
Responses from ttweights

TTWeights closing their doors
The TTW Knock off beware of junk. Look at the machined finish, the materials just terrible. 
TTWeights closing their doors
Interesting comment: Because we made the weight out of PURE BRASS they need to be maintained,,,well yes.Other weights are brass plated, cost about 20% vs a pure brass clamp, geeze so sorry for using the real brass McCoy in our heavy center weigh... 
TTWeights closing their doors
Hi Guys, I did not "bash VPI" told it as it is.No more mats, sorry shipped the last ones.As I said, a 99.5 % satisfaction rate, you only hear about problems on forums, you will not hear from 1000's of happy customers but you sure here from the sam... 
TTWeights closing their doors
Sorry you misunderstood Lewn and thanks for buying some of our ger, I hope you enjoy using our products. We are happy but sad to go, but the fun is gone and if one cannot be passionate about the products it is time to stop.PS: Thanks for the hundr... 
TTWeights closing their doors
PS - VPI was founded 37 years ago...not 50They built there first tables around 1985 .... so 30 years in business.LJT - TTW 36 years in buinsess.Just an FYI 
TTWeights closing their doors
We did not have to close our shop but....just sold my company for a ton of cash, LOL. We did not go out of Business, meaning we  chose to sell our shop and take the money vs. Building cheap shit and making money. There are many ways of making mo... 
TTWeights closing their doors
Yes VPI is made in USA and the motors are $75.00 products, our servo motor is $550.00 US plus $400.00 for the control board.....just got o HURSTS website and look.The VPI tables are not in the same league as TTW tables .....  not even close.They h... 
TTWeights closing their doors
100% of TTW Products used certified aircraft grade NAFTA materials which means MANUFACTURED IN USA OR CANADA.Machined on USA Built Hardigne Machines also, these are sold but cost 300K per piece.We use motors and servo controlers that cost 10 times... 
Spindle Holes
Technics 1200 Series OUTER RING?
PS Mr Totem - another with ZERO feedback funny how the real Audiophiles with feedback have good conversation to offer, thanks for your valuable comments :-)))) 
Anyone Else Heard the Merlin Black Magic TSM?
Guys Andrew goes around hassling people you cannot take anything he says seriously - check out his feedback - wow Do not get mad just laugh it off, cheers 
Taralabs cables
Oh boy Andrew do you ever stop harassing others.If everyone agrees this guy is a bad actor....Nothing positive in all of hos comments just a joke.He has no credibility or feedback just a loser. 
Technics 1200 Series OUTER RING?
Our feedback is 100% everywhere, that is credibility. The fact Audiogon supports us seems to bother you, no one is forcing you to be here and everyone would be better off if you did not comment because your comments a waste of everyone's time.The ... 
Technics 1200 Series OUTER RING?
Hey have NO FEEDBACK ..thus no credibility maybe you should think about that. 
Technics 1200 Series OUTER RING?
it seems the forums are mostly arguments what is the point.Funny, the Audio industry is at a low point and no one is making money you all think we are rich LOL !!For the record, we will not make 1200 series rings, the tooling cost is too high and ...