Revelation: Merlin+Joule- Total bliss

OK- Ive flooded the forum with solution seeking for the Merlins,
Today i got the Joule 100 power amps. Nuff said.
This is insanity. Never heard sound so pure.
This is not of this world, Thank you Bobby RIP for this and thank you Jud- may you live many more years.
Masters coming together- Both.
No Hype- just insane reproduction.
dumbeat, If you are using the stock/generic PCs it would be another step up. You may be in vicinity for your budget and current components and speakers, but even between cables there are distinct performance differences. In a basic home system when you have treated all cabling, PC, USB, (in some cases Ethernet), IC and SC you are making all the variables work in your favor as opposed to neglecting them. You will hear the differences.  :) 
Thanks, Im using now Kimber 8TC for the speakers and Hero for IC. Would your suggestion be a big step up or am I in the vicinity already?
dumbeat, I often use PCs by Clarity Cable, but also a good option in your price range is Silnote's Poseidon series. 

Glad to hear you got a sound you really like. I have been following your journey you have shared with us here. I appreciate Doug's enthusiasm and suggestions. My thinking is don't mess with Total Bliss. Some people chase their tales for ever. Both ways have their merits though.
If you buy used cables, you may not return it even if you do not like it.

I recommend two options.

One is to use Cable Company

They let you audition 2 or 3 different cables after consulting your system and taste.

When you use Cable company, you have to pay full price.
One more option is to buy new ones on sale from Silnote.

Recently, I ordered 3 digital cables at 100$ and 200$ whose regular prices are 300$ and 700$, based upon 14 days’ return policty.

I found them pretty good even justifying the regular price and kept them.

Thanks Doug. What would be a great cable that can be bought used in the several hundred dollar area?
 Congratulations dumbeat. I had a pair of VSMmms as my first audiophile speaker and Bobby helped me set up the entire system on a budget. At the time I couldn’t afford the OTLs nor the heat and logistical issues they created. However, I fully believe in what you’re experiencing now! 
I've lost touch with Jud but I believe his is around 79-80.  He did retire some years ago.
Joule is what Bobby liked best with his Merlins. I miss him. Cheers,
dumbeat, congratulations! How lovely that you seem enamored of the sound. Kudos on making a change, one that I feel is superior to the suggestions of inserting a device to manipulate the sound. Imo you would have altered the sound, but not had the sea change you obtained. There would have been serious costs in terms of performance associated with that route. Imo you chose the correct route and found gratification. 

I do not wish to argue with you about this, but I am going to return to my original recommendation. Now, change cables and you'll have a great sound. There is still room for your rig to improve in terms of dynamics, resolution, timbre, etc. I don't have to hear it to know that; it's a fact about all home systems that have not been fully tuned.  :) You are not there yet, you have a ways to go. Don't think for  second that it cannot get better. That would be fallacious thinking.   :) 

If you think the amp shocked you, wait until you try cables. A loom of cables can confer as much change, or in certain instances, even more than an amp. As I have done dozens upon dozens of such changes, you are getting guidance from someone who knows what the effects can be. 
You wrote off my recommendation the first time; maybe now that you are shocked at what simply replacing an amp can do you will be more open to it. 

Maybe you can find an audiophile nearby who can visit and bring cables, so there will be no cost associated with exploring the option. 

Your experience with the insertion of the amp is common to audiophiles who work with their system. Those who explore discover, and often find a euphoric result. It's a great feeling and gratifying. Once again, congratulations!  :)