Dear dover,
I have much experience with ,say, retips first because of my friendship with
Axel Schurholz and after his passing away with Expert stylus. My own
assumption is that ''styli '' matter. For example elliptical substitute for
micro ridge or other ''new kinds''. My Koetsu is provided with Van den Hul
or , to be more specific , Gyger I or II which Van den Hul designed for Gyger
but never produced himself. This also apply for ''parts'' which he gets from
Benz according to the ''old agreement'' with the ''old Benz''.
I can't judge but according to some Gygers are ''the best ever''. We discussed
this issue by (Ortofon) Replicant 100 thread but,alas, were not able to discover
who produces ''new Gygers''. ''Some '''is called ''existential quantifier'' because
it assume existance of someone. That is to say that ''someone'' must exist
who prioduce them . Not existend entities are not ''subject'' of scientific work .
This, I hope my theacher Englis Lewm who is also scientist can confirm.