Reference DACS: An overall perspective

There has been many threads the last few months regarding the sonic signature of some of the highest regarded reference DACS (Dcs,Meitner,Ensemble,Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts) here on the GON. I have been very fortunate to audtion many of these wonderful pieces in my home or friend's systems. I wanted to share, in a systematic way, my impressions/opinions with you GON members for a two reasons: 1)That my experiences might be helpful to fellow members interested in audtioning these DACS. 2)Starting an interesting discussion regarding the different "sonic flavors" of these reference digital front ends. I totally agree with the statement, "if you have not heard it you don't have an opinion". Therefore, I have no comments regarding DACS from Weiss,Goldmund,Audio Aero and Burmester because I have never had the pleasure of audtioning them. I would love to hear from members who have and share their experiences with us. My overall impression is that these DACS(Dcs,Meitner,Ensemble,Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts) can be grouped into two molar categories regarding their overall sonic signature. By the way, all of them can throw a large/deep soundstage with excellent layering in the acoustic space with "air" around individual players on that stage. However, than they start to part company into two major categories. Category #1) These DACS "flavors" revolve around pristine clarity, fine sharp details,speed,very extended top/bottom frequencies,and great PRAT. These DACS never sound "etched" or "in your face" but are more "upfront" then "layed back" in their presentation. The DACS, to my ear's, that go into this bracket are Dcs,Ensemble,Meitner. My personnal favorite in this group is the Ensemble, which I owned for two years. These DACS remind me of the sonic signature of speakers such as Wilson,Thiel,Dynaudio, Focal/JM Labs. Category #2) These DACS "flavors" revolve around a "musical/organic" sense, natural timbres,and an easy flowing liquidity. Their "less forward" presentation my give the impression of less detail, but I think in this case its an illusion fostered by their more relaxed/organic manner. The DACS, to my ear's, that go into this bracket are Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts. I did find that the tube DACS did not have the top/bottom frequency extenstion and PRAT of the SS DACS in this bracket. For me, the Accustic Arts DAC1-MK3 gave me the best of both categories, therefore it is now the resident DAC in my system. These DACS remind me of the sonic signature of speakers such as Magnepan,Von Schweikert,Sonus Faber. Well, it's all just my opinion regarding these digital pieces, but I hope this post was at least informative/somewhat interesting and would lend itself to other GON members sharing their impressions, not about what DAC is the "BEST" in the world, but your personnal taste and synergy with your system.
Exlibris, I never audition EMMLabs DCC2 or Accustic Arts DAC I Mk3(Teajay could help here...) in my system. I am currently breaking-in Accustic Arts Player1 for my friend and it is very liquid sounding player but, with PRAT and nice bottom end! DAC I Mk3 could only be better...
I hate to say it but, my Weiss Medea/Jason combo is in different league( from Accustic Arts Player1), Weiss combo is simply more organic sounding and has more integrated response right through the whole frequency range. Weiss is IMO in the same class as EMMLabs DCC2/CDSD combo in RBCDP-personal preferences here are main choice here...
Regarding transports-Weiss Medea is sounding very best with Weiss Jason. With other transports you can reach up 80% of Medea's sonic potential(IMO, same is with EMMLabs DCC2 if you use it without CDSD). I tried CEC TL-1x and sound become warmer but, losses in PRAT and bass extension and definition were to big to my ears. Theta Carmen II(DVD transport) was better in bass but, sound stage was shorter and more compact. But, these sonic remarks are more clear to me then even to some of my friends... Few days ago my friend(the one who bought AA Player1) droped by to listen to my system. I was having CEC TL-1x connected to Weiss Medea alongside Weiss Jason. First we listen Medea with CEC and he was very impressed but, when we switched to Jason he simply freaked-out! He said that it was best digital that he ever heard(he also own SME20/SME5 turntable)and that he hopes that AA Player1 will be good enough for him... Analog fanatic become digital beliver!
Medea is excellent dac but, with Jason it is 20% better.
Simply said, with Jason I am enjoying Medea even more!
Could you say a few words on how your Medea DAC compares to both the AA DAC1 mk3 and the EMM DCC2?
Also, you mentioned that your Weiss combo has great bass. Would you attibute this essentially to the DAC or the transport?
I have and they sound the same

The DAC6e gives one the option of always playing MC sound and when used with the EMM Labs Switchman 3 there is none better.

