Reference DACS: An overall perspective

There has been many threads the last few months regarding the sonic signature of some of the highest regarded reference DACS (Dcs,Meitner,Ensemble,Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts) here on the GON. I have been very fortunate to audtion many of these wonderful pieces in my home or friend's systems. I wanted to share, in a systematic way, my impressions/opinions with you GON members for a two reasons: 1)That my experiences might be helpful to fellow members interested in audtioning these DACS. 2)Starting an interesting discussion regarding the different "sonic flavors" of these reference digital front ends. I totally agree with the statement, "if you have not heard it you don't have an opinion". Therefore, I have no comments regarding DACS from Weiss,Goldmund,Audio Aero and Burmester because I have never had the pleasure of audtioning them. I would love to hear from members who have and share their experiences with us. My overall impression is that these DACS(Dcs,Meitner,Ensemble,Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts) can be grouped into two molar categories regarding their overall sonic signature. By the way, all of them can throw a large/deep soundstage with excellent layering in the acoustic space with "air" around individual players on that stage. However, than they start to part company into two major categories. Category #1) These DACS "flavors" revolve around pristine clarity, fine sharp details,speed,very extended top/bottom frequencies,and great PRAT. These DACS never sound "etched" or "in your face" but are more "upfront" then "layed back" in their presentation. The DACS, to my ear's, that go into this bracket are Dcs,Ensemble,Meitner. My personnal favorite in this group is the Ensemble, which I owned for two years. These DACS remind me of the sonic signature of speakers such as Wilson,Thiel,Dynaudio, Focal/JM Labs. Category #2) These DACS "flavors" revolve around a "musical/organic" sense, natural timbres,and an easy flowing liquidity. Their "less forward" presentation my give the impression of less detail, but I think in this case its an illusion fostered by their more relaxed/organic manner. The DACS, to my ear's, that go into this bracket are Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts. I did find that the tube DACS did not have the top/bottom frequency extenstion and PRAT of the SS DACS in this bracket. For me, the Accustic Arts DAC1-MK3 gave me the best of both categories, therefore it is now the resident DAC in my system. These DACS remind me of the sonic signature of speakers such as Magnepan,Von Schweikert,Sonus Faber. Well, it's all just my opinion regarding these digital pieces, but I hope this post was at least informative/somewhat interesting and would lend itself to other GON members sharing their impressions, not about what DAC is the "BEST" in the world, but your personnal taste and synergy with your system.
Playntheblues, I wish you good luck on your purchase of the Accustic Arts DAC1-MK4, however in this case "ladyluck" will not be necessary for your total enjoyment of your new piece. So far, everyone I know who has put it into their system has been enthrilled, including myself.

So, let us know what you think of your new toy after you get it and have a chance to listen to it.
Well eh ah ah uhm I just canceled my order for the Altmann and went ahead and ordered the Accustic arts DAC 1 Mk 4.
Wish me luck.
Thanks Dev. I just ordered the Altmann Attraction DAC and it will take about 4 weeks :( to get here. I am excited to get it and if it doesn't work out I think my default will be the Dodson 218. If I see a used Zanden some day I would like to try that as well.
Hi Playntheblues it will be interesting to see what you get but my thoughts are that you will want to use your Dodd pre still in your system, suppose to be a great pre.
Well, I have just finished this thread from begining to end whew! First off thanks all for the wonderful information. The reason I started reading this thread is I am read to upgrade my DAC (Audio Logic 34MXL) in fact I just sold it here on Audiogon.

From what I have read here it looks like my list will be (in no pictular order) Dodson 218, EMM DCC SE, Zanden and Accustic arts DAC 1 Mk 4. I like the idea of not needing a pre, although I have a nice one (Dodd Audio battery/tube). There wasn't a lot of talk about the build in volume controls or pres on the dacs. Any thoughts?
Thanks and all the best, Guy
Hi Branimir, I'm curious about your experience with this X-01 D2 and even more how -in your opinion- this might translate to posible future dual dac usage in the D-03 (PCM+DSD) or D-01 (DSD only). Imagine the D-01 with superb PCM performance and than via dual dac also capable for native-DSD conversion. You're the man who is able to compare several Esoteric types. Please let us know!

