Review on Tekton Design Perfect Set Speaker just went live on Six

My review on the Tekton Design Perfect Set just was posted on Six Hope it gives all the information and details why this another killer speaker from this company. 
The PS have at least 150 hrs now maybe more, no more congestion, I really love this speakers, I upgraded my digital front end to esoteric sacd from marantz sacd 8005 ,and added 2 Kimber pk 10 Palladian for My monoblocks, this speakers they even sound more live , they will give you good quality sound performance with any gear upgrade you connect to them. Teajay more goosebumps happening 😀🎻
+1 for the OB Sigma's! They are great speakers & I too thank teajay for recommending them a couple years (maybe more) ago. His description of how they sound (from that review) was spot on, as I fully suspect his description of these speakers (in this review) are as well.    
I'd be interested to hear more about them too.Which tubes you like and how they compare to your other speakers.Enjoy!
@tinear123 Congratulations on your new Tekton PS 15s!!! You may be the first owner of the PS 15s to be posting (?). Looking forward to hearing your ongoing impressions. 

Which 300B and 300B tubes are you using? Thanks.
It would be fun to go to Axpona,Tekton won’t be there, just text me if you can come Friday, Teajay is going Saturday...
I'm planning on going to Axpona Saturday for sure and possibly Friday afternoon.  If I go on Friday I will let you know and maybe we can meet there.  Is coming up one night from work a possibility during the week?
Bayside so you know the area, just let me know, When you want to visit, I will be attending Axpona Friday only whole day....
Jayctoy,  my room size is similar to yours although my ceiling is angled down on the left and right sides which closes it in a bit.  I live in Naperville and work near Oakbrook so very convenient to head up sometime.  Graduated from Glenbrook North a lifetime ago so pretty familiar with the area....LOL
Bayside 2, My PS twelve are perfect for my room size, I live next to Northbrook , how far are you from Chucago?
I like my standard finished, if you have bigger room , you should get the ps 15, My pS are black room is 15 x19 foot , 8 foot ceiling....

Couldn't agree with you more relative to your comments on Teajay. 

Thank you very much for the offer to come listen to your PS12's and I might take you up on that.  I am still trying to get a feel on if the 12 is sufficient or if I should order the 15.  I would also like to see Tektons standard cabinet.  Teajay has the Piano Black which is gorgeous  but wanted to see the painted standard cabinet to help me decide if I want to spend the extra money on the piano black.  What color did you end up going with?  I assume you're happy with the speakers?
Yes , Teajay is a very very nice guy, with a very good system and full of audio experience , very passionate too...
Bayside 2 Iam from Illinois 30 minutes north of Chicago, you are welcome to listen to my PS 12 as well.....
I would be curious if anyone has compared the 12’ and the 15’ speakers?
First post out here and a little taken aback by some of the comments focused more on "intent" than "content".  Here is my very recent and very positive feedback.  Recently had the good fortune to buy an awesome pair of Don Garber Fi 300b Mono blocks and have been in search of the best yet affordable high efficient speakers to match them with.  During my research, I found the Tekton website and called Eric direct to talk about the technology and his design and where I could hear them in the Chicago area.  Being a direct to consumer Company, he mentioned not having any dealers in the market.  He then mentioned that Teajay, who lives within an hour of me, had in the past let potential buyers come to his home to listen to them.  Eric offered to contact him to see if he was willing to do that again.  Here is the bottom line.....I had an awesome listening experience using Teajays 2A3 amp with about a 3 wpc output and was very, very impressed.  I heard for myself the magic of the Tekton Perfect SET speakers.  I brought my own music specifically chosen to test the bottom end, the width and depth of soundstage and accuracy.  I left a fan.  I cant thank Teajay enough for opening up his home and just letting me listen to my music on his equipment which allowed me to come to my own conclusion.  For me, hearing is believing.  I will be ordering my pair soon.
Hey yakbob,
That's an interesting question.  I know historically that Eric used to offer wood veneer options for many of his speaker models.  However, I don't know if does now on his new models.  Why don't you call and ask Karma if this is still offered currently.

Question for twoch and missioncooney:  When you say you are in agreement with 213runnin's comment on my posting this thread, are you referring to his apology about jumping to conclusions about my motivation, "Teajay, I stand corrected, appearances are not what they seem in this case" or you still think I'm up to no good?
@Tea,I see from your review that the gloss piano black finish adds $600 to the price of the PS, but no mention of wood veneer options. Do you know if that is still an option on the Set? I'm guessing it's not cheap if offered,  but they would look gorgeous in a walnut veneer.
I 3rd the 213running post .No idea why this site would allow anyone promoting a company or another website like this user continues to do.
Good to see both Perfect Set threads back on track. I'd welcome further reviews from owners of the Perfect Set or Perfect Set 15. I feel one of these would do well in my office setup powered by my Latino ST-70.
Anyone here the PS-15s yet?  I would be interested in a compare / contrast with the PS.
I liked the review but every time I go to the 6moon site I am reminded why I rarely go there. I get a headache just trying to look past the maze of ads and pictures and drop down menu that keeps getting in the way. Oyeve! Of course my ad blocker doesn't work because 6moons embeds all their ads as pictures. It would be better if 6moons simply made you go to a set of screens and only after you read every ad they would then give you a code to allow you to read the reviews without distraction.

