARGUEMENT?
I enjoy listening to High Res. Disks (When they sound
better than High Res. Downloads). I enjoy listening to High
Res. Downloads (When they sound better than High Res. Disks). Selection in both doesn't add up to a hill of beans. You want to rob me of even this with "Soon all New
Music will only be available as Downloads". Top that off
with "Re-read the posts and find me one...O-N-E example of
Chad, Timlub, myself or anyone stating that they would like to annihiliate ANY Format". Go back to that former
statement, and throw Vinyl in there with "ALL" opposing
Formats to be eliminated. This is not Code, or Speaking in
Tongues- it is plain English. Something that you twist into
a "Double Talk", or "Double Speak" KNOT!
I am simply trying to protect my Music. You simply want to steal my Music by limiting my options, limit my
selection, and limit me as to how I can even be allowed to
listen to my Music. You also want to limit my access to
High Res. Audio without adequate Selection to replace it.
What's next? Do you want to steal my first born as well?
I show concern about access to my favorite Music, and get
ridiculed by "So-called" Audiophiles! Audiophiles who claim
that they value "Sound Quality" over Computer convenience.
They value it so much that they want to provide it as much as possible over many Formats, so that any "Common Man" can
enjoy it. If this doesn't describe you, I am not the problem! Try looking in the mirror. You might not like what
you see. Replacing all Formats with a single one (Downloading) simply isn't necessary in the Audio Market. No-one here has explained the necessity of doing so, no-one
is even trying to explain. This pretty much means that it is an un-necessary sacrifice. I don't believe in sacrifice,
human or otherwise. I find it very crude, and "Inhuman".
NOT an honor as some of you believe. I believe different
that you, LEAVE IT BE! I don't think that you have a choice. Sorry! I am not going Aztec today, or ever. You
guys ARE gluttons for punishment, and you don't even realize just how far. It has nothing to do with me, or
opposing Formats I use. It all has to do with "YOUR" big
concern over opposing Formats. I don't see the "OPPOSITION"
angle at all. Obviously-YOU DO! Your task to explain it.
You haven't done so yet! I challenge you to do so before
you are given the Plug to Pull on the Disks. Arrogance has
to be earned. Must you demand everything for free? No more
freebees. In this Economy, are you kidding?
PO, you sir are plain wrong. Unfortunately on top of this not ready to listen. Continue the way you are.

Do you really believe a site that prides itself on amazing quality and attention to detail, like let's say like Pristine Classical (32 bit mastered) that they would rather offer you the mp3 to download or a dithered down crap version?

What makes me laugh, is you go on about these recordings that have massive sample rates, but forget every single one of them was mastered on a computer! How did they manage if computer audio is so bad?

As I told you the file is the file. Anyone one selling it legitimately will explain what the file is and how it originated. Natural sound, DXD etc etc.
Petty - 5 pages in, same baseless, preposterous accusations...yet still providing no evidence. Here is your challenge: re-read the posts and find me one...O-N-E example of Chad, Timlub, myself or anyone stating that they would like to annihilate ANY format.