Kind regards, Rene

I will received X-01 D2 next monday and after few weeks I will report my findings here.
In the mean time(or until Bill post his opinion) here is the link to Dagogo review, pretty decent one IMHO:
My apologies to Bill. Once again I have accidentally mistyped your moniker. Please rest assured that no pun, misplaced jocularity, nor artful slight was intended. However, given the fact that I do not see what I type, some occasional annoying homophonic typos may reoccur in the future. GApologies in advance. .
AudioFail, I admire your sense of fairplay, but. . . you would not be commenting between what you sell and some other player. You would be telling us your impression between two current versions of a device you sell. . . thus no unfair competition. Please do tell us about your comparative impressions of X-01 Ltd and X-01 D2. And as you are at it, you might as well comment on the differences you perceive between X-01 D2 and the mighty P03/D03 combo. Saluti, Guido
Teajay and others,
Please email or call me regarding X-01D2. Outside of specifications, availability, etc. IMO, a retailer has no business commenting on his product(s) here.
Audiofeil, hi Bill, could you share your opinion on the sonic differences between the Esoteric X-1 SE/LE and the current X-01D2. I have found the X-1SE to be a very, to use the jargon of this thread, type #1 flavor. I admired many of its sonic attributes, but found it very slightly kinda "ruthless" in the systems I have heard it in and not as "musical" as other digital front ends I have listened to.

So, does the new X-01D2 keep the virtues of details, great dynamics, extension, transparency, and add a touch of warmth or not? Please share your impressions. Thanks.
I have an X-01D2 here.
Please private email for more info.
Thank you.

Disclaimer: Esoteric retailer
Hi Rene,

Yes, I think you're right about the DSD signal, unfortunately. I looked throgh the 955 manual and it says that the source must be capable of DSD P3D operation (3 AES XLR outputs). Also, it can be used with a DSD source that has SDIF and word clock BNC outputs.

Here is a link on about this exact issue with the 955:
I have not heard the dCS Pro stuff, but I know someone who is familiar with it and the 384kHz "DXD" you refer to is very impresive he said and betters the existing level of performance.

Good news, dCS will implement that DXD in it's new products. Bad news (as far as I understood it), you are not able to play DSD signals via this Pro gear! The Pro gear get the SACD/DSD signals from recording harddisk. For audiophile usage the connection between a DSD transport and DSD dac must be Sony's firewire, or likewise+encrypted for a brand own's gear only, like Esoteric does with their ES-Link (AES/EBU but not usefull with other brands). Hope this helps.

Look forward to dCS' new Scarlatti line (pictures+names on the internet from last nov-06). Transport with VRDS-NEO. Will it have the above mentioned DXD? A new masterclock? Same ring-dac as Elgar Plus, or other new developments incorporated? And... how does it sound?!

Comparing this Scarlatti line to Esoteric 01/03 series seems most in line. For sure Esoteric did an excellent job being in the fore front, in all ways, build quality, sonics of cours, but also 'details' like all the DSP facilities on board of the P-01 and P-03 (sub on/off, spreading low freq over selective speakers, +/-dB/ch, delay/ch, test tones).

Did anyone listened/compared the X-01 D2 ?! I'm eager to hear your experiences with the dual dacs.

Regards, Rene-L
Great thread guys!

I still have a curiosity though. Reading this thread I noticed that nobody mentioned the DACs made by DCS and Weiss for the professional market, the DCS 954 & 955 and the Weiss DAC1 MK2. The reason I'm interested in these DACs is that they are quite a bit cheaper then the residential models. Could these pro models offer the same sound quality as the residential ones do? I wouldn't mind the looks if the sound was at the same level. Also, the DCS 955 has higher sample rates than the Elgar, up to 384kHz. Their prices are about 5-6000 Euros.

