Amusing post. What does it really matter who thinks what when it is relatively simple to just try it yourself and see what YOU think?’
I was kind of hoping that the answer would have been obvious by now.
’Before even considering the efficacy of wood in this application, I wonder if anyone thinks that it’s possible to make screws of wood; any species of wood.’
It is possible. I have seen some wood screws (and plastic) used in exceptional circumstances (not loudspeakers), but I imagine the manufacturing costs alone would be somewhat of a huge deterrent.
As for an explanation for any of the possible effects you claim to have heard, "detail in ambient trails, focus in general, complex harmonics in voices and stringed instruments, and instrumental separation" I would put more down to differences in torque and not the screw material difference between steel and brass.
I think most of us we would tend to still feel the same as you once did, ’because it seemed like one of those lunatic fringe ideas.’
Who in their right mind would consider trying this out on a pair of Harbeths, Revels, Tannoys, Wilson’s etc?