Purist Audio - Venustas Luminist rca


what do you think of these cables?

I had a mixture of Neptune and Corvus cables from Purist thought they sounded really good until I heard Audiomica cables from Poland. Sold all my Purist and haven't looked back. Fuller, more extention at the top and more "real" sounding like I'm at some jazz club. 
So yesterday I received a new 1m pair of Venustas Luminist RCA from the dealer I have been working with where I bought my Venustas speaker cables from. I immediately plugged them in on my A/V receiver and CD player to burn-in while I was working (benefits of working from home right now) because I would rather not waste tube hours on my main system. So last night I did some listening realizing the Venustas RCA only had 6 hours on them, the Cardas Cygnus have over 300 hours. My immediate impressions were clear. The Venustas just has so much more focus, thats the best way to describe it. Every instrument has much more focus in the imaging and every singer, tracks where multiple vocalist were used, each one has a clearer focus and defined voice. The overall body and tone is fuller, especially upright bass like Milt Hilton's bass on Gutbucket Steepy on Branford Marsalis album Trio Jeepy is eerily realistic and present. Overall soundstage is bigger, wider, but mostly deeper both front to back. The Venustas is impressive.
I'm currently selling my Purist Audio collection RCA and XLR in Luminist version on other website. Venustas, AA, Musaeus. Same ID from Dallas... 
I have both Purist Neptune and Wywires Diamond RCA interconnects. Neptune is excellent but the Diamond is at a different level. Try it if you can.
@chayro thanks. I love my Venustas speaker cables. I don’t think my system is dark at all, rather neutral right now. I just didn’t want it to start leaning dark. 
I compared the Venusta RCA to my Neptune and they were pretty much indistinguishable, although the Neptune had a lot more time on it.  Both very open and clear, but not harsh.  I think if you like your speaker cables, you will like the IC.  That said, I probably wouldn't recommend Purist to someone who felt his system was too dark any more than I would recommend Nordost to someone complaining of an overly bright system. 
Love mine.   5 meter rca from pre to amp.   But mine are the former model praesto revision. 
I’m running a PrimaLuna EVO 400i with Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII. Source is mostly Innuos Zen mkIII and Chord Qutest. I running a new set of Purist Venustas Luminist Bi-wire (about 250 hours on them now). Thinking of getting an RCA pair of Venustas RCA to replace my current Cardas Clear Cygnus between my Qutest and PrimaLuna. Do you think the Venustas will be too dark sounding? I love the openness, soundstage and full body I got with the Venustas speaker cables. Thanks
They can sound Very laid back depending on your system.
You may have to crank the volume  way up to get the kind of presentation you want. Very Deep Soundstage as mentioned above.
But, if you want something that you can crank up loud, they fit the bill.
Great bass detail,deep soundstage,airy extended highs and detailed midrange. They are very quiet as well as PURIST has some of the best shielding of any cables.Enjoy!
Great sounding cable from a Co that has been around for 30 years(not many can say that).
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