Here are the links: (couldn't link directly to the product, just go to professional products)

No, I didn't buy the Bluenote Stibbert yet - still hoping to find a source that does SACD, leaning towards Lindemann right now.
Henry and Branimir,
Thanks for the EMMLabs one box suggestion. I was under the impression that it did not have digital inputs. If it does, that would be high on my list. Was I mistaken? I'm afraid there won't be many good one box players that fit all my criteria...
New EMMLabs one box player as Henry already said.
Wadia 581 as alternative...

BTW, I will try to audition new Wadia 521 DAC as soon as Wadia introduce matching 771 CD Transport(RBCD only!)...
I would like some recommendations for a DAC or CDP in the $10-$15k or less range that meets these criteria: can play/decode SACD, outstanding redbook performance, and has digital inputs for coax and especially toslink. I want to be able to hook up my MacBook Pro to a CDP, so having the inputs is a must. That rules out CDP's like the ARC and the X-01LE, but there must be some other excellent players in this range that get some support in this forum (dcs P8i?, Accuphase DP-78?, etc.). Thanks for your suggestions.
I just got finished reading a review of the Accustic Arts CD Player1-Mk2 in the latest edition of hi>fi+ by Alan Sircom. He gave a strong thumbs up and thinks it competes with other CDP's that cost twice as much. To quote Mr. Sircom," Irrespective of your system, you owe it to yourself to audition this player. Its closet rivals cost twice as much; sounds like a bargain to me."

The Accustic Arts CDP does sound great, however the AA DAC1-MK4 and Drive1-MK2 go to another level, and they compete with reference digital front ends that cost at least $10000.00 to $15000.00 more.

I just hope more listners here in the states get to hear these pieces, they offer so much performance and great build quality for such reasonable prices compared with other reference level digital gear.
I am not sure I can add much to all that been said.I do have in my system four different cd players,meridian 800 Version III includes dvd A,accuphase dp-85 sacd,Reimyo cdp-777 and zanden dac 5000 signature combined with zanden 2000 transport.
My system is very complicated and can be seen on audiogon virtual system.My speakers are extremly reveling with VERY deep bass extension.After listening to all the sources I would rate them for overall sound quality,ie realism at live level without distortion or irritation with perfect imaging.The Zanden combo is by far superiur to the other sources,the Reimyo is next,the meridian third significantly below the reimyo and the accuphase dp-85 is way down.I used to have the sony es9000 in the system by far inferior to the others.In summary I find the zanden combo captivating and very addictive.By the way I listen to 95% classical and rest jazz .
I didn't think I would have anything else to contribute to this thread. That was until I read that last post.
Though I've always lived in Canada I've been a die-hard Bears fan since 1977. Why? Number 34!

No Slouch I was wondering if you bought the Bluenote? I also was wondering if anyone else had heard the Bluenote Stibbert?
Teajay, thanks for starting an amazing thread. I would love to hear your Accustic Arts dac and transport some day seeing that I am another Chicagoan. Go Bears! Bob
Two weeks ago I had the chance to audition, in this case not a home audition but in a salon's very high end system, the Gryphon Mikado CDP.

I had read a few very postive reviews on this player, even though nobody on this thread had ever mentioned this player at all. Well, to say the least, it did not float my sonic boat at all. The Mikado offered alot of details,speed, and dynamics, but I found to be to much "in your face" and not very musical at all. I think what some listeners wuold describe as "lean" sounding.

Has anybody heard any other new digital front ends or cdps that you thought were interesting lately? Branimir, have listened to the new Esoteric pieces or other possible contenders? It would be great to hear from you guys if anything new digital has caught your fancy so far in 07.
Osgorth & Branimir, JormaDesign Prime is what I will listen at within 1 or 2 months as soon as my contact over here (W-Europe) receive his ordered cable set. He is also the distributor of my VTLs and we are quite close (he better be, ha ha).

Anyway I know that making such a huge system cable choice is a delicate job and I will take my time for that (saving coins in the mean time). So, it is not a matter now of questions in general (I really don’t what to hear al kind of ‘intellectual’ stories), I actually want to decide on what I experience with my ears.

