Sandy Gross is retiring.

Great guy!  I wish him well in his new life ventures!
He is not retiring. He is taking a vacation with all the money he just made. Probably in the Millions. Good for him. It is the American way.
He is retiring. Well earned and best of luck to him.  
@mijostyn,  do I detect a bit of sarcasm or am I missing something?
More like substituting misplaced patriotism for the real thing. 
Everyone, everywhere wants to live like this, and would, given the opportunity and a level playing field. Hats off to Sandy and may he truly enjoy his retirement.

All the best,Nonoise
Stereo5, no sarcasm at all. You create a good company making a good product so that hopefully someone will come along and offer you a lot of money for it. Creative people can't sit still he'll be into something else in short order.

My apologies, I misunderstood your post.  He most likely will show up again in a few years.