Recommendations to upgrade my amp to pair with my Sonus Faber Sonetto IIIs

I’m thinking of upgrading my amp on my current system..I have the Sonus Faber Sonetto III speakers, and currently, I’m running the Rogue Audio Sphinx 2 amp. I’m thinking of upgrading my amp, as I’ve been told that could drastically make my speakers sound better. Let me know what you think and if you have any recommendations.


Price range, 2000-3500


Audio Research is part of the well known synergistic combo of Sonus Faber, Audio Reseach, and Transparent cables and interconnects. I independently discovered this combo over a period of fifty years. Once, I had all SF and ARC gear with Transparent I started seeing references to it. You can see my system under my ID. For you, I would look for a used Ref75. Save up if required… what you have should sound good.

I would also consider a Rogue ST-100.  It is pairing very well with my Olympica iii.  Audio Research as mentioned above is another great choice.