Nevertheless, with the gear I have IÂ’m not afraid to use sensitive cables that will show all what is in the systemÂ… I hope they do just that! If it will be the J/D Prime, Nordost Valhalla, Stealth topline, a.s.o., time will tell.

I only don’t like the magic box cables from Transparent or MIT. I ones exchanged an expensive Transparent Ref XL for someone’s self made but excellent sounding speakercable. But to be honest, other people I know really rave about the new MIT Oracle v1.1 MA and likewise also J/D uses a Bybee ‘black box’ in their cable. Conclusion for now? I'm open for everything as long as I can increase soundwise the quality level of the whole.
Branimir, this morning I received at my surprise an important email from Esoteric Tokyo that a combo from P-01 with D-03s connected via ES-LINK is indeed possible. Great news!!!

All the benefits of the higher quality level -or as you wish my preferred sound- with ES-LINK compared to the alternative i-LINK (firewire). And that for all 6 channels!

Herewith also best HDDVD or BR 24/192 playback possible!

Other major benefit is that the D-03 (and not the D-01) can handle SACD signals not converted from DSD to PCM. But the otherway around is possible, PCM can be up-converted to DSD. And that for all 6 channels!

So, I am more than interested in P-01 / 3x D-03 / G-0sÂ… and sure, it will cost me 6 extra AES cables (ES-LINK) but I achieve the utmost this way! Maybe too in the #1-#2 mixer Â… Anyway, me happy! :-)

regarding difference between 01 and 03 combos my idea is that gain in performance is not that big if you go for MC 01 setup. But, price difference is huge...

For two channel playback(RBCD/SACD) 01 combo is better IMHO.
For your setup little bit warmer sounding 03 combo is actually better choice IMO. Specially if you decide to try(or even buy) Jorma Prime ICs and speaker cables. This cables, although excellent IMHO are not the warmest cables in business...
In my system N0.1 I like 01 combo more then 03... But, honestly difference is not that big...

I also heard from reliable source that there is NO difference in RBCD and SACD playback between P-03 and P-03Universal. Great thing that you confirmed this results!

And when we are talking about favorites, here are mine:
#1 flavor
-Accustic Arts DAC1Mk4/Drive1Mk2(#1.2)
-Esoteric D-01/P-01/G-0s(#1.2)
-Esoteric D-03/P-03/G-0s(#1.5)
-Esoteric X-01LTD(#1.1)
-Krell Evolution 505(#1.6)
-Orpheus Lab Heritage/Zero D(#1.5)
-Weiss Medea/Jason(#1.4)

#2 flavor
-Audio Research Reference CD7(#2.1)
-Metronome C-2A Sig/Kallista Reference(#2.1)

Also reccommended are Accustic Arts Player1Mk2, Ayre C-5xe and all Metronome players...
I am not(sorry!) big fan of either EMMLabs or Zanden...
Rene_l: you can contact Jorma directly via his webpage - I'm sure he'll be happy to answer any questions you might have on the Prime cables. :)

Also, Audio Federation sells the Jorma range, did you try talking to them?

Good luck!
Metralla, thanks for your involvement. I was aware of the content behind both links. But that is almost everything you can find on the internet. JormaDesign Prime seems already a true reference in the Asian area.

Unfortunately I'm only able to eat their food, not read their language, so I don't know what they write on the many internet pages I see when I google around.

If you don't mind my butting in here ... a number of audiophiles know this cable manufacturer, having heard Jorma Prime cables when they heard the "Swedish Statement" system at CES in January of 2006. A knockout system.

This was reinforced by Levi's review on Positive Feedback ...

and by Mike and Neli's ravings over at Audio Federation in Boulder, Colorado.

Thanks Branimir. In reply to your answers:

“D-03/P-03/G-0s is fine match with your system.”… Why do you suggest this one instead of 01-series? Because of the W/A speakers or the VTL tube amplification? My set is IMO already a mix of #1 and #2 sound, kind of counter-balance. Or do you say this for the price difference between these series, which is huge for MC? Technically both can do MC, 01-series via max 6ch ES-LINK and 03-series via chained i-LINK (firewire).

