Should I upgrade my turntable?

I am actually happy with my Realisic Lab 400 with a denon Dl 160 cartridge. It is the best I have had but I really havent had a lot. Do you think one of the newer MusicHall or entry level offerings would better the sound. Supposedly the Lab 400 was the best radio shack made(and I dont know if that says alot). I have around $250 to spend if it might improve my system any. New or used dont matter to me
Love what you got, you won't get anywhere meaningful with $250. Have fun listening to music, isn't that what it is all about?
I still have a Reference by Quadraflex that looks really similar to your Realitics Labs, and I can tell you that when I sold a turntable a few months ago and waited for the new one to come in I took my cartridge (Sumiko Blackbird) and replaced the Shure 104e that was on the Reference and it made a HUGE improvement. I used the old turntable quite happily for a while.

In that timeframe I also bought a Bang and Olefson Beogram 8002 and although it could have used some work, I was really happy with the sound of it as well.

Maybe a new cartridge and/or some slight upgrades and you could get 95% of what new rigs do?

That said, I have helped quite a few friends get into vinyl the last few years with the Project turntables, and the lower level Rega's and it has worked out great for all. I love the entry level Project, I think it sounds great.
I do have a newer cambridge640p I think its called. It did help the resolution. Its moving coil/magnet Yeah I do like it but just wanted some good recommendations and to see if anyone had ideas of something I could like more . Thanks for the responses
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Actually, everybody is right. Elizabeth is looking at this from a top "audiophile" point of view, which she is. From her point of view, the TT is crap. If you are happy with "midfi", you can not find a better TT.
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Depending on what your using for a phonostage, your return on ivestment may be better upgrading that. I have a DL160 and it didn't really shine until I found a proper matching stage. In most cases any standard MM stage will do, but the output is low enough that I heard unwanted noise from my amp. to compensate. You may not have that problem though.
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As you can see, the Technics table and its adherents have a few vocal detractors on this and other forums. I find the more venomous and derisive the language, the less trustworthy the source. From certain parties, it comes to sound like a broken record, devoid of any constructive information and pregnant with language that delights only its author--over and over and over again.

You'll be better off listening to more reasoned and reasonable voices, perhaps ones who know that the noun "flock" takes a singular verb and who will refrain from calling you a "sucker" or "some know nothing" (sic).

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YES definitelly a used SL-1200MkII (not from a Dj)!
Maybe it's better to hold on for it, even if you have to spend $500. You will never regret it. All of it's competitors are pricier & weaker. want to try a LENCO L78 (that fits your budget). It is an excellent toy that you can enjoy to listen & modify whenever you have the mood. I guarrantee for your satisfaction. You can't go wrong with it either.

Buy a KAB Technics SL-1200 Mk.II. There's nothing close at its' price and even around the $1000 level.

The Xpression and Music Halls in comparison are a waste of money.

I have no financial interest in any of these products.
Save a bit more money and look for a used Pro-ject Xpression. $300 may get you one. But i found when i moved up the ladder it took more money than i thought. I went from $300 used to $900 used.