Put up or shut up already!
I think the sound quality of everything should be improved especially the computer. So put me down as a positori. If my computor is going to tell me who is calling, where to go, how much weight I have lost, how much money I have in my bank account, what I forgot, how ugly I am and other necessary things I think it should be the most pleasant experience we can have because I don't want to be going postal all the time.
Chadeffect- not the same releases available on 24/96
24/192 Downloads, as available on High Res. Disks- no
matter what the Format. The issue is the severe lack of
S-E-L-E-C-T-I-O-N in either High Res. Downloads, AND High
Res. Disks. Your solution would be to cut this selection in half by getting rid of all of the High Res. Disks. This
helps me HOW in selecting High Res.? Limited selection helps me HOW in selecting those that sound the best, Disk
or Download? "The Download is the same File used to make the Disk". How do you know this? Is it the same File used
as a two channel 24/192 Download that is the same as the
Blue-ray Audio Release, same as the Advanced Resolution
MULTI-CHANNEL 24/96 Surround Sound MLP Processed Disk?
Two Channel 24/192 Download, Multi-Channel 24/96 MLP Disk,
Blue-Ray Audio Disk, XRCD Disk, XRCD 24 Disk, K2 HD CD Disk, 32 Bit Remastered onto CD- ALL COME FROM A DIFFERENT
REMASTERING PROCESS!!! They are all going to sound different. Some will sound better than the Download Release, and visa-versa.
Hfisher3380- 32 Bit Remastered on CD DOES EXIST! I have
listened to Remastered High Res. on CD, and it DOES give
High Res. Downloads a run for their money- in some
instances. Allow me to pick what I want to listen to on
High Res. Downloads, AND on High Res. Disks. Same Releases on both DO NOT Sound the same! Neither can claim superiority with a mixed bag of results for BOTH!
Timlub- take this to the Manufacturer for what? To have my
ears corrected. To have them adjust my hearing for
Download Format only- P-O-I-N-T-L-E-S-S!
All of you want to can half of the High Res. Market by
getting rid of the High Res. Disks- in order to MAKE ROOM
for High Res. Downloads! This does "WHAT" to my selection of High Res. anything? If you canned half of the High Res.
Market Selection you run the risk of dragging the rest of it down as well. Limited Selection, Limited Market, the end of anything High Res. period! Selection won't be there to support it, and that selection won't happen in a vacuum
of High Res. Download Selection. You don't have 24/192
Download Selection available to make up the difference, to immediately step in to fill the void. You have selection
available FIRST before you pull the Disks- otherwise alot of people are going to lose their Music. I know that no-
one here really cares about that! I mean R-E-A-L-L-Y cares
about Music. I am waisting my time here. Music Selection be
damned for everyone. You win! I am thru here. You guys have
always put the Computer above the Music, not in service of it. Sad day for Music indeed! Can we now let this Thread rest in peace??? Do not respond to this- and we will be
thru with it! Yes- post 235, and NOTHING learned by anyone!
Much more going on than the actual chip itself. The implementation is at least as important. My understanding is that Wavelength's proprietary asynchronous USB technology also dispenses with the clock information from the transport / computer. I'm no techno guru, but the sound I'm getting definitely does NOT sound like mid-fi to my ears. Indeed, it's the first digital front end I've had that can rival the natural, organic sound I get from the best analogue.
Emm Labs XSD1, Eximus, Mytek, Naim, Moon 750/650, AMR-77, Wadia 861SE with GNSC mods, Meridian 800 are some of the digital front ends I have heard extensively. Emm Labs was probably the most musical, but had the advantage of full AIR Tight amplification, ATC2/ATM3 monos. Eximus I think is pretty good value/performance.
Main point is you will probably get more resolution out of a 24/192 DAC than the 32bits SABRE based units.
The best digital I've heard extensively is a non red book standard custom built DAC that dispenses with the clock info from the transport and uses clock info extracted from the data itself, ( the only commercial DAC I'm aware of that does this is the Orpheus Heretage ), proprietory A/D & D/A algorithms that eliminate sine x/x errors inherent in all red book material and a few other bits.
Dover...I might stand to be corrected regarding 32-bit, not sure, haven't really looked into it because 32-bit recordings aren't yet available - regardless, my point stands that computer audio and my digital front end is capable of far higher resolution than any redbook CD player. There is no such thing as the 32-bit CD that Petty keeps talking about. Likely never will be.

If you want to call my DAC mid-fi - well that is a matter of opinion and we're all entitled to our own opinion. The sound I get from my current digital front end certainly does not sound like "mid-fi" to me. I have had a number of high end CDP in my system, including the >$6K Ayre universal, and this sounds better to my ears.

I notice that you don't have your system listed, so it's hard for me to have a frame of reference for your opinion. But thanks for your comments on mine.

May I ask what DACs you have heard that have allowed you to come to the conclusion that they all represent "mid-fi"?
My current DAC is 32-bit so all I need is the download resolution and voila - I'll have true 32-bit resolution in my system.
Sorry mate, all your 32 bit Sabre DAC is capable of is reading a 32 bit word. What comes out the other end is not 32 bit even if you could download 32 bit music.
The current 32 bit "DACS", as in chips, are really computer/video chips that have been touted for use in audio - mid-fi at best.
Hfisher, Are you a church boy, for some reason when I read your last post, I have an uncontrollable desire to say
"amen brother"
Oh I wouldn't hold my breath Timlub! I think by post 235 or so and page 5 it is quite obvious that Petty is not the least bit interested in anything but posting a litany of complaints, blaming us for his problems and pushing his own misguided agenda. Same thing over and over..."soon all new music will only be available as downloads", "impending doom" etc. Doesn't matter what anyone says because our words just get twisted around and other words put back in our mouths.