“P-03Universal(when it become available in EU)”… I compared in July-06 the very first P-03UNI in EU with the P-03. To be honest at that moment I could not hear any difference between them. Maybe it was because of the (for me and not mine) difficult MBL Radialstrahler 101E. Anyway, maybe 01/03-series for best CD/SACD and for coming HDDVD/BR movie formats I rather buy such separate transport if possible from the same brand as the a/v-processor as long as I could integrate it in the MC-dac chain… time will tell.

“Jorma Prime? Excellent cables IMHO”… I’m surprised, you actually know this cable?! As far as I know you’re one of the very few. Great! The distributor over here ordered a IC/SP set, so we are able to listen to it in several weeks. With what gear did you hear them and what was your impression?
First let me tell you that some of your findings are similar to mine.
I know about difficulty to get your hands on D-01/P-01/G-0s in EU... I was in similar process...

Regarding sound differences between two combos IMHO big(D-01/P-01/G-0s) is better in RBCD playback IMO. It is faster, more detailed and with to my ears little bit different bass. It is not that forcefull ar first as smaller(D-03/P-03/G-0s) combo but, longer you listen you see that big combo is actually more realistic in bass then small one. I think that we are talking here about difference between PCM1704(D-01) and AD1955(D-03). Big combo is not that warm(in fact not warm at all) as small one is. Smaller is fatter sounding and this sonic signature can be very pleasing IMO to some people. BTW, if D-01/P-01/G-0s combo is #1.1 sound, then D-03/P-03/G-0s is #1.6! Yes, it is warmer to my ears then big one...
What is better? I do not know-it will pretty much depend on rest of your system(Ha! Here I go again-system synergy...)
You are also right regarding MC setup. I was looking in D-01/P-01 manuals and it is little mess to connect six of them... And I am not talking here about potential cost of such MC combo...

New versions(D2??) of 01 and 03 combos with separate(PCM 1704-RBCD/AD1955-SACD) DACs? IMHO Esoteric will probably wait for first reviews of X-01 D2 and also for first costumers feedback before releasing updated versions of 01 and 03 combos. So, it seems that X-01 D2 is pretty crucial for them IMHO. But, it will be reviewers(and potential costumers as well) nightmare! Why? Too much upsampling and so options! Example: RBCD with PCM1704, then SACD with AD1955, how about RBCD upsampled to SACD via AD1955? Do you know what I mean here?

And I fully agree with you about ES-link vs i-Link. AES/EBU connection works way better IMHO.

D-03/P-03/G-0s is fine match with your system. You may also think about P-03Universal(when it become available in EU) as another interesting candidate(DVD-A and DVD-V!!).

Jorma Prime? Excellent cables IMHO but, they are as well as Acrolink stuff pretty much as unforgiving as cables can be in describing that something is wrong in your system IMO. Do not get me wrong, both are excellent but, you need to match them pretty carefully with the rest of the system.
And I agree with you regarding cable brand synergy. Same brand ICs and speaker cables are the best match IMHO.
Hi. Very nice thread Teajay! Wonderful input too! Branimir, can you give me your thoughts about this:

I listened to a P-03 / D-03 / G-0s stereo setup. The combination of using this external masterclock together with ES-LINK (1 AES per channel) between P-03 and D-03 was far more superior IMO than likewise using i-LINK (firewire). Unfortunately bad thing is that i-LINK is the only option when using multiple D-03s for a multichannel setup.

I was not able to hear yet a P-01 / D-01 / G-0s setup, simply because I donÂ’t know where to find them in Western Europe. You classify these products as the utmost achievable as front end. Each channel is indeed connected with ES-LINK, which I experienced as the best. Again unfortunately, their flagship 01-series is not able to handle DSD signals as the newer 03-series can do. I know this is a wonderful RBCD thread, but talking so much about Esoteric I would give it a short try and high quality multichannel sound (SACD) is important to me (as is RBCD).

