Ps audio aspen FR 30 Loudspeakers

Having bought several upper end products from p.s audio in the past such as their flagship dac   Parts quality inside were Average at best.   I am looking at New Loudspeakers and having over 40 years in audio and owning a Audio Store  to me a 🚩 flag is when you won’t should the Critical Xover inside which is the ♥️ orthe 🧠 of the speaker ,  at $28,500   The speaker should be shown inside and out , and if a company uses the term proprietary drivers or Xover parts ,that means nothing special I except the lofty $$ price tag.  Having modded Loudspeakers for myself and others for over 20 years ,know first hand most mags  take many cost cutting short cuts . It’s up to the mfg to Prove to the buyer they are worthy,Especially a totally new item , they specialize in electronics ,Not Loudspeakers .  Unless you can see everything about the drivers, and Xover and parts quality ,then most likely parts are made in China or close to it ,in reality less then $8k into the total build ,  look at a Wilson Sabrina ,Magico, B&W , they all disclose their build designs . Just ge careful, if you can’t see all your answers, they buy with ⚠️ Caution ⚠️ 


@stereo5 Did not have any feelings about it. Just figured you were a real bad engineer and may have graduated at the bottom of your class. 

Hell I know people who are CPA's and tend bar. 


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Have an EE sold Audio instead.


I understand perfectly having sold high end for 20+ years, and having an EE degree

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I understand perfectly having sold high end for 20+ years, and having an EE degree.  What you don’t get is the speakers are built to a price point and you can’t get the top end parts in a speaker  that sells for the price of the FR 30’s.  

Anyone can mod crossovers, it isn’t EE or rocket science. I have been in this hobby for well over 50 years so the only ignorance is what you wrote about me.  

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Lots of assumptions on your part from never hearing them. Many speakers don’t showcase their crossovers. Who really cares about the looks or parts brand of the crossovers if they sound fantastic? As for myself, I wouldn’t care if they were made in Togo as long as I was getting my moneys worth.



You can see videos of them on  you tube where customers have bought them and Paul and others go to the customers house and they set them up .

OP, you are overthinking the whole thing. If you like the way the speakers sound, and you have the budget, you buy them. I don't think you would want to look at the back of an Infinity RS 2.5. Nothing but junk parts but they sound great. 

I haven’t seen or heard them, and probably never will.  I do trust, though, that they spent years coming up with the very best speaker they could.  Those with more disposable income than me can judge.