Is the LINN k-18 worth retipping for $100 -150 or so?

I have an old LINN k-18 mm cartridge it was about $ 700.00 30 years ago ,thinking of having it re tipped ,am i better off just putting the money into a 3 or 4 hundred dollar new cartridge or is the Linn worth resurrecting,,,Looking for some input,Thanks.
IIRC, the k-18 is an AT95 and not the best offering Linn had. IMO, contemporary offerings for around $200 are better than a k-18.

Agreed. From my experiences with it, admittedly a while back, it was rather similar to an AT95, and less tonally vivid than the Nagaoka MP10.

The K18s Allen screw tightening bolt for its stylus assembly did seem interesting at the time but may just have been another gimmick.

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Resurrect it with a new cut down shibata or micro-ridge stylus from the new AT-95 line up.

worth it.

See the at-95 mod works, that are out there in the world, for instructions on bringing it back to life.  (cutting down the new stylus body)

BTW, it has PC-OCC copper coils, which none of the other AT-95 variants have, save a desirable and sought after few. 

If you don't want it, I'll take it. I'm doing some experimental work on at-95's and need another k-18 to work with. A control and the experiment, which means - two of them.