You wrote 10-23-06 “my guess is that Esoteric will release updated version of flagship D-01/P-01 (D-01 D2/P-01 D2???) pretty soon as well with further in-depth involvement with dual DACs (PCM1704/AD1955)”. You also wrote about the character differences of the 03- and 01-series. Are they becoming more alike after that D2-upgrade? If so, what would be the reason (i-LINK?!) why someone would pay an almost double price for the 01-series compared to the likewise 03-series?

Other question, what is changed with “4th generation VRDS NEO”?

FinallyÂ… I wish Esoteric 01/03-series had a BLACK-option too!Â… They would fit better with the other components and donÂ’t reflect light in a MC-audio/HT-video environment.

Furthermore I can say that I’m building (May-07) a new setup around VTL Siegfried (KT88) with VTL TL7.5mkII feeding W/A Alexandria. No cables yet, but I’m interested in Jorma Design’s “Prime” XLR+SP cables. What type of transport/dac do you -and/or other readers- see as best match with this gear?

I believe in the existence of brand-synergy between amp/preamp, transport/dacs, IC/SP-cables and speakers of course when using different types together.

For digital gear my favorites so far are Esoteric, which IMO sounded (and is build) better than EMM Labs, but at a higher price too. Not yet available but in 2007 to be expected dCS MC-gear (with right cables they can deliver real honest and involving music). Beautiful Weiss Medea+Jason (incl itÂ’s upsampler 24/192), but the latter ones are not MC. And finally ThetaÂ’s soon to be expected Generation VIII (used as dac only, separate preamp!) connected with their Compli via MegaLinque, a technique to transfer DSD-signals direct to the Gen8. The CasablancaIII would only be a controller and DD/DTS-decoder than with only dig-IN plus dig-OUT, no internal dacs, and smooth integration of HT in a MC-audio setup. But best sound first, than HT, therefor my interest in Esoteric. Look forward to your opinion!

Regards, René
My opinion on the MBL digital front ends differs from you guys. I have auditioned 1621/11 and 1521/11 in all MBL system. The 16xx with 6010d, 9011 mono blocks and 101 speakers. The 15xx 1ith 6010d, 9008 stereo amp and 116(?) speakers. In both cases I would describe the sound to be more on neutral and thus towards more on flavor #1 side than #2. The sound is very resolute, detailed and unforgiving (if recording is bad). But realistic sounding with good recordings but with a bit less weight than other reference systems I have auditioned. Better than esoteric one box model and the dcs combo. IMHO. In contrast audio note dac 5.1 and Metronome combo (very little audition time)has extreme bias towards # 2 flavor.
I've been taking a serious look at the 1611E myself. My understanding from Peter at MBLUSA is that the SACD module is a more complicated addition than a simple plug in, even though on the back of the unit it looks like there is a nice clean spot for it. I think it needs to be sent back to Germany to have the work done and it is not trivial. Still, it seems to me that that a reasonable strategy would be to do the 1611e now and then do the SACD transport and the upgrade to the dac at a later point in time, I think over the summer when it is available. Right now, they can't even quote a price on the upgrade.
Branimir, thanks for your response!

Yes, I am already leaning towards the MBL combo because of the way the cheaper 1521+1511 sounds, and the synergy with an all-MBL setup is fantastic. It's really, really natural!

Yeah, don't worry, I will be auditioning it too, but I've decided to purchase the speakers and amps first, and decide on the CD later. :)

By the way, do you think/know the 1622 will be as good at playing Red Book CDs as the 1621A is? Somehow I doubt it will. The DAC is the same I've learned, there is a plugin module for the 1611E that makes it SACD-compatible.
If you already decided for all MBL setup then it most logical step to go for 1622 and 1611E. In all MBL system they will be very hard to beat IMHO.
But, to my ears MBL 1621/1611E combo is not better then Esoteric D-01/P-01/G-0s or Metronome C2-A Sig/Kallista Reference combos...
So, for your all MBL system 1621(or even better new 1622) and 1611E are good choice IMHO.

Just as a comparison Metronome combo is more powerfull sounding then MBL IMO. And it is my current #2 sound favorite.