Brace it comes again...
Well guys, I'll be gone tuesday - friday. Going on a buying trip... Computers ...I have appointments with Acer, Asus & HP. Too bad, Pettyofficer didn't answer my questions back on page 2 about taking this to manufacturers and I as I stated a couple post ago, I don't think that petty has done anything but complain to us.
Keep at it, I'll check in on my phone.
Excellent question Timlub. I believe it was asked on page 2 of this thread and surprisingly - Petty had NO ANSWER!! I would think that he certainly must have done something by now?
Petty - there is no such thing as 32-bit CD. It is 16/44 - period. It may be mastered in 32-bit but you are NOT hearing 32-bit resolution.

With computer audio, the possibility exists for 32-bit resolution but not with CD. My current DAC is 32-bit so all I need is the download resolution and voila - I'll have true 32-bit resolution in my system. Just a matter of time before that becomes a reality. I would be very surprised if there is ever a commercially available 32-bit optical disc and player.

If resolution is what you want, a CD player is most definitely NOT the answer.

If availability and selection is what you want, MLP, SACD and DVDa are most definitely NOT the answer.

Why are YOU continually proving MY point?

Nobody trying to deprive you of anything here - just trying to set the record straight and address your confusion, misunderstanding and paranoia.
Pettyofficer, You seem very passionate about this. Since you've been beating down 30 or so audiophiles, You must have been driving manufactures crazy to do something about your complaints that we have nothing to do with... You continually state "YOU THINK"
To be clear, what I THINK is that you've done nothing, you've contacted no one, you've only complained to a bunch of guys doing best they can to listen to tunes.
Please give us the info of the rants where you have taken it to the manufacturers to update audio formats in the manor that you have laid out in this 230+ count thread... So very directly again... HAVE YOU CONTACTED MANUFACTURERS? WHOM DID YOU TALK WITH? WHAT WAS THEIR RESPONSE?
TO QOUTE Pettyofficer: "COMPARISON" you want! I would be happy with both Disks and Downloads. You- NOT SO MUCH! Is this a matter of profitable convenience? At whose expense? It is not going to be born in a vacuum! Who pays then? Variety= strength. Your limited Format variety= What? Weakness?24/96,24/192 Audio Extractor compared to 32 Bit Disks- is that the best that you can do? Keep working on it. So other than beat on a bunch of guy acting like WE NEED TO FIX YOUR PROBLEM, Tell us what you've done about it. Tim

hfisher3380 is only saying disks, whatever the sample rate, would be unnessassary once the download is available. The download is the same file used to make the disk. You just run it from your HD rather than an optical drive.

What's complicated? The very same people who offered you the disk will offer you the download.
Hfisher3380- why do you keep on proving my point? You want
to COMPARE limited Selection between High Res. Disks, and High Res. Downloads. I want to COMBINE limited Selection of both for the interest of the Consumer in High Res.! You
COMPARE as part of an "Either-or" proposition. Then you
argue that "...not once have I, nor anyone else said that we wish to exclusively replace all High Res. Disks with High Res. Downloads". Then you argue "Soon all New Music will only be available as Music Downloads". Did I miss the
High Res. Optical Disks in that last Statement? What is your expectation for High Res. Disks with a statement like
Again, look beyond the boundaries of your Computer
Screen. You mention "ONE" High Res. Disk Format- MLP! As if
that addresses "ALL" of them. I haven't even had the opportunity yet to listen to a 32 Bit Remastered on CD!
There is atleast half a dozen of these releases with more in the wings. You would deny me that opportunity to listen
to future New Releases in 32 Bit, by saddling me with
"Exclusive Download limited selection 24/96, 24/192".
Possible releases in DXD? FORGET ABOUT IT in a limited
24/96,24/192 Download Format Universe! There are future
possibilities on High Res. Disks that Computer Software can't even keep up with. I want to use Downloading as a
comparison to other possible future High Res. Formats. I
can live with multiple copies of the same release from
different High Res. Formats. EVOLUTION in Sound Quality
demands variety. You want to paint us into the corner of
extinction by limiting variety in Formats. You want us to
go the way of the Dinosaurs? NOT FOLLOWING YOU!
I don't see the 32 Bit Downloads. High Res. Disks- 1,
High Res. Downloads- 0! Any High Res. Downloads Remastered
in DXD? Computer Audio Downloads had better pick up the pace if it is a "COMPARISON" you want! I would be happy with both Disks and Downloads. You- NOT SO MUCH! Is this a
matter of profitable convenience? At whose expense? It is
not going to be born in a vacuum! Who pays then? Variety=
Strength. Your limited Format variety= What? Weakness?
24/96,24/192 Audio Extractor compared to 32 Bit Disks- is
that the best that you can do? Keep working on it (I sense
a pattern here).