The DCC2 as you know has a 2 channel DAC and built in Switchman for 2 channel. Many 2 channel purists (such as myself -even though I can play MC in my system),use a different preamp, thus using the DCC2 for DAC only. This can get to be expensive. There is a unity gain (through pass) mode on the DCC2 which allows it to be used as a theater through pass with the preamp on the processor to be used for volume control.
Jkalman...there is no diff in sound quality,,The only difference is that DAC6 is multi channel while DCC2 is 2 channel only and has a built in pre-amp is you want to use it.
Would anyone here recommend the DAC6e over the DCC2 with the CDSD. I am considering getting the DAC6e so I can play SACD with all 6 channels. Will the extra hardware decrease the sound quality compared to the DCC2? Has anyone compared the two?
Teajay, I post my impression about dCS P8i on 10-25-05 on this thread. I will repeat that I was a bit disappointed with its sonics. As I explained before it was as HIFI+ review said mixed bag. Weiss Medea/Jason combo and Esoteric D-01/P-01/G-0s combo were a lot better than P8i( truth, at a price!). In fact, IMO Esoteric X-01 is better choice then P8i, specially for RBCDP. One other thing is that HIFI+ review is positive suprise because IMO reviewer was very honest in his findings.
Didn't had a chance to audition Ayre C-5xe yet but, my friend who owns CX-7e thinks it is excellent player.Only one thing-is it better than CX-7e in RBCDP??
In the latest edition of hi>fi+, they did two very well written and informative reviews of the Ayre-5xe 2 channel and the DCS P8i SACD players. I look at all reviews with a very skeptical eye, but these offered a detailed prespective of the sonics of these digital pieces. The Ayre review was pretty much thumbs up, the DCS was more of a mixed bag. So, my question is not if anyone has read these reviews, but have any of you GON members had the pleasure to audition either one of these new entries in the digital race for acclaimed status. My only interest is their performance on redbook, not SACD.
Teajay, I agree with you 100%. My feeling is that we will stay with RBCD as a main format for at least 5 years time.
As I said before in this thread I would love to meet audiophile who owns few hundreds SACDs or DVD-As( I have 20 SACDs and 2 DVD-As). Sometimes I do not understand when people here on Agon are raving about DVD-A and they based thier findings only on one DVD-A disc which they were using for comparison! BTW, I heard excellent sounding DVD-As and SACDs but, if something really astonishing will not happen in the near future both of them are ment to fail...
Only good thing is the recordings are better and better and new digital gear also. I recently compare Wadia 850( ca. 1997) to friends Ayre CX-7e and Ayre was better in every respect-progress I guess...
Branimir, I believe that some companies do take their time for research/development to improve the pieces already in their lineup or come out with new statement gear, however many believe to stay competitive in the market they must come out with new gear at the CES gatherings every year. My hunch is that for redbook nothing going to be "earth-shattering", but refinements and increments in the overall sonic signature towards the warmth/liquidity of analog reproduction. That said, it will get better, so more toys to have fun listening to in the future! I agree that the players you mentioned are quite good and very competitive at that price break. I have a friend who has the Ayre CX7e and loves it. These days, audiophiles really have many fine digital gear to select from at different price ranges to match their personnal taste, budget, and their system.
Teajay, thanks for break-in info regarding Accustuc Arts Player 1. It is allready nice sounding( better hour by hour!)-#2 flavor I think. It remind me to ARC CD3MkII that I sold. I suspect that both these player are best value in their price range( in RBCDP), together with Ayre CX7e. Ayre also have C-5xe universal stereo player, Krell is introducing Evolution Three statement level universal music only player at CES2006. Is this something new-worth looking for or just current fashion in industry? Your opinion please?
Branimir, I'm glad he got the new generation player, as I said its supposed to be a wonderful sounding player and we both know its wonderfully built. I have no experience with the Accustic Arts power cord you are using, I run Harmonix studio masters on my digital pieces, so that I can't be helpful with. The break-in time, in my experience, is that it starts to sound very good after about 150 to 200 hours, but really opens up and shines after 300 hours of use. I did not experience it going through stages of it sounding worse before it got better, just an on-going improvement towards its ultimate sonics/performance. Please do let us know what your conclusions are after the break-in period.
Teajay, Accustic Arts Player I is the latest version( just came from Germany few days ago ). It is 24/192 and I hope that my friend made a good choice. Player is allready(20hours of listening) sounding good but, more next week... He also received Accustic Arts Power Cord Ferrite II with player(as a accessorie)-Do you have any experience with it(currently I use that one)? Usual break-in time for Accustic Arts?
I thought that all the participants on this thread would find the following information both interesting/informative. On Audio Federation's website, hi Neli and Mike, they have posted on the BLOG section their impressions/evauluations of the new Audio Aero Prestige CDP to the Meitner digital pieces. It seems so far that to their ears', to use the categories we have been using on this thread, the Meitner is a #1 flavor and the Audio Aero Prestige is a #2 flavor. They do a great job of explaining the differences between them and do not state one is superior to the other, but offer different virtues and prespectives. Back to the idea that no one piece is the "BEST" but many great sounding digital front ends that might appeal to one's personnal taste more and someone's less. As far as I know, Neli's and Mike's wonderfully written comments/impressions are the first regarding the Audio Aero Prestige player and adds to our knowledge base both the specifics of this player, along with how it sounds in context with a well known reference, the Meitner gear. Thanks Guys.
Branimir, I hope very much your friend enjoys his Accustic Arts CDP. Not to throw a "monkey wrench" into his auditioning process, but did he get the first generation CDP or the updated model? The new model is supposed to be a great improvement over the original. The bit ratio was changed from 24/96 to 24/192. The DAC1-MK3 is a different animal sonicly, so I can't make a prediction concerning his CDP, so let us know what you guys hear.
Teejay, I auditioned Ensemble Dirondo Player only-in my friends system. It was good sounding(#1 flavor) but, to me it sounded little bit thin in bottom octave. Unfortunately I didn't have a chance to audition Dirondo Drive that you are using. BTW, very nice build quality on Ensemble gear...