One other thing-your MBL dealer should provide you with 1621/1611E combo to audition it in your future system. You are buying complete MBL system at his place!!
Teajay recommended in another thread to ask Branimir of impressions of the top MBL combo: the 1621A + 1611E, so here goes!

Branimir, have you tried this setup yet, and if so what were your impressions? :)

I'm getting an MBL setup with the 116 speakers, 6010D preamp and 9007 monos in the spring, and I'm trying to come up with a suitable digital source. I did hear the 1521+1511 combo in an "all-Noble" setup on the 116's and that sounded very pleasant. I think you would classify the mbl sound as #2. Great dynamics, VERY black background (the best I have ever heard in fact). In fact I had big problems describing the sound, it was so coherent and nothing "stuck out". I've also heard the 1531 integrated CD-player, which was also very good. I'd say my experience with the 1521+1511 was better though, but that was in a different room and with different cables so it's hard to compare. I have no way to audition the 1621+1611 combo yet, but hopefully next year sometime.

I listen mostly to opera and classical, so quality vocals are very important in my decision. Judging by your descriptions in this thread I'd say I prefer #2 sound, but I want a lot of detail too, not just warm and cozy. Natural is the best way to describe it! Feel free to make suggestions, I'd appreciate that. :)
Busy listening to my new addition received this past Saturday.Initial reaction.. where there was noise in space before now that same space is filled with music.The complex is simply sighted, all in proper phase alignment. Altmann Attraction DAC. Tom
Hi Teajay, Your findings regarding difference between Accustic Arts combo and Esoteric X-01LTD almost mirrors my own resluts. For some people Esoteric player may even be little bit too lean in midrange but, not to my ears(well, almost). Esoteric big(D-01/P-01/G-0s) combo is better in that area then X-01LTD but, basic sonic signature is the same. New Esoteric D-03/P-03/G-0s combo is warmer sounding(AD1955), with fuller presentation. Is it better then big D-01/P-01/G-0s combo? Well, no. Big combo is better at details, soundstage size(more natural IMHO) and PRAT. Accustic Arts combo is real world champ for its price IMHO.
BTW, for all Krell systems new Evolution 505 player is absolutely amazing choice. In CAST connection it is able to give performance at Accustic Arts combo level in RBCD playback. And you receive SACD playback for free. Just a warning-you can loose up to 10% of its performaance if you use balanced or single-ended connection in non-Krell system.
Now, back to new Esoteric X-01 D2. Since it is using two differenent dacs(BB1704 and AD1955) it will feature pretty different sound singatures from single machine. Just a guess-it will be auditioning and reviewing nightmare! I am kidding but, we all will need a lot of time before we reach any good conclusion about X-01 D2(of course, when we all audition it!)...
Hi, Branimir, hope you are doing well and are looking forward to the holiday season(that goes for everyone else too).

Just wanted to share that I again auditioned the Esoteric X-01 SE and share my experience, and see if it agrees with your opinion.

The X-01 SE is a great sounding CDP with fantastic macrodynamics/slam and details. However, compared to the Acoustic Arts reference combo(Drive 1 mk2/DAC1 mk4), I still found it not as "organic/musical" to my ear's. I did not found the Esoteric machine to be what some critics have called "ruthless" in its presentation, just not as subjectively pleasing like the Acoustic Art pieces.

So, I would definitely put the X-01 SE in the type #1 group and the Acoustic Arts combo towards the type #2 with very good dynamics/extension/details.

Would this jive with your experience? I still think, that while not inexpensive at $13500.00, that the Acoutic Arts combo offers alot of performance for the money, and one would have to spend another $5000.00 to $7000.00 to really gain in overall performance. It will be great to hear your opinion.

Thanks for your active information-sharing and generosity in this wonderful thread. I agree with many of your postings here, and kudos for obviously having made great efforts to collect experience with a wide range of equipment.