So that is my review of 6moons. But I like your reviews Teajay.

Thanks very much Terry. I am fortunate to have a rather large room so even if I one day do go for the Ulfberhts, I can re-arrange the layout to accommodate them. For now, I'll keep to the smaller siblings.

Hey fibonacci1618,

Yes, the Ulf's offer an overall "effortlessness", the ability to pressurize a room, sense of scale that the other Tekton's don't quite have on the same level.  Remember this is a big speaker that needs a very large acoustic space to produce its magic.

However, the Tekton house sound offers this, but just to a lesser degree then the biggest in its line of speakers.  In a smaller space the PS gives you a good "taste" of the bigger speakers. 
Thanks for the report teajay,
I'm interested in the Perfect Set 15 after learning about the original PS.
I wonder why both are offered, other than a minimal difference in foot print? The frequency specs appear to be the same, but I would expect the 15" driver to put out a little more bass. Definitely curious to learn more.

Thanks for the responses Terry, that was very helpful! 

One other I'd like to know, since it's not likely I would ever get the opportunity, is how similar or different are the Ulfbherts compared to the Perfect SETs? Is it mainly the sheer scale that the Ulfbherts portray that really distinguish them from the rest of the TD lineup, or something else?
During my reviewing process I tested thePS with SET tube amps and very high powered solid state designs all with great success. Your Pimaluna piece would be a great match.

Thanks for your prompt and to-the-point response, @teajay.
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I agree that 6Moons is not the "easiest" webpage to navigate, especially with the new "drop down" category interface. I don't even read their reviews since they are so verbose and bombastic; but each to their own taste.

I think we all know from experience that positive reviews make it through the process and get published and products that the reviewers don’t like don’t get a review.  If the reviewer is positive about the product, they probably also end up liking the company that makes it.  For me, this is no big deal.


What is important is that the reviewer provides enough context that the reader can find a few nuggets that are helpful. One of the good things about 6moons and specifically about Srajan’s reviews are that lots of comparisons/nuances are provided (ok, granted, he can get wordy).


I don’t necessarily want a reviewer to tell me that this is better than that….but I really appreciate it when they say product A does piano brilliantly but the soundstage isn’t the biggest….on the other hand product B does acoustic guitar and saxophone brilliantly and has a huge soundstage. These kinds of comparisons help me relate a product to the things that matter most to me.

What teajay does on this forum is not only provide context but provide access for people to ask very specific questions...which is virtually impossible to get from almost every other reviewer.  This is a huge resource for people that is probably underappreciated.  

Hey 12hz,

During my reviewing process I tested the PS with SET tube amps and very high powered solid state designs all with great success.  Your Pimaluna piece would be a great match.
Would this speaker also work well with a non-SET source, or is it specialized to the point of sounding good with only a narrow range of amplifiers? (I have a Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated.) Thanks.
Hey fibonacci1618,

Many listener's have shared that the best "sweet" spot is rather narrow with the DI, I have not found that to be the case.  Like all speakers there is definitely the most precise place to sit to get the best of everything.  However, the Tektons are not a "head in a vase" type of imaging speaker.

The PS is still very enjoyable even if you are not in the sweet spot and if you are off axis they still image pretty well. Because they are so dynamic and lively I find that they fill up my big acoustic space in an enjoyable way when I'm not sitting in front of them.

Your OTL amps would love this speaker because of the higher Ohm rating.  As I said in my review if you have a smaller acoustic space were the size of the DI's would get in the way, then PS would be a great fit both physically and load the room possibly better.  Remember, the PS is front ported, the DI has its ports on the back making it harder to place close to the front wall.

Thanks Terry, that helps a lot. With the OB Sigmas, I find that I don't need to sit in the sweet spot to get that lovely "live" presence, and I find sitting way off axis (to one side) just as enjoyable and I still get the sense that the musicians are there in the room.

