''retip'', ''rebuild'' or ''refreshment'' by brother Bross

Dear dover, I was looking for a ''strong argument'' reg. retip for my Koetsu

Urushi Blue Skay. I can't get rid of this cart but  remebered your argument

for the brother Bross in question with added story about Reto Andreoli whom

I also admire but without the needed ''technical knowledge'' ( aka ''low

level knowledge'' according to Raul). But who cares by the passion involved in our hobby''? The mistake  by assumptions about ''human rationality''

(aka Seneca) overlooked the following: ''rationality is ok but not all the

time''. As the most contributions in our forium prove.

Your argument which I intend to use is : ''even the owners of (brand) new

Koetsu's  asked me to post their carts to those brothers for...?

Alas you was nor specific regarding the ''wonder'' which the mentioned

brothers produced by their what: retip, rebuild of refreshment?



Showing 1 response by dover


The original Garrot Bros used to retip Koetsu's with their microscanner styli and also made modifications as and when necessary to the motors due to poor build quality. 

However the issue remains - with a retip are you going to end up with a pile of glue adding to tip mass ? Very much depends on the quality of the retip.

In my view you should get a quote from koetsu to compare to the other options - Expert Stylus/Anamighty/new Garrott.