Just as I am writing this response I am listening new Accustic Arts Player 1(I am break-in unit for friend who bought it based on your of DAC 1MK3 review here on Agon!). More on Player 1 sound in one week time... Oh,I changed my amp from ARC VT50 to VT100MkIII( huge improvement ). Rest of the (office)system is Dynaudio Special 25,ARC REF1MkII and Esoteric DV50s. Weiss combo is in my reference system-more on that in one month( all new gear system ).
Regarding Stealth-I live in Europe but, I will be in the USA most of the January 2006 so, I will try to get one...
I hope we will keep this great thread alive and well for at least near future!
Kana813-I am very glad that you mentioned Esoteric P-0, latest version P-0s VUK is something like a living myth among Japanese reviewers and audiophiles. P-0s VUK features double AES/EBU( for 192kHz ) and is available only in Japan( do not ask about the price!).
Branimir, I see that you left a nice comment on my review of the Stealth digital Sextet cable. Without raving about it like a madman, its one of the most significant improvements I have ever heard regarding bringing a digital front end towards the warmth/liquidity/naturalness of analog reproduction in my system. So, I'm wondering if you had a chance to audition one yet, and if so what did you think? It seems that regardless of what digital pieces its used with it, it offers this wonderful quality without any apparent shortcomings or downside. There are many excellent digital cables, however I believe the Sextet offers something different and special to digital front ends.
Recently heard the EMM Labs DCC2 with a Esoteric P-0. It was a wonderful sounding combo.
Thanks, Branimir for the helpful information. Regarding the sound of the Meitner teamed with a CEC transport, only on redbook of course, I have a friend who uses a TL-0 with his Meitner DAC because he believes it offers a more "musical" presentation then with his Meitner transport. I have heard both in his system and also prefer this pairing on redbook compared to an all Meitner frontend. Historically, in my system I found the CEC TL-1 to offer beautful "liquidity/smoothness" but was somewhat lacking in details and the bass was not as dynamic/quick as I wanted it to be. The CEC was replaced by a ML31.5 which was still smooth but more detailed with much better bottom end. Branimir, do you have any experience with the Ensemble transport, that I use currently in my system, if so how does it compare to some of the other great transports you have listened to? I'll thank you in advance.
Teejay-TL-0x is having new laser(old one were having some problems with CD-R/CD-RWs...) and updated power supply, of course, color is silver-it is made in Japan. I saw TL-2SL together with DX71MkII is person and they are also made in Japan( there is clear 'Made in Japan' sign at the back ).
This combo sound very nice, BTW. #2 flavor if somebody is interested... Regarding TL-51x casework is probably produced in PRC( People Republic of China ) but, drive is made in Japan. Low retail price issue I think...
Also, warning regarding AES/EBU connection-some CEC transport use PIN 3 positive( AES standard is PIN2 positive )so it will invert digital phase.
Check out Metronome Kalista cd transport it could be interested for you...
Exlibris-I heard that EMM Labs DCC2( it is a excellent dac!) is picky about transport connection and is best sounding with CDSD. Regarding problems with AES/EBU on TL51, maybe is lock window on DCC2 is too narrow for TL51.
One option(expensive one) is to buy CDSD for SACD/CD and used CEC TL-1x(around $2200 here on Agon) for CD playback only. Some people do that... Since you wan't to 'simplify' for personal reasons it is difficult to give 'good' suggestion... If you wan't to change from #1 flavor(DCC2) to #2 flavor that is completly different story. DCC2, even with CEC transport will stay #1 flavor. Maybe Teejay could help here more...?
Branimir, do you have any information regarding the sonics of the new CEC TL-0x or the TL-2 compared to the first generation TL-0 and TL-1? Also, do you believe the build quality is on the same level compared to the older pieces? I thought I read somewhere that CEC now has its pieces built/assembled in China, not Japan, if true, would this effect the level of build quality. The older stuff was beautifully manufactured. Thanks in advance if you can provide any information on this topic.
Right now I have the EMM Labs DCC2. It's great but I need to 'simplify' for personal reasons. I tried the TL51 this week. It did some amazing things and some not so good. I want to blame the 'not so good' on the coax digital cable that I borrowed. I tried to use a higher-quality AES/EBU connector but the DCC2 wouldn't lock on to the clock signal for some reason. The same cable worked fine from my Philips SACD 1000.
Exlibris-CEC on European market also has TL2-SL version(with CEC link to connect to DX-71MkII dac). I heard that new version of TL2 might be introduced early next year...
BTW, price for TL-0x in USA is $17500! TL51x is $1290 and IMO it is the best offer in sub $3K area. It is a very good choice as starting transport for Reimyo DAP-777( together they cost around $6500 ). What DAC are you using( or plan to use?)?
Do you know if CEC plans to release any transports in between the $1,200 TL-51 and the $14,000 TL-0X? That's quite a gap.
Exlibris, I did not compare in my system the Accustic Arts Drive 1 with my Ensemble Dirondo transport. However, the individual I purchased my Accustic Arts DAC-1 MK3 from had both transports to audition the AA DAC-1 MK3 with and found no sonic advantage/differences between the two transports. Since, I already had the Ensemble transport as my reference in my system, I saw no reason, based on the trust in my friend's opinion, to audition it. It's a real compliment to these dealer, since he could have tried to "sell" me on better synergy or sonic improvement using the Accustic Arts transport instead of the Ensemble transport, but was honest in sharing that there was no reason to make the change. I know that both transports are extremely well built and sound great, however the Ensemble costs almost $3000.00 more then the Accustic Arts. Historically, I have had in my system some highly regarded transports, such as the CEC TL-1, ML-31.5, and found the Ensemble to offer me better sonics then those transports. As I advised one GON member, if you can get a Ensemble transport discounted to around $4500.00 or less I would go for it, if not, I would be very happy to have the Accustic Arts transport which sonicly competes with the best, but costs less and is extremely well built.
Did you ever compare the Accustic Arts Drive 1 to your Ensemble transport? Forgive me if you already answered this question in another post.
Exlibris, DAC6, DAC6e and DCC2 have absolutelly identical DAC sections using the top line DSD only DSD1700 DAC by Burr-Brown.