Do you find that to be the case also with the Perfect SETs or any of the other TD speakers with the multi-array units? I find that I tend to just really enjoy the music and not obsess over the sound stage so much... something I just attribute to the open baffle design, and I wonder if that would also be the case with the PS.
Hello fibonacci11618,

The PS will develop its soundstage different then your Sigma OB.  With the PS you will get a deep depth of the stage, like your Sigma OB's, behind the speaker and a certain percentage will also project in front of the speaker more then the Sigma OB.  You will experience this at sitting a few rows closer to the stage of the instruments.  I believe the PS will be a much more dynamic sounding speaker (faster/harder hitting) with more clarity/micro-dynamics without becoming less musical.  The PS does not sound "boxy" at all, so I don't think you would feel you went back to the "box enclosure sound" at all with gaining what I mentioned above.   
Hello jsautter,

I think you could have safely concluded that if I'm interested in getting the Perfect SET speakers, and Terry comes out with a review on it, and I'm asking questions on this forum announcing his review about the very same speakers, that I certainly have read the review.

Honestly, I don't know what you mean by the whole thing being odd and distasteful. Perhaps I am accustomed to seeing TD receiving high praise from many of its customers, of whom I am one (and I was skeptical before I bought a pair), so I don't really find Terry's review odd and certainly not at all distasteful. To me, if a professional reviewer stakes his/her reputation so blatantly and forcefully on a review, that speaks loads about them being so clear cut and honest. I'm sure they end up losing readers who simply don't agree with them (and I mean even those civilized readers who just have a different opinion), but that's good to know, isn't it? I very much prefer reviews where the reviewer does not hedge a review so that it ends up being tremendously flowery and full of puff and vague statements about a quality / qualities I cannot really imagine or correlate to, and all ending up being "overall very positive" but "hey, I told you there's some teeny drawbacks, but not so teeny actually, but really for the price range, you can forgive it...."

If Terry is, in your assessment, not a reliable reviewer, he's not going to be the first or last reviewer who's got that badge. I sure hope he doesn't give in to the pressure to "conform" to towing any line or style of writing, but if he does, that's too bad. 

By the way, I tend to rely on more than one reputable review of any audio component, and I especially give more weight to users who actually own it, before deciding to risk a purchase. I'm sure most of us in the hobby do this too.


Did you read this review? Have you read his posts about this speaker company? Does this seem like normal behavior for a reviewer or a satisfied customer? I dont read 6moons, but I did read this review and I am shocked that it was run.

No insinuations just that I find this whole thing odd and distasteful. If I owned Tekton I would tell him to stop the gushing.
I don't understand why people keep knocking Terry about his honest Tekton Design reviews, and allege that he is somehow affiliated or getting some form of "bribe" or benefit from TD. If anyone took the trouble to look up Tekton Design, they sell direct to customers, from their own factory!

Why make such hurtful insinuations or attacks on decent folks without first doing some basic research? Even if you disagree with a reviewer's listening impressions and review, everyone in this hobby (or profession) knows that different folks have different listening tastes and we all expect for some listening preferences in the devices we install / buy / try.

Secondly, even if you like what a reviewer says, you are still going to at least try or audition the equipment you're thinking of buying, right? So why not do that? If you're not interested in that item or have other stuff in mind, then give it a pass... but please, why go on an attack? Perhaps you could just say "I disagree" if you have listened to the item under review, and move on.

Peace, all, I'm just trying to give some perspective here. Thanks!
Great review as always Terry! It was your Home Theatre review 3 years back that gave me the courage to take the plunge and order Tekton Design's OB Sigma speakers, and I have enjoyed them every bit since. Your assessment and listening impressions about them are spot-on.

Since that time, I have seen TD's introduction of Eric's patented time- and mass- alignment concept from the Double Impacts, to the Encores, the Ulfberhts, and many others, including these Perfect SETs and Perfect SET 15s.

I must admit that I have been tempted to pull the trigger to get one of these new tech speakers, but I fear losing what I love so much in the OB Sigma, specifically it's open, airy and lack of box-coloration sound that typify open-baffle speakers. It gives music a sort of organic, relaxed and open portrayal of the music, it is as if the music "breathes", if you know what I mean.

I have monobloc OTL amps that deliver 120W into 8 ohm loads (or about 45W into 4 ohms), so I'm not running "flea-powered" amps. What I'd like to ask you is for your comparison of the OB Sigmas to the Perfect SET and yes, comparing the Perfect SETs to the Double Impacts / Encores / Ulfs.

If I moved from the OB Sigmas to e.g. the Perfect SET, would I miss the open-baffle sound character, or do the Perfect SET manage to achieve that too? In short, would the Perfect SET be a big step up in sound quality over the OB Sigmas? 

Thanks in advance, and keep up the great work and honest reviews!
Are you a Tekton dealer? Trying to get a handle on the relationship between you and this company. Thanks!
teajay, yours is a very diplomatic post to 213runnin. Questionable why he would come on with an insulting post about someone he doesn’t know, after being a member here for three years.
You need a vector quantisation device to ensure proper symmetry of sound reaching the listening base. A big cardboard box might do. 
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