I own the non-signature EMM combo, and though much more detailed and obviously a 'tier above' my Lindemann CD1 player in most 'audiophile' qualities, I found the older Lindemann to be more emotionally involving and also cleaner sounding. I've auditioned at length the Esoteric P-01/D-01/G-01, P-03/D-03/G-01, and X-01LE units, and found the separates to be astonishingly detailed (much more so than my EMM), but somehow uninvolving or distant. To add my data to this thread, I found the X-01LE to be quite far from the P-03/D-03 separates in overall sound quality, at least in the dealer showroom (though I suspect the X-01LE was relatively even more broken in). I would rate the three setups as more like 100/90/70%, with the P-03/D-03 possibly being the best value. I've also heard the EMM directly A/B'ed against a DCS stack with various configurations of amps and speakers, and in a direct #1-type equipment comparison, the DCS was more detailed yet more fluid, on both redbook and SACD. Only in the bass department did the EMM rate better, possibly having greater weight and authority, though less tightly defined and controlled. The differences were slight, however, within 10-15%. The store owner concurred with these observations, and pointed out the DCS combo was much more expensive.

I called a Lindemann dealer today to enquire about the 820, since this would be a logical upgrade from my CD1 (hopefully retaining the sweetness and musicality, but adding detail, timbre, soundstaging, etc.). He is also the distributor for Zanden, Audionote, and Bluenote (which I had never heard of) in his region, and he suggested I go for the Bluenote instead, which he claimed was sweeter and more organic/cohesive/musical than all his other equipment. Possibly not a totally unbiased opinion, as he may have figured the Zanden/AN gear was a difficult sell, but he seemed straightforward and honest, and did encourage me to actually buy a cheaper machine than what I originally wanted. For the record, he thinks more highly of Zanden DACs than his even higher priced Audionote DACs. He was adamant that the Bluenote bested the 820 (both appear to be #2, so apples-to-apples in this sense) on redbook, and estimated the 820 was only about a 25-30% improvement from my CD1 (but improvements being mainly in the areas I am seeking).

I'm interested in the CD7 for its reported near #2 sound and nearness to Weiss in many sonic qualities, but I use tube amplification, so can't use the balanced connectors. You suggested the CD7 may be better in balanced mode, while the AA combo may be better for single-ended operation, except the sound may be more towards #1 (though I'm not certain how far I lean on this scale).

For single-ended operation with tubes, and for someone possibly being #1.6 (this is really guessing, but it's also right between where you labeled the CD7 and AA), do you think the CD7 would still be the best option, price aside?
Personal auditioning is obviously the best and possibly the only way to discriminate such close players, but the more information as I can gather here the better.
No slouch,
I did not audition Bluenote. If you need RBCD sound very close to #2 flavor(or #2 flavor) then you can decide between ARC REF CD7 or Lindemann 820. Both are very good, ARC is little bit more organic in midrange to my ears. Both players are sounding very best via its balanced outputs. Lindemann is also little bit more user friendly(front loader, no tubes inside) for most people.
Try to audition both for yourself if possible.

Would you mind elaborating further on the differences between the Accustic Arts combo, Audio Research CD-7, and Lindemann 820 on redbook? Also, have you heard the Bluenote Stibbert? I'm looking for something closer to #2 sound.
Esoteric X-01 D2 now has a web page:
The list price in Japan is Yen 1,400,000.

Upgrades of X-01 & X-01 Limited to X-01 D2 are also available in Japan:

According to the Audiotechnique magazine in Hong Kong, Esoteric has already sent them a X-01 D2 for review. The review will be published in their Jan issue.
Fair enough. Though I only listed to digital, a well set up state of the art LP system does sound "better" to my ears, I acknowledge. The thing for me that leads to digital is primarily driven by functionality (can downlaod to PC for IPOD or wireless distribution to other rooms), storage (I have about 3000 CDs....if they were LPs..!)...etc. So I go for the best digital to my personal preferences which has been Meitner in my limited experience. I think there are quite a few like me in this regard. These reasons are also why I am quite curious with Nova Physics Memory player which is getting some hype...have no idea and probably will not available here where I live to audition for at least a year. A shame.