I had for longer period the accuphase dp-100 and dc 101 combo. The only meaningful comparision I have is my Mark Levinson No. 39. Compared to the Levinson, the accuphase in #1. Tons of resolution, dynamic and very clean soundprint.
Elberoth2 - Never heard the Jason, but the Weiss is a definate #1 if you will. Dynamics and digital resolution were fantastic. It is one of those components that requires an in-home audition with a decent burn-in of 3-5 days, if not longer, prior to critical listening.
I have had for quite some time now a Muse Model One Ninety Two as my reference DAC connected to a Muse Model Eight transport via BNC and can say that I haven't had the urge to search for anything new since. If forced to categorize this DAC into one of Teajay's categories, I would have to say it is a Cat. 2 unit.
Does anyone have an opinion on the EMM Labs DCC2 (DAC section only) vs. the EMM Labs DAC6e on Redbook? If you prefer one over the other, please say why.
Deshapiro, if you think X-01 was good, wait until it passes the 450 hrs of break in mark.
At 300 hours mine still showed some etched treble on several of my recordings, e.g. Trevor Pinnock playing J. S. Bach Partitas on cembalo [Archiv 451-493-2]. I played the same recording again yesterday, approx at the 480 hrs mark. The etched treble has now turned into a delicate lace-like shimmer at the top.
Mgottlieb suggests the breakin process should likely be extended past the 750 hours mark. I am looking forward to it!
Elberoth2-I belive Jazzdax also tried Weiss Medea in his system... Regarding #1 or #2 flavor it is difficult question. I will try to explain-If Esoteric D-01/P-01/G-0s combo is #1 flavor( and one of the best combos on the market ) then Weiss Medea/Jason is something like #1.5 , I know it seems strange but, Weiss combo is definitely warmer sounding then Esoteric gear. Weiss has killer bass(in this regard only Esoteric combo was the same!), nice midrange presence(male vocals!) and extended highs(but, not as Esoteric!). Since Weiss is not favoring highs like some other combos( that are #1 flavor ) I think it could be #1.5 flavor. Or, call it #1 but, very close to #2 sound.
Reimyo DAP-777 which is very good #2 sounding dac is warmer than Weiss and IMO not so good sounding...
I bought Weiss combo and it is my reference-only other digital gear that I would like to own is new Esoteric combos, either D-01/P-01/G-0s or D-03/P-03/G-0s.
Branimir -> you must be the only person on AgoN using the Weiss combo.

