Richard Kern modified Sony SCD-777 ES - what to replace it with

My Sony SCD-777 ES with extensive Richard kern mods  laser is starting to fail.  Common issue.I bought an Oppo UDP-205 as a backup.  However, I do not think it is even close to the sound of the Sony..
Looking for feedback on options.  Interested in 2 channel SACD and CD.
1. Install a new laser?2. Modify the Oppo 2053.  Sell Oppo and buy a Marantz SA-10 or similar.
Thank you.
I have a modded Sony SCD-1 SACD from Vacuum State (Level 5+) and putting it back into my system reminded me how enjoyable it is. I was considering going all digital with my next system upgrade, but I realized I wanted to have some analog inputs solely to listen to this SACD play. The modded Sony SCD-1 can only output analog. The digital output is removed.

Sorry to hear about the laser failing. It will be a sad day when I have to deal with that. I may get a little lucky since I had my player in storage for close to 10 years.
There is a used Esoteric UX-1 which was a 14K universal player with the r to r ladder dac.  The Music Room is selling for under $2300.00.
i was thinking of getting for a spare as I have the UX-3 with the same dac.  It blows away any Sony SCD777ES modified or not.  It also has Esoterics BEST transport, the VRDS NEO Transport which the better high end manufacturers buy from them.  


I am from Portugal

I have an esoteric SACD SA10

and I have a Sony 5400ES (excellent)

and I have an Arcam CDS 50

three excellent CD players

maybe Sony have a better sound I think

Good luck

#1. If I were you, I`d contact  this Richard Kern, and ask, if he could replace the laser. He may have, or be able to obtain, the OEM laser for the unit. If not, I would try to purchase a used Sony 5400 ES, since you may prefer the Sony sound.