A good friend of mine, who is now 89 years old, bought some original Heresy's that are in beautiful condition, on integrated stands that are beautiful as well. He was not happy with them at first, so he made some inquiries regarding the crossovers and wiring, he was then able to rewire them until they sounded to his liking.
I came over to visit him, and brought my new 3C24 tube amp with me and hooked it up to his Heresy's, and I was floored by what I heard. I spent hours with him, just enjoying every minute.
I know this probably not what you were hoping to hear, but I was very impressed by what I heard. I think whatever Heresy you wind up with, you will have someting quite good to work with, there is an untold amount of knowledge available for the Heresy line so there's undoubtably a good future ahaead of you.