Is it #1 or #2 flavor ?
Hi David. Glad you like Esoteric X-01, it is fantastic player! Regarding Meridian, IMHO introduction of 808 Signature( CD Player only!) was clear sign of DVD-A defeat.
I auditioned Meridian 800 V4 DVD-A/DVD-V/CD player and was not very impressed with RBCD playback performance-it is almost #2 flavor but, Audio Research was IMO better sounding player...Try to audition both Meridian's(808 and 800V4) for yourself. Also, new Mark Levinson No.51 is DVD-V/CD player only! So, when Levinson is introducing new flagship player for $15K without DVD-A( and SACD ) something is defnitely wrong with future of DVD-A( and maybe with SACD, too)...
Where would the Dodson 218 fit in this discussion? I've never heard one but have read some glowing reports.
Hi All,
I just auditioned the XO-1 today. What a fantastic player. Refined, layered with a real"yuo are there" kick (flavor 1). It was run through a CJ pre, Manley 250 amps in tetrode , valhalla wiring and Joseph Audio Pearl speakers. I still need to audition the 800 Meridian series, since I think that that may be the future.

David Shapiro
Good question Teejay! My reference power cord is Siltech Signature G6 Ruby Hill and it is excellent sounding with Weiss Medea DAC and Weiss Jason CDT, much better than PS Audio Statement Power X-Stream that I previously used.
With Esoteric DV50s I use Acrolink 7N-PC7100.Also, I had a chance to try new Acrolink 8N-PC8100 with Esoteric D-01/P-01/G-0s and it is even better than 7N-PC7100. Strangely with Esoteric DV50s Acrolink has slight edge over Siltech but, with Weiss situation is reversed. In my home I use separated power lines for amps and preamp/dac/cdt. Preamp and dac are powered from dedicated 20A line, power amps from two dedicated 30A lines( my electrical guy thinks I am crazy!). I spend a lot of money for new in-wall power cables etc. Experience with Shunyata Hydra 8 was a strange one, sometimes it almost muted dynamics...
In my office I use PS Audio P500 and there it works well.
But, in general I have very mixed feelings about power conditioners... Good after market power cords are essential IMO to get the best out of our DACs/CDts or CDPs.
BTW, the biggest difference in my system are dedicated power lines. Once you have it, you can not live without it!

