SA11 S2 SACD player. I'm listening to more CDs

This player has impressed me to the point that I am listening to more digital these days than analog. I never thought I would say that but I am now.

I still love my LPs and I still listen to them, especially the older ones that still sound better in analog, but digital has come a long way. I am saving for a better turntable which will outperform this SACD player, but at a cost.

I love the way analog does classical and jazz, the decay, the naturalness of the sound and by no means is digital the end all. There are many things that analog can do that I have never been able to hear the digital equal, especially the subtle details that are rendered through great analog systems.

The price of this player and all of its good points has me listening. Hats off to Marantz. Right now I am listening to Sinatra at the Sands, impressive to say the least. The dynamics are amazing. In King Crimson's newer CD release "In the Court of the Crimson King" the sound of the Mellotron is such like I have never heard before on vinyl.

I am curious to other audiophiles take on the new digital gear and recordings for that matter.
My take is that different system synergies will affect the sound of most any player from system to system.
I really wanted to like the SA-11S2 as the prices have come down on new to about 2 grand but just couldnt,found it uninvolving.Not in the same league as Esoteric or Ayre,just my opinion.
I love my SA11 , but I made the mistake of bringing home the Ayre C5 , well there's no going back . M
I have heard that but not on my system. It is a bit warm sounding, although not as warnm as my Cal. It might be the McIntosh/Marantz combination. They sound very good together. I love the Cal, but would get listening fatigue after listening for a while, not so with the SA11 S2. When I first heard it, my thoughts were exactly as you said, edgy. Mine took a long time to break in. In fact when I first auditioned it, I could not get it back in the box fast enough. It was actually the KI Pearl. I started a thread on Agon regarding that. Then I went to the local HI Fi shop and could not believe my ears. I said, "what happened", and they said it took a while to break in. It was about a year later that I listened to it as I was auditioning speakers at the time.

I have the opposite of your friend solid pre and tube amp.

I know there are better players but now I am listening to more CD's than records, something I never thought I would say
i owned the marantz sa 11 s2, sold it and will buy the minimax dac with the sabre chip and tube gain stage.

the marantz is dry sounding.

before i sold the marantz, i lent it to a friend. i have a tube based system and he has a tube pre and ss amp.

he thought the marantz was edgy.

i guess we have different ears and tastes.
I meant to say filter 2 is my preference for redbook. Filter 3 is too laid back for my tastes.
They may not be. My S1 has 3 settings. Setting 1 is no filter, and then 2 and 3. Filter seems to work best for most redbooks.
Filter 1 on most of the time, sometimes 2. Not sure if it is the same with the S1. I think I read somewhere that they are a little different.
Not sure how much better the S2 is than the S1 but I love my S1. Don't have that many SACD's but enjoy the hell out of this player. Tzh21y what filter do you listen to mainly? I listen on 2 for redbook and no filter for SACD.
Isn't that the player that is sold by MusicDirect? Was always curious to find out more about it. Did you compare it to the Marantz SA-11S2 or any other SACD player? Would like to know more about this player.
Understood. I got a Luxman D-05 and all I listen are CDs, and to a lesser extent, SACDs now. Couldn't believe it.
I may be in the distinct minority here, but I generally prefer the sound of good digital to analog. And, plus, digital has come a loooong way since the mid-‘80s. With my modded SA-7S1 and modded Oppo BDP-83SE, I have absolutely no desire to go back to analog. I’ve owned a lot of very high-end TTs over the years, and I’m really happy where I am.

Your SA-11S2 is a fabulous player. Careful modification can take it even further, but it’s great even stock. Enjoy it!
I agree Tz, cd sound is improving steadily and I think that it will continue to improve for a long time. Manufacturers are just now finding solutions to a couple of cds major problems, jitter and preringing. Who knows what else they will find and fix.

Then, with the move to server based systems and the hope for high res downloads, the future of digital looks bright. I can't completely overlook Sony's penchant to find a way to screw it all up though.