Shelter in Place Qobuz Binge?

Ok, we have all heard of Netflix binging.  Some time ago I realized I wasn't watching any netflix anymore and I cancelled my account and the cable tv went with it.  I just realized that today has been a Qobuz Binge.  All of Bill Withers body of work that is on Qobuz.   Do I need to see a therapist? I keep hitting "add to play queue". 
@ Teo haven't missed much.  

I've noticed since this started more families walking together or riding bikes, more people exercising. Obviously more music being heard in my home than ever before. 

@ Three Easy .....timing couldn't have been better, my soul needed some nurturing.  
That's why I do not watch the news. Better things to do. Life can be hard enough without being inundated with all the crazy crap going on all over this world.
Three Easy
Thank you for the enlightenment.
Now I know why I do not have one...….
@uberwaltz  A TV is a box that displays COVID-19 reruns 24/7. 

Music nurtures my makes me feel angst and encourages people to fear the world and other humans.  It's an easy choice where to spend my time. ;-)
I would not call myself clever lol. My first rugby coach explained to me that there are those who play the piano, and those who move them. I was placed with the latter and given a spot in the pack. I use Audirvana and do not make purchases. I use the favorites feature to save a selection of an artist or group that I enjoy then from there audit all of there work and then click on "similar artists" Sometimes I will select more to save or add to one of my custom playlists. There is also a website called "Music Map" which will group a large number of artists together based on similarities.  I do not build a logical directory, I create a playlist of style/genre and then go from there. I especially like the "appears on" listings which indicate collaborations and that will send me off in another direction. Red pill or Blue pill....its the matrix. 

I've been a heavy user of Qobuz ever since I got it.  Of late I've been exploring their playlists (they have a lot!) many of which are very well curated.  They are great for when I feel like just letting the music play on...
I go for a week at a time sometimes without the tv ever being turned on because I'd rather listen to music.   
Great point Ian
I must admit to becoming easily distracted or diverted by the huge choices especially as I now using Roon which keeps bringing up suggestions based on my listening habits ala Spotify but on steroids.
I just go with the flow......
With so much music available on Qobuz, how do you choose what to listen to? Is there a clever way of navigating through the huge number of recordings or do you just use it as a "try before you buy" service for selected recordings before deciding which version to purchase? 
Yeah, I'm mainlining the Q. And not a little Primephonic...  The pleasures of the Twenties.  And you don't have to brew your gin in the bathtub.
If you do then you are not alone... Lol.
Last night I was playing one album and add 5 or 6 more to my Room library.
Then rinse and repeat all-night.

Great fun though all for $15 a month!