Thanks for explaining External Clock issues.

I always thought there must be some good reason that the clock is placed close to the DAC.

First, thanks to all you GON members for participating on this thread/topic in such an interesting, friendly, and informative way. I wish more threads would have the good "cheer" and "egolessness" of this on-going discussion and information sharing. Now, on to my question, regardless of what dac or transport I have auditioned in my system they all sounded significantly better when using a power conditioner and different power cords. My present gear, after experimenting with different pieces, is the Ensemble Duo Isolink and Harmonix Studio Master power cords for my digital front end. I would appreciate if you guys would share what your experiences have been regarding this area of digital front ends. Thanks in advance.
I have just posted a mini review of the sonic changes caused by Epiphany and Shunyata Python Helix VX on Esoteric X-01. See:
I confirm subjective impressions of redbook sound of D70/P70 so close to X-01 to make comparison a little difficult. P70/D70 withdrawn in North America. Newer VU version available only in Europ/Asia. Also fair to remember that D70/P70 approx one quarter the price of new P01/D01 combo, and likely half the price of new P03/D03 two box combo.

Audioesq-Esoteric D-70/P-70 combo is #1 flavor. It is still excellent sounding gear but, in direct comparison with D-01/P-01/G-0s it was clear that new combo is better( in RBCDP). D-01/P-01/G-0s has more refined and little bit deeper bass, more presence in midrange( specially on male vocals ) and highs has even more extension and refinement.
My friend owns D-70/P-70 and is very happy with it but, even to him it was cleary that D-01/P-01/G-0s combo is better... He also had a chance to compare D-70/P-70 to new X-01 and for him differences were small( but, in X-01 favor!) so, he will keep D-70/P-70.
If you wan't little bit warmer sound you can add CEC TL-51x cd transport to D-70/P-70 combo. CEC TL-51 is not very expensive and it is warm sounding CDT.
D-70/P-70 is straight #1 flavor as possible but, very good sounding one. Also, sound of D-70/P-70 is best with active preamp in system( around 10-20% depending on preamp) than with Esoteric's volume control.
You can also read TeeJay's comments on CEC,Guidocorona's on X-01 and mine on D-01/P-01/G-0s.
Very important thing is price since D-70/P-70 is not any more availabile in Usa and Europe. If you fing it at very good price go for it. Build quality is far better them most of the other gear in this class.
Happy hunting!
Looking for input and comments about the Esoteric D-70 D/A when matched with the Esoteric P-70 transport (for redbook CD only). Any A-goners' personal listening experiences are welcome. Teac/Esoteric indicate that this combo is still their reference for redbook CD, notwithstanding the introduction of several products that also handle SACD (i.e., X-01, P-01 and D-01, etc.)

From my reading of several reviews, P-70 and D-70 fall into Teajay's #1 category, but do they sit all the way at one end, as far from category #2 as possible, or is their sound more refined on the top end, so that they are in the middle of #1? (This assumes we can theorize Teajay's categories as a continuum).

Appreciate any thoughts and comments.
Alex, I suspect you may be correct. It was exactly my guess. . . that the external clock will make a difference mostly when synchronizing multiple units. But I will give the G0S another chance in a couple of weeks in a friend's system. It will be an interesting yet academic exercise, as I do not plan to get one, unless it truly blew me away, which I suspect won't be terribly likely.
When it comes to separate Transport and DAC boxes, an external clock is beneficial as it syncs them all (frequency, not phase).

When it comes to stand alone unit like UX-1 and X-01 for example, external clock is of a little to no benefit. It will sure make the actual clocks in the player rock solid in terms of long term (and temperature dependant) frequency stability, but that's about it. This does not have any sonic impact as the long term frequency stability affects the playback speed only. Since the clocks are very high frequency, the usual long term frequency change results in speed fluctuation that can not be even measured with precise meters, not to talk about your ears.

External Clock will not improve the peak to peak (short term) jitter performance of the stand alone player internal Clock Generators (or transport and DAC internal clocks) which actually is the most important when it comes to clocking digital.

Esoteric D-03/P-03 combo is scaled down version of D-01/P-01 combo. It will be availabile in Europe and Usa in January 2006. Price-around 60% of D-01/P-01 combo. First auditioning reports from Japan are excellent. They said it is something like 90% of D-01/P-01 combo. Interesting thing is that over 90% of people in Japan who bought D-01/P-01 or D-03/P-03 also bought G-0s masterclock with them. I am in email contact with one Japanese reviewer, in his opinion D-03/P-03 combo is better buy then D-01/P-01 combo. Also I must say that build quality of all Esoteric gear is far better then most other stuff in this class. Only Weiss and Burmester can touch them in that regard...
BTW, Guido-give G-0s little bit more chance... With D-01/P-01 combo improvment was with red book CD playback and same typ of digital cable in system.
Thank you TJ for this excellent thread. Not having had the opportunity of listening to the Esoteric stack, I have auditioned at length, then finally purchased the Teac Esoteric X-01 single box. My findings concur with Branimir: a type 1 sound. . . one with clenliness, ease, liquidity and a great 'heart'.
not to forget its huge 3d well focused soundstage and the ever-present sense of air and room decay around instruments. I listen only to classical music, mostly chamber and the X-01 staggers me with its nuance and microdynamics.
I have now just over 300 hrs on it and the creature is coming into its own and is still changing.
One interesting note: I recently had the opportunity to audition the X-01 augmented by the G0S masterclock. . . over the course of a whole evening I could detect a discernable improvement only on a couple of recordings. Changing IC from Panther Audioquest to Sky made instead a quantum leap improvement.
And one question: has anyone gathered any info about the brand new Esoteric P03/D03 combo?
Good news for all CEC TL-0 fans, CEC just introduced TL-0x!
TL-0x in refinement of original TL-0. New one is available in silver color only. It should be available in Europe and Usa in limited quantities( 1st quarter of 2006 ). More is on Japanese web side ). Price-around $14K
Sgr, before I finally replaced my ML360s, I had added the DCS Purcell which significantly raised the performance of the 360s in all the right ways {more air around players,bigger/deeper sound stage,more details,more clarity,deeper/better bass} and kept that front end for another two years. The 360s will only handle 24/96 upsampling, so DSD is not possible with this DAC. So, my opinion would be: 1) If you can audition a DSC Purcell, see if you can find a older model without the firewire for DSD, it should be less expensive and have no effect on the sonics, see if it gives you a great sonic bang for the buck, if not, then audition some of the newer DACS discussed in the thread. 2) Your ML 31.5 is still one of the best transports in the world, I would see no reason to change it regardless if you go to a different DAC in your system. 3) My personnal taste is towards type #2 DACS that still offer great details,speed,dynamics along with warmth/liquidity/musicality, thats why I finally chose the Accustic Arts DAC1 MK3 for my system. I never claimed that its the "BEST" in the world, even though I think its quite terrific and a great bargain at its price. 4) I'm sure your quite curious to hear some of these other DACS in your system, but first I would run the experiment with the Purcell to really get all the possible potential out of your 360s, you will also have fun experimenting with the four digital filters that the Purcell offers you to tailor the sound to your personnal taste ( mine was always filter 4 by the way), then go on to audition other DACS if your not really satisfied.