record weight .... correct weight?

Searching in the web, there is a wide range of weights for what we put on top of our records, goes from as low as 200grs to 3 pounds .... why those differences? is 3 pounds really necessary?,what should be the correct weight for this devices and why?, I would like to know your ideas about this matter.
thanks in advance
I'm really not sure the Mitchell weight does much as my table sounded fine without it, but it was an inexpensive tweak that makes me feel like I care so I use it anyway.
I second Elinor's recommendation the Oyaide weight. I've settled on the lighter one on my Lenco after trying out quite a few well-regarded clamps and weights. It is adjustable in increments of 200g; each change brings an audible difference. Made of brass, stainless steel and carbon fiber. Really nice, versatile weight.
Hi Elinor,
For those who "allow" their wives to handle their gear (turntables!), I was suggesting it could be tricky for her if she's just greased herself up :)

No, actually I'm one of the "undamped Brigade" who allows the record to vibrate freely and have never used weights personally (although I've heard weights & clamps in action on plenty of other turntables). Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.

My GoldSpot Ringmat probably wouldn't handle the strain if I dumped a couple of pounds of ballast on it. ;^D
I'm told the platter bearing would handle at least 4 pounds of extra pressure long term but definitely not recommended to add more.
You do realise you've just panicked half of the weight-wielding Audiophiles out there :)

You've got them sweating over the ongoing health of their Goldfingers and A95s...especially if the Wife has just used moisturising lotion.. ;^) :)
Exhibitors at shows may be more concerned about someone dropping a record weight on the turntable than trying to get the absolute best performance out of a compromised room setting. Electronics shows are not where published reviews are conducted.

An expensive cartridge could easily get damaged or the beautiful finish on a plinth or tonearm could end up with a dent or scratch. The nuanced sonic gains of a weight or clamp may not be worth the risk. Unless a turntable designer/ manufacturer (or similarly knowledgable vinylphile) speaks up, we won't know for sure.

Just sayin'...
Could be a matter of convenience(?) but if their gear was sonically disadvantaged by not using clamps & weights you'd think they'd want it to be fully "tricked up" to impress the punters...?
Elinor mentions: " Also take note of the number of exhibitors at shows no longer using weights or clamps at all." and that's really interesting, maybe there is a reason for that
I have responded recently to a more general question about record weights and what they do in general. Yes, your question is spot on. Weights on most tables reduce left/right sound stage and increase depth of stage. This can be a positive or a negative for you. Leading edge transients can be more precise as well. At some point enough weight will dull the sound in the upper frequencies and accentuate the lower ones. The easiest way to hear the difference is to borrow or buy an Oyaide RW. It comes in two weight categories and either one is adjustable within a fairly wide tolerance. It's a little funky looking but it is a very good weight and you can at least get close to your ideal. You should also consider what you are using as the interface between your record and the platter. Mats matter and in my experience they do so more than weights. If you don't use a mat of any kind and you want a good one the Oyaide is excellent at only $100.00. Also take note of the number of exhibitors at shows no longer using weights or clamps at all. After buying a very good mat I have settled with using no weight on the record. I am NOT an Oyaide dealer or manufacturer.
You can read this first:
I like this record weight (375g.) with removable 45 adaptor in the middle. It's a great idea, normall weight desiglen only for small hole pressing, impossible to use for 45 rpm '7 inch press (with big hole).

But for the LPs i preffer the cheapest and i really like this one:
450gm weight, good shape, nice feeling etc.

Remember that super heavy vintage rare Micro Seiki ST-20 Recorder Stabilizer which goes for $300+ nowadays and promising to be good for direct drive like SP10 along with CU-500 copper mat. Can't say anything about the ST-20, but CU-500 is amazing (big improvement). So for me this is also a question as they are supposed to be used together. Well. maybe later.
In addition to the bearing like twoleftears stated, it also depends on the type of suspension your table uses.
I use a Mitchell "Rega" weight/clamp (Linn table) which requires the user to apply downforce before screwing down the clamping mechanism knob, thus making the whole operation somewhat random relative to actual force applied. Still, it works.
Good question, without a good answer; or rather, not a consistent answer...

The down force applied to a record sitting on a platter is accomplished in three ways: A weight, a clamp, and/or suction. Three methods, but the same objective of getting good contact between the record and the platter and minimizing vibration of the record caused by the stylus or external sources.

(A side benefit of a periphery weight or vacuum platter is that record warps can be removed/reduced.)

But the amount of force required varies depending on the material/design of the record weight or clamp, the material/design of the platter and bearing (and the rest of the turntable), whether there's a platter mat or not, and if used, the type of mat. Even the thickness and density of the record can make a difference.

In other words, it depends. Unfortunately, I don't think there's been a study to determine the "correct" amount of downforce to use depending on the type of weight or clamp used with a given turntable setup.

I prefer using a threaded clamp because unlike a record weight you can adjust the amount of downforce. As for the benefits of a periphery weight, I use a record flattener to fix warped records so a periphery weight isn't necessary.

But I'm sure there are other perspectives on the matter. :-)

Surely this would depend, at least to some extent, on what kind of platter bearing the turntable uses. I'm no engineer, but I would have thought that some of the heavier weights might negatively affect some designs of bearing.