Qobuz Term of Service

Well I do occasionally stay at Holiday Inn Express (old joke), but what the heck does this statement from Qobuz mean if I’m in the US? Ready to sign up for the trial until I got to here.

I hereby consent to the immediate fulfillment of the contract and acknowledge that I will lose my right of withdrawal once the download or streaming of digital content has begun

It's the lose my right of withdrawal that's a puzzle.  Or anything to do with once I actually download and have their files in my possesion I am bound to them for life?
Don’t overthink it.  Qobuz is great.  You can always just unsubscribe, but I doubt you will.  Just enjoy. 
They are allowed to bill you if you use their product as proven by either download or stream.  You forfeit your right to say service was unfulfilled and demand your payment back.  This isn't a lifetime contract, it's just month to month billing in most cases.  Just don't start using the service outside a trial period